Ye Pengfei originally intended to try not to do it if he could not.

Otherwise, in case of exaggeration and being known by Xiaoxue, isn't he going to investigate him again?

However, ye Pengfei never thought that this group of people should be beaten so badly. He said that they were not afraid of the police. He even dared to be arrogant in front of himself. Isn't that a death wish?

"Let's go together. I'm in a hurry!"

Ye Pengfei said this sentence in an extremely pretentious tone, and his expression was also very cold, as if he had just come down from a certain sect!

And these gangsters after hearing each other's words, look at each other, immediately angry.

How dare this guy ask them to join us!

Didn't he see the tragic end of the security captain?

"To die!"


At first, the man who knocked down Wang Dong rushed over and knocked down Jiangning night's face with one punch.

Ye Pengfei gives a cold smile. His posture is not bad, but his strength is too weak!


Ye Pengfei lifted up and kicked each other in the chest!

Just a click, like a broken rib.

The gangster puffed out blood, then flew more than ten meters and fell directly into the parking space outside the building.


The scene was so shocked that I almost didn't faint.

But soon, these people in the security department immediately got excited and looked at Jiangning night with admiration.

Even bingqinlan was scared by Ye Pengfei's foot, and the corners of his mouth gave him a fierce puff. Obviously, he didn't expect that ye Pengfei would be so fierce!

At this time, ye Pengfei did not start any more. Instead, he turned his head and yelled at those people in the security department, "were you very subdued before? Are you upset? Now you have a chance to take revenge. If you have my young master to support you, what are you afraid of? Give me a call! "

As soon as these people in the security department heard Ye Pengfei's words, they immediately became excited.

"Brothers, go!"


Those who were beaten before rushed to the front in an instant, ready for revenge.

As for ye Pengfei, he is not idle. He strides over like a tiger going down the mountain. He comes to a gangster, grabs his partner's collar and throws it out.

He was also scared to pee on the spot when he flew more than ten meters away.

The rest of the gangsters had never seen such a pervert before. Some gangsters even cried on the spot. When they saw Jiangning night coming, they immediately fell to their knees and yelled to their father to spare their lives.

Ye Pengfei is completely stupid and has seen shameless, but he has never seen such shameless!


Ye Pengfei kicked them off, saying that he didn't have such a big son!

As for the rest of the security guards, because these gangsters were photographed by Ye Pengfei's momentum, they didn't even have the sense of resistance. They turned around and thought about running. They were beaten by the security guards who caught up with them!

When Wang Dong saw that the crowd had turned over, he immediately roared and rushed out to beat these gangsters one by one, and he also cursed, especially the man who attacked him at first. He was beaten to blood by Wang Dong and yelled for mercy.

Until the end of the fight, those white-collar workers who came to watch applauded one after another, and they could not help admiring Ye Pengfei and many security guards.

"It's amazing!"

"Yes, especially the tall guy. He's too fierce."

"But he didn't wear a security uniform. Shouldn't he be a security guard?"

"Didn't you say Yamei group before? Is it from Yamei group? "

"Yamei group? Isn't it that we don't recruit male employees? "

All the people talked about it one after another, and most of the focus was on Ye Pengfei. At this time, the female staff member of the marketing department who called Liu Xiangyun immediately came over, looked at Ye Pengfei gratefully and said thank you.

Ye Pengfei said with a smile: "it's my duty to protect the female staff of our company. I don't need to repay them. Let's have a kiss."

Liu Xiangyun's face turned red. Unexpectedly, this man made a joke directly.

As for bingqinlan in the distance, she quietly saved the video recorded by her mobile phone, and said in her heart: "this ye Pengfei is so fierce, and his strength is too strong. In the future, I, Ruxue and ye Pengfei live in the same villa. If he wants to do something to me and Ruxue, how can we resist? No, this video must be given to Ruxue."

About ten minutes later, Xiao Ruxue saw the image in the video and was completely dumbfounded.

"This guy has been lying to me."

Xiao Ruxue doesn't know that ye Pengfei can fight, but in the video, ye Pengfei is just like superman. He carries a man of more than 100 Jin and flies more than ten meters away. Who can do it easily?

"Eh, xiaoxuexue, xiaobingbing, what are you looking at?"

I do not know when, ye Pengfei suddenly appeared in the president's office, and a face of curiosity will head over.Ah!

Xiao Ruxue and bingqinlan were scared, almost not angry.

"You bastard, when did you come in?" Xiao Ruxue roared quickly and looked up to the door, only to find that it was closed.

Bingqinlan also a face of muddled force, looking at Ye Pengfei, like looking at a monster in general.

Ye Pengfei blinked his eyes and said: "don't be infatuated with brother. Brother is just a legend!"

Bingqinlan quickly recovered, a look of disgust, and cold hum a way: "you, also want me infatuated, dream of you!"

Xiao Ruxue immediately asked, "Ye Pengfei, who are you?"

Ye Pengfei surprised way: "I said before, ah, I am the king of the king of soldiers, before won the prize!"

Xiao Ruxue rolled her eyes and asked Ye Pengfei to go down. Obviously, she was ready to catch up!

Ye Pengfei is a face of indifference, soon out of the office.

At this time, bingqinlan frowned: "president, the security guard of this building is too incompetent. The security captain was attacked secretly at the beginning, and then beaten violently. If there is no Ye Pengfei today, I don't know what the consequences will be!"

Xiao Ruxue nodded and said, "I know the owner of this building. I will tell him what happened today."

At this time, Bing qinlan quickly said: "in fact, I think this ye Pengfei is quite suitable to be the security minister, otherwise, recommend him to the past?"

Xiao Ruxue was slightly stunned, and then said with a smile: "in fact, I already had a plan before. At that time, I discussed it with Lianyu and thought it was OK. Now that you have mentioned it, I will tell you about it."

"Well What's the plan? " Bingqinlan asked with some doubts.

Xiao Ruxue coughed and said, "I'm going to transfer Ye Pengfei to your marketing department as an employee of your marketing department. What do you think?"


Bingqinlan almost didn't faint.


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