"Well? Here he stops all of a sudden. "

Suddenly, Chris found that when the killer followed Ye Pengfei to Xiao Ruxue's villa, he suddenly left quickly for some reason, and never appeared again.

Chris and Shen Yanbing are very confused, but only Ye Pengfei knows what's going on.

Residence is a good place for killers to kill, but there are other killers in this place?

Ye Pengfei doesn't need to know that it must be the faceless one who discovers the secret God of death.

Not to mention Ye Pengfei and death, either of them deserves to be feared by those who have no face. That's why the other party retreats quickly and doesn't stay at all.

This is the assassin!

Must be calm to the extreme existence, otherwise, left to their own sooner or later is destruction.

"Chris, confirm his current position, I will let him know that it is not so easy to want my life of Ye Pengfei."

"No problem, Gaga..."

Soon, Chris determined the location of the other party, and it was near Tang Rou's home.

Ye Pengfei's face immediately changed, while Shen Yanbing said quickly, "shall I take someone to surround him quickly?"

"No!" Ye Pengfei immediately refused: "in this way, it will undoubtedly scare the snake, and such a level of master, ordinary people come forward, is completely looking for death."

"Then I'll go with you. This man is too dangerous. I'm not sure." Shen Yanbing bit his lip and said.

Ye Pengfei heart slightly warm, then said: "that's good, but you have to extremely those turn Bai."

Later, ye Pengfei asked Chris if he could transfer the information from the communication vehicle to his computer. The other party immediately said that there was no problem.

In this way, the three went all the way to Tang Rou's community.

And during that time, ye Pengfei didn't know who he sent a text message to. Shen Yanbing just looked at it and didn't ask.

"By the way, every time this killer appears, he will be a face that others don't know. What should he look like now?"

Ye Pengfei seriously said: "even the ancient transvestite technique is very popular. Now with such advanced technology, there must be more advanced transvestite technique, and the killer is undoubtedly one of the best."

In fact, ye Pengfei can also change looks, but it is obvious that he can't compete with the top killer Xiang Ti Lu.

"To what extent has this killer changed his face?" Shen Yanbing asked in great doubt.

Xiao Ruxue said: "it should be the most advanced one. Not only people's appearance, but also their body shape can be camouflaged, just like the ninja of an island country. Of course, it's more powerful than the ninja."

"Well, this Xu group is really hateful. It used such killers to deal with you." Shen Yanbing said slightly angry.

Ye Pengfei almost laughs because Shen Yanbing's attitude is obviously very concerned about him. There is no doubt that he stands beside him, just like Ye Pengfei is her relative and her husband.

Half an hour later, ye Pengfei has come to a road not far from Shen Yanbing's new home.

"Little guy, is that guy still in his place?" Ye Pengfei suddenly asked.

"It's about two hundred meters around the corner ahead." Chris said slightly nervously.

Ye Pengfei's eyes narrowed gradually. After taking off the equipment, he calmly said, "next, I hope you can listen to my arrangement."

Shen Yanbing said, "well, you can tell me how we can cooperate with you."

Ye Pengfei said seriously: "I have to find a safe place for you. You two take it in the car and don't go anywhere. Chris is responsible for positioning me, while Shen Yanbing is responsible for protecting Chris and reporting relevant information to me. Remember, don't come to me. In case of any abnormality, evacuate immediately. "

Shen Yanbing nodded seriously, and then asked Ye Pengfei to be more careful.

Soon, ye Pengfei stopped the car river in a very hidden place, and then quickly killed the car.

Of course, there are also miniature earphones, pistols and other equipment.

In this way, ye Pengfei quietly groped up, and soon came to Tang Rou's residential area.

In the headset, Shen Yanbing begins to report the situation of the other party, while ye Pengfei quietly follows the direction provided by the other party.

It has to be said that the green environment here is quite good, and there are small pavilions, fountains, rockeries and other decorations.

"OK, you are less than ten meters away from him now. Hide quickly." Among the earphones, Shen Yanbing said nervously that he was really afraid of what might happen to Ye Pengfei.

Ye Pengfei nodded, then quickly came to the edge of a pavilion, looking not far away.

"Damn it

Ye Pengfei as like as two peas in a panic, because there is a Ye Pengfei like him.

, that look as like as two peas.

And in each other's side, there is another person, that is, Li Xiaojia, who is dressed up in fancy clothes. At the moment, the other side is happy, as if eating honey.The anger in Ye Pengfei's heart: "Li Xiaojia, you are paralyzed. Do you really think our young master will ask you out? Why don't you seduce me many times? "

"You haven't been here for a long time? But you don't know how much mom and dad talk about you and miss you. If you don't come again, I'm afraid they will think that you have forgotten us all

The fake Ye Pengfei said with a smile: "I'm here, aren't I? You're in a hurry

Ye Pengfei suddenly confused force, I rely on, can also be a little bit more obscene, he, unexpectedly and this young master so similar, well, so many years, this little to serve you.

"Well, let's go up." Li Xiaojia said happily.

Fake Ye Pengfei suddenly hugged each other's waist and said with deep feeling: "Xiaojia, in fact, tonight, I'm mainly here for you."

"Ah? Really Really? " Li Xiaojia was so excited that she was almost moved to tears.

Fake Ye Pengfei continued: "of course, before you get off work, I've been waiting for you. After all, we haven't seen each other for such a long time. I really miss you so much."

"My God

Li Xiaojia quickly covered her mouth, but she almost fainted.

"Xiaojia, do you know? In fact, I... " Li Xiaojia was obsessed with the other side's deep feelings again, as if tears were in her eyes.

"I've got a piece of grass!"

Ye Pengfei really can't see it any more. He immediately sent a text message to let death take action.

Since the other side is here and Xiao Ruxue's sister is naturally safe, ye Pengfei, in order to be safe, finds the God of death.

It's not that I don't think I'm his opponent. It's that in case the other party runs away, it's very difficult to catch him later.

And in the two people's affectionate conversation, all of a sudden, a black lightning flash flew over in the blink of an eye.


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