In the hall, many gangsters came to make trouble. Seeing that there was bingqinlan, the great beauty, they immediately became hot eyed and drooled.

Wang Dong, the security team leader, quickly stood up and yelled, "if you flies chatter any more, don't blame our team leader."

Finish saying, the security team leader hurriedly toward the ice Qin LAN of this side looked to come over, obviously a little bit want to show of meaning.

After all, they are the two iceberg beauties of Yamei group. They have a good figure and noble temperament. It's said that they have never had a boyfriend, and I don't know if they're still here!

Wang Dong thought badly in his heart. Of course, he soon noticed that ye Pengfei beside bingqinlan was stunned!

"Who is this guy?" Wang Dong was puzzled, because he asked for leave these days and was not in the company, so he didn't know the identity of Ye Pengfei.

At this time, the gangsters who came to make trouble saw that Wang Dong dared to be so arrogant, so they yelled again that they wanted to break Wang Dong's two legs, and then let him climb over and lick his shoes!


Wang Dong was angry in his heart. His eyes were red and his fists were clenched. Because these guys were so good at swearing, they even told him to climb over and lick his shoes. It was the first time that Wang Dong was so insulted!

Thinking of this, Wang Dong quickly said: "you scum, you come here on purpose to make trouble. Today, even if you kneel down and call your grandfather in front of our team leader, it's too late, because I'll beat you all over the place!"

"Yes, it makes you look for teeth all over the place!"

"The captain was born as a special forces soldier. It's easy to fight a hundred soldiers one by one."

"With the captain, they're dead!"

Wang Dong's younger brothers are shouting for Wang Dong.

Originally, Wang Dong was still very angry, but at this moment, when he heard the cries of his younger brothers, Wang Dong immediately became a bit adrift, and even thought he was really good.

Usually, their security department has no sense of existence, but now, he suddenly has a sense of mission, responsibility, even honor!

Once today he shows his real ability to beat these people all over the floor, it can be imagined that in the future in this building, countless white-collar elites will cast their adoring eyes on him.

However, in Wang Dong's time of wandering.


Suddenly a strong wind swept by.

Then, a big fist of sandbags, which had been pounded in an instant, hit each other's face.


Wang Dong fell down in an instant.


Wang Dong suddenly screamed, and then touched his nose to have a look.


It's full of blood. It's dazzling!

Even some dizziness in my mind, almost didn't make Wang Dong angry!

"You bastards, how dare you be so mean!"

Wang Dong lay on the ground and roared angrily.

Next to those security younger brother, are all silly, their elder brother Wang Dong is not special forces retired? At ordinary times, it is blowing as if there are cows flying in the sky.

How did you stop eating at the critical moment?

"The winner is the king, the loser is the bandit, what kind of special forces, you security captain is too rubbish."

The person who makes the move is a little skinny. He seems to be a quick person. He should always fight, sneak attack and so on!

Wang Dong touched the bloodstain on his nose, and then a carp straightened up and jumped up quickly.


The boys around cheered again and began to cheer.

Wang dongleng snorted: "you garbage gangsters, do you think you will be invincible in the world? A group of frogs at the bottom of the well, you will know immediately that I, Wang Dong, must not be provoked! "


"What Wang Dong was so angry that he dared to call him silly.

But those gangsters, no longer speak at all, rushed up in an instant!

"Well come!"

Wang Dong roared like a master, and rushed up quickly.

However, he underestimated the strength of these people and overestimated his own strength.

Just resist a few moves, Wang Dong will suddenly feel a stomachache, was a boxing in the abdomen.

Then, another stick swept on his leg, making him fall to the ground in an instant.

Originally, Wang Dong was really good at dealing with more than ten people. However, since his retirement, Wang Dong had nothing to do with drinking, smoking and idling all day. He hadn't moved his muscles for so many years. As soon as he started fighting, he was directly knocked to the ground!

"Fight me, fight to death! Tell him to pretend

Then these gangsters, with your foot and my fist, beat Wang Dong over and over, making him black and blue, bloody, tearful and almost crying.

As for those younger brothers in the security department, they have been stunned for a long time, because they have always regarded Wang Dong as an omnipotent super super master. As a result, they were beaten repeatedly!Ye Pengfei has been standing beside bingqinlan. Originally, ye Pengfei should have stopped it, but Wang Dong was staring at bingqinlan's eyes before, obviously with some color.

And the other side is still ice qinlan chest stay for a while, let Ye Pengfei very uncomfortable.

"I'll call you the pretender!"

However, when Wang Dong was beaten violently, the two employees in the marketing department of Yamei company were obviously afraid.

Even bingqinlan frowned, as if ready to call the police.

"Well, what rubbish! I can be a security captain! It's not as powerful as some of Laozi's younger brothers ~! Pooh This person's tone is extremely arrogant, after satirizing, also spit by the way.

Wang Dong covered his head and felt dizzy.

At the same time, even the heart of death.

I thought I could beat these gangsters out every minute, but instead, he was beaten repeatedly!

Seeing that the time was almost up, ye Pengfei let out a ha ha, then slowly stepped forward and said, "ladies and gentlemen, I don't know who you are? I don't know who you are mixing with, but I advise you to stop just enough. Otherwise, once the police come, you will have a lot of trouble

Hearing the word "police", these people not only did not fear, but also laughed.

It seems that these people should all have backgrounds. This time they came to make trouble is purely premeditated.

"Don't scare us, boy! Let me tell you that we are not afraid of the police. In fact, our only purpose is to make Liu Xiangyun of Yamei lose face! Because she's a bitch, a bitch! Everyone can go up! "

The woman who called Liu Xiangyun was so angry that she immediately turned white and clenched her fist. She could not express her indignation!


Ye Pengfei suddenly lit a cigarette for himself, then said: "so, you are not allowed to be good?"


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