"What's the matter?" Ye Pengfei frowned.

The other people in the temple also had strange faces. After all, the incense was extinguished on their own initiative, which naturally surprised people.

Marquis Xu said with a straight smile, "is this the ominous man in the legend?"


Ye Pengfei took a deep breath, and then went up very calmly to light the three incense again.

It's like someone who has nothing to do.

This time, ye Pengfei can't help but praise his wit.

Xu Hou is not happy on the side and is preparing to make a sarcastic remark. However, seeing ye Pengfei's eyes, he has to shut up.

Behind, let Ye Pengfei almost face green is, fragrance unexpectedly extinguished again.

"Damn it

Ye Pengfei almost didn't swear. This NIMA is too weird.

In fact, not only Ye Pengfei himself, but also others were completely shocked.

Originally Xiao Wenbo and Xiao Ruxue. Tang Mo Ying thought it was an accident, but the incense burned by Ye Pengfei went out again and finally changed their faces.

Xu Hou immediately said with a smile: "tut tut It seems that our Buddha doesn't like the fragrance on Ye Pengfei very much. "

Ye Pengfei seemed to be unwilling to accept it.

"Ha ha..."

Ye Pengfei just smiles, but says in his heart: "Damn, I don't believe it."

Then, ye Pengfei came forward again and lit the three cigarettes. You didn't leave at all, but you were staring at the three fragrance.


As a result, as many people had guessed, the three fragrance went out again.

This time, ye Pengfei's face changed again and again.

When preparing for the last time, suddenly, boom, like a huge repulsive force, suddenly from the body of the Buddha.

So that ye Pengfei could not go further.

At the same time, ye Pengfei's body, as if there is a latent energy of terror, constantly boiling, as if real people are about to burn up.

Suddenly, ye Pengfei dizzy, but also feel the body of this energy, in the crazy against what.


Ye Pengfei's body suddenly trembled a few times, and then, as if his body had been seriously injured, the corner of his mouth was overflowing with blood.

But he quickly wiped out the blood, so no one else saw it.

It was not until a moment that ye Pengfei turned and left.

But Xiao Ruxue and others quickly asked, "Ye Pengfei, are you ok?"

"It's OK." Ye Pengfei just answered coldly, his eyes were cold, as if he had changed a person.

Xiao Ruxue, in particular, was shocked when he came into contact with Ye Pengfei's eyes.

Because at the moment, ye Pengfei's eyes are too cold, it is deep into the bone marrow, and the other side's eyes are so terrible, even Xiao Ruxue has never seen such Ye Pengfei.

For a moment, Xiao Ruxue can't help but feel that ye Pengfei is so strange, the whole person is like a fog, unable to see.

"Xiaoye, you..." Xiao Wenbo saw Ye Pengfei's abnormality and frowned.

Ye Pengfei calmly replied: "you first incense, do not care about me."

Xiao Wenbo several people, this is next to the incense, but no one will let the incense go out.

And ye Pengfei came to a corner on the side and began to calm the Qi in his body.

"I don't know what happened in the body before? Why has it never happened before? "

Ye Pengfei couldn't understand. It was as if this energy had been controlled by another invisible hand. At that moment, he didn't even have the right to control his body.

In this way, after everyone finished the incense, Tang morying just stepped forward and carefully asked, "brother, what happened to you just now? It's a terrible look in my eyes. "

Ye Pengfei embarrassed: "nothing, just a little dizzy."

But in addition to Xiao Ruxue, other people are far away from ye Pengfei, as if ye Pengfei were some evil devil.

The leading monk also glanced at Ye Pengfei, and then said to Xiao Wenbo, "benefactor Xiao, today master Yinguang will hold a Dharma meeting. Why don't you go and listen to it?"

Xiao Wenbo nodded and said, "master Yinguang is a famous Chinese monk. Since we have a chance, how can we let it go?"

Soon, the people came and followed the monk to the main hall.

At this time, an old monk was sitting on the futon, holding rosary beads in his hands. His eyebrows were as long as snow, and his whole life was full of dust.

If someone looks at it carefully, he will surely find that the old monk is very regular when he turns the rosary beads without any error.

What's more, watching the other side turn the rosary beads, people's hearts will gradually become quiet, as if the spring breeze blows on their faces, even the slightly restless heart will become quiet.Because the other side wanted to pass the Dharma, many people came to kneel down, as if they were very convinced of the old monk.

The other side's Dharma is really simple from the beginning, and gradually becomes profound, which makes many people nod their heads.

Xu Hou, in particular, shakes his head and seems to understand completely.

"Oh, by the way, Ruxue, I heard that master Yinguang will give people scriptures after he has passed the Dharma. If I get some, I will give them to you. Ruxue, you can have a look at them in your spare time."

With that, he took a look at Ye Pengfei and said sarcastically, "unlike some people, I don't know what happened? We Buddha don't even pay attention to him. "

Ye Pengfei rolled his eyes, did not tear with the other side, but looked directly at the nearby master.


All of a sudden, the eyes of master Yinguang face each other like lightning, and ye Pengfei's eyes are heavily hit.

"Eh, benefactor..."

Master Yin Guang's voice was surprised, and his eyes were full of surprise.

Many believers who heard the news looked not far away.

Soon, ye Pengfei felt that hundreds of people were staring at him, which made Ye Pengfei feel confused.

If the incense in front of the Buddha was destroyed, it's just that. Now even the eminent monk looks at Ye Pengfei, it's definitely a big problem.

The monk who was in charge of leading before had a strange face, and Xiao Ruxue was also full of surprise.

No way, ye Pengfei had to harden his head and said with a smile: "what's the matter with this master?"

Although on the surface a pair of calm appearance, but the heart is quite depressed, always feel today's thing is too strange, is he really doomed to hell?

"Benefactor, I think you are destined to my Buddha. I don't know if you can ask me to stay and chat with the poor monk after the Dharma Assembly is over?"

The other side's words were quite polite, but everyone was immediately red eyed.

That's the master of printing. Once you get the other party's advice, it's absolutely promising.


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