Half an hour later, ye Pengfei changed his hair style, clothes, trousers, belts, shoes and so on. After he put on his heart, he had a few more grades.

Lianyu and the make-up artist were stunned. Obviously, they were surprised by the temperament of Ye Pengfei.

Because at the moment, ye Pengfei is undoubtedly like the hero of the idol drama in the TV series.

In addition, ye Pengfei's clean and clear temperament is undoubtedly very compatible with today's publicity of natural spirit liquid.

Lianyu can't help admiring Mr. Xiao's foresight. Unexpectedly, ye Pengfei is still a little handsome after he dresses up.

Later, ye Pengfei followed Lian Yu to the press conference. Unexpectedly, there was a lot of excitement here.

In particular, the major media reporters, as well as the big brother carrying the camera, ye Pengfei was stunned.

"Mr. Xiao, Ye Peng is here."

Lianyu brings Ye Pengfei to the stage of the press conference.

Xiao Ruxue was relieved to see ye Pengfei coming.

I don't know why, now as long as I see ye Pengfei around, Xiao Ruxue has a sense of inexplicable security.

If ye Pengfei doesn't feel flustered, he will always be around.

"Xiaoxuexue, don't worry. I'm here, aren't I?"

Ye Pengfei quickly came to sit down beside Xiao Ruxue, only to find that all around are the leaders of Xiao's group, and there are even many people he doesn't know. Obviously, they should be some senior members of Xiao's group.

Click, click!

Those reporters kept taking photos and flashing lights, which made Ye Pengfei very uncomfortable.

To tell you the truth, this is the first time for ye Pengfei to experience this kind of occasion. Although Ye Pengfei is often lectured by people in the dark, he really has no experience in this kind of open press conference.

Xiao Ruxue, as Xiao's group, successfully presided over the meeting.

She first used a very simple language to say about natural spirit liquid, nothing more than highlight the advantages of this product.

After these introductions, the audience quickly began to discuss, almost burst the pot.

Xiao Ruxue specially elaborated the pertinence and various advantages of natural spirit liquid. This product will undoubtedly have an impact on the cosmetics industry of the same kind.

For example, Xu group.

"Well, next, let's take a look at the promo."

Soon, on the huge screen, the propaganda film shot by Ye Pengfei and Qiu Yihan was quickly broadcast.

For a moment, people were fascinated. They didn't expect that the advertisement of natural spirit had such artistic conception.

"Pa Pa Pa!"

Below the crowd quickly began to applaud, as if completely shocked by this promotional video.

"Well? Who is that girl? God, it's so beautiful. It's like a fairy falling from the world. "

"Yes, and the hero is also so handsome. His eyes are like lake water. It's so fascinating. My God, I can't stand it. I seem to be his girlfriend."

"Why don't we buy some snow cream to see how it works?"


The heated discussion continued off the field, and the praise was innumerable at one time, which made all the people very excited.

"Mr. Xiao, this propaganda film is so good. I wonder if the two people in the propaganda film also came here?" Below, suddenly someone asked.

Xiao Ruxue said with a smile: "although our heroine didn't arrive, the hero was at the scene, and the hero was by my side."

Immediately, Xiao Ruxue pointed to Ye Pengfei on the edge.

Click! Click!

With the sound of taking photos one after another, ye Pengfei stood up and said with a smile: "Hello, everyone."

"Wow, so handsome."

"Yes, it's really handsome, just like a male star."

"Why? How do you feel this person is a little familiar? "

Today's Ye Pengfei after a careful dressing, no doubt became a top handsome man.

Ye Pengfei blinked with a smile and said, "do you want to know why my skin is so good? In fact, I'm a big fan of natural spirit. Believe me, you deserve it. "

Below the crowd immediately laugh, obviously Ye Pengfei's joke, let everyone extremely look forward to.

In the next question session, Xiao rushue tries to keep a smile. In the face of the questions from the major media, the other party is calm.

"Miss Xiao, what is your original intention of developing natural spirit liquid?"

Xiao Ruxue said calmly: "nowadays, the cosmetics industry is expanding day by day, and even has reached the level of flooding. Under such circumstances, there are undoubtedly a lot of inferior products, even fakes!"

Seeing that everyone was listening quietly, Xiao Ruxue said: "once I was impressed that a young girl was disfigured because she used some kind of cosmetics, which even led to serious depression. I wanted to speak quietly several times. At that time, I was very sad. So from then on, I was wondering if someone could develop a pure heaven However, no harmful cosmetics come out. This kind of cosmetics has the effect of improving the skin continuously, and it will undoubtedly be younger and more beautiful if it is used continuously. It is in this environment that the natural spirit liquid is born! "WOW!

Pa Pa!

Everyone applauded, because what Xiao Ruxue said did exist, and it was not a case.

Soon, another reporter came out and said with a smile, "Mr. Xiao, what cosmetics do you usually use?"

As soon as this remark came out, people were shocked.

Because the natural spirit liquid is produced, Xiao Ruxue's usual cosmetics can't be said. Otherwise, the reporter's goal will be achieved.

However, today is the launch of the natural spirit liquid. If you name other cosmetics, it's OK.

"Is this guy here to make trouble?"

Soon, the people on the other side of Xiao's group began to scold one after another.

But at the moment, Xiao Ruxue didn't panic at all, and calmly replied: "thank you for your question, but I'm sorry, because I never use any cosmetics, because my skin is very good from childhood, and I don't need it at all, and natural liquid is specially prepared for people with relatively poor skin."

"What? Xiao Ruxue never applies to cosmetics. Has she always been plain? My God, Xiao Ruxue is the goddess in my mind. "

Soon, the next burst open the pot again, and the previous reporter, is also a little heavy heart, naturally do not want to get such a result.

"Mr. Xiao, do you really not use any cosmetics?"

"Yes Xiao Ruxue's smile even stretched out her face to make everyone see clearly.

"Wow, it's really plain."

Ye Pengfei on the edge is happy in his heart. Xiaoxue is really fierce. Today, he must have expected this problem. Otherwise, he would never have been so calm.

But now it's just the beginning. The real killing moves are absolutely behind.


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