"Well, let's start now." Now that he knows its principle, ye Pengfei naturally wants to know where the killer is.

Chris nodded, then quickly said: "brother ye, you first say a specific time and location of his appearance, as long as you can scan the first one, then you can easily find him."

Ye Pengfei closed his eyes and thought about it carefully. Then he told the other party which restaurant he went to the day before yesterday afternoon and the specific location of the killer.

Chris nodded and quickly typed the coordinates on the keyboard.

Soon, a red dot appears, and then, the floor plan becomes a three-dimensional picture. Shorthand is a page that keeps enlarging and finally freezes.

Ye Pengfei a face of surprise, did not expect the other party will really be the killer to locate down.

This time, ye Pengfei once again felt the magic of scientific power, because the person in the picture is not the killer, who is it?

At the moment, the other side is still holding the bottle of vogat and drinking freely, while the people are surprised.

"Brother ye, is this man?" Chris asked quickly.

Ye Pengfei took a deep breath: "yes, that's him. This killer is very dangerous."

Shen Yanbing on the side was stunned. Looking at the blonde boy was like looking at a monster. Even Shen Yanbing suddenly thought that if he left the other party in the police station, wouldn't their police station be against the weather?

Of course, she just thought about it. Whether the other party would like to or not is still a question.

"Good. I'll start the bio scan right away."

Crackle, crackle.

Chris knocked on the keyboard and quickly scanned the other person's biometrics.

"Scan complete."

There was such a word on the computer immediately, and Chris said with a smile, "it's done. Next, I'll see where else can you go?"

Chris's face was excited. After all, in the past, he was a fool. But today, he is working for his royal highness. Chris can't help but feel a sense of honor and pride.

After a while, the other side is a burst of operation, suddenly, on the big screen, immediately switched to a variety of coordinates, and there are a lot of red dots.

"God, it's time for you to show your miracle."

With that, the other party quickly pressed the confirmation key, and suddenly the coordinates on the large screen began to continuously deduce the track, which was very fast and dazzling.

But Chris said seriously: "this is a simulation picture, which is equivalent to one fifth of the speed of the real world. Tut The speed of this killer is terrible. "

Shen Yanbing and ye Pengfei can't help changing their faces. They didn't expect to meet such an expert.

At the moment, those coordinates are all red points, and they are continuously connected to form red lines, but because there are too many, there is no law at all.

Chris explained: "these are his sports roadmap, including the time and place, and can be converted into video at any time."

"OK, switch to Jinxiu entertainment city for me..."

Soon, for the convenience of re-entry coordinates, suddenly red dot appears, and then the screen turns, it becomes a video recording.


Ye Pengfei noticed that as like as two peas in the face, the killer was a plain looking face behind him. He could not imagine that the other side was a killer.

Even in the end, ye Pengfei passed each other. At that time, ye Pengfei's face didn't change at all, as if he didn't notice any abnormality at all.

But after passing each other, the corners of each other's mouth suddenly added a banter smile.

"You are really a master of disguise! A natural killer

At this moment, ye Pengfei had to admire the strength of the killer, and he was terrified to think that the killer was lurking around him at any time

especially at that time, if the other side directly attacked him, he would definitely hurt himself.

Of course, it is impossible to kill Ye Pengfei.

The faceless man obviously realized this, so he didn't make a move immediately. Instead, he continued to look for the next opportunity. If he didn't make a move, it would be a thunderbolt.

"It's terrible. This killer is too disguised." Chris could not help covering his chest, a look of lingering fear.

"A very dangerous person indeed." Shen Yanbing frowned tightly and looked at Ye Pengfei, full of worry.

Ye Pengfei's eyes gradually narrowed, then said: "show me which day after the restaurant, where the other party has appeared."

Chris nodded and quickly hit the keyboard. Soon, the picture came to Xu group.

It was not until more than 20 minutes later that the other side returned to the Xu group.

"Well? Don't you mean you have the cameras in your hands all over the city? " Shen Yanbing asked with some doubts.Chris embarrassed: "forget to mention a special situation, that is, the kind of private monitoring system, no external network, I can not invade, otherwise, I would not become a real God?"

Both of them look at each other. OK, now the point is not the camera. The point is that the other party has something to do with Xu group?!

Shen Yanbing immediately asked: "by the way, how do you find out that this killer is coming to kill you, and it's still called faceless. Did someone tell you that?"

Ye Pengfei's face slightly sank and said: "yes, it's like such a terrible killer. I can't detect it at all. If someone didn't tell me, I'm afraid I haven't found it until now."

Shen Yanbing flattened his small mouth and said, "you're so lucky. That killer hasn't hit you yet. Otherwise, I won't see you all day long."

"Well, does beauty Shen care about me now? Come on, I know you like me. Who calls me handsome? This is a very normal thing. I'll try my best to make you my fan. "

"Dream about you. I'm not your fan. You'd better let that killer kill you."

"Tut tut Little Bingbing is so cute at this time that people like her from the bottom of their hearts. "

"Wake up, don't be poor." Shen Yan's face was slightly red. After all, there was a blonde boy beside him.

Sometimes, next, ye Pengfei asked the other party to continue to investigate. Unexpectedly, the other party actually followed Ye Pengfei all the time, and even came to Xiao group.

Every time, the other person is a new face, and very ordinary, as if it really should be the person in general, completely imperceptible.

Ye Pengfei took a deep breath. Fortunately, he met Chris this time. Otherwise, he didn't know that the killer around him was so terrible.


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