Seeing everyone looking at himself, ye Pengfei immediately laughed: "why not."

"Amitabha." Master Yinguang immediately read a Buddha's name, with a look of joy on his face.

Everyone could not help but cast all kinds of envious eyes. After all, it was master Yinguang.

"Xiao Ye, have you ever studied Buddhism before? Or meditation or something. " Xiao Wenbo on the side asked a question with some doubts, obviously very curious about ye Pengfei.

Ye Pengfei shook his head and said, "there is no such thing."

Xiao Wenbo said with admiration: "this shows that you are really predestined with Buddha. You should take advantage of this opportunity."

"Ha ha I just don't know how capable this master is. "

Ye Pengfei didn't pay much attention to it, and he always felt that it was not good for him to find himself.

Suddenly, a loud voice came from the sky.

"The true words of the island state Zong yunkong came to see you! The master of Huaxia Yingguang is really worthy of his reputation. "

The voice was very high, as if it came from the sky. But after watching for a long time, no one was found.


People immediately excited, very curious, who is this cloud empty in the end?

Even if ye Pengfei's face changed a little, what kind of fun did the islanders come to join in?

On hearing this sound, master Yinguang quickly looked up and projected in a certain direction.

And there was one more person there.

It's yunkong!

This is a middle-aged monk. His eyes are in full bloom, and his whole body is powerful. It's hard to look directly at him.

"I'll go. This monk is an eminent monk."

The crowd suddenly sounded exclamation, it is obvious that the other side's aura people have to be convinced.

"Amitabha, this is Amitabha's friend."

Yun Kong grinned and said, "master Yinguang, the reason why I came back to Dabei temple this time is that I want to hear about Chinese Buddhism, and that I want to understand the profound martial arts of Buddhism. I also hope master fluorescein will not hesitate to teach me."

With a smile, master Lang ran said, "this Buddhist friend, Buddhism comes from the same vein. Although there are different sects, there is no national boundary."

Cloud sky's face immediately reveals a smile of banter.

"Master Yin Guang's words are different. There are many differences between Buddhism in our island and that in China. At least most people in our island believe in it. This is different from that in China. In addition, Buddhism in our island is not the same as that in China."

Master Yinguang shook his head helplessly and said, "how is the theory of perfection that Buddhists often care about each other's words?"

"Well?" Cloud empty pour is a surprised, didn't expect the other side to open mouth then came a down horse prestige.

Because Buddhism stresses perfection rather than opposition, yunkong's words are indeed inappropriate.

"Ha ha, master Yinguang, in order to understand the profound Chinese Buddhism, I have spent a whole month eating and chanting Buddhism. I hope master Yinguang won't let me down."

Master Yinguang just said with a smile, "I'm afraid we can't let Buddhists do what they wish. We don't have any martial monks in Dabei temple."

"Yes? Master Yinguang, you don't lie when you're a monk. You're from Shaolin. How can you not master martial arts? Besides, I've heard that twenty years ago, you beat back the joint efforts of thirteen Tantric masters. At that time, you were a peerless master. Twenty years later, you'll be even better. How can you say that there is no martial monk in Dabei temple? "


People are making a lot of noise. They were masters twenty years ago.

Isn't martial arts more powerful now?

"Amitabha, it's forbidden to fight bravely and ruthlessly. I've let go of the past. Please go back."

"Ha ha, master Yinguang, do you think you can put it down today?"

The implication is that he is coming today. You have to take it or not.

Master Yinguang was silent for a while, and then he said with emotion: "well, since Buddhists are so persistent, I will arrange a martial arts competition with Buddhists."

Cloud sky in front of ruthlessly a bright, this just way: "that then thanks to print light master."

Master Yinguang nodded, and then he took a look at Ye Pengfei not far away, making Ye Pengfei suddenly green.

"Damn it, no way. Is this master of light printing going to play by himself?"

Yunkong glanced at the onlookers around him, then began to ask with a smile: "master Yinguang, they all say that the Buddha's alliance is heavy, and they will answer every request. In this case, if the incense maker asks for money, I don't know whether it will come true?"

Master Yinguang just smiles, then looks at Ye Pengfei.

Many people are a Leng, completely do not understand each other what this means?

But at this time, master Yinguang said with a smile: "I don't know, benefactor, how do you say yunkong Buddha's doubts should be solved?""Ha?"

Ye Pengfei's face was muddled. He never thought that the other party would throw the problem to himself.

All of a sudden, almost everyone's eyes fell on his own body, and the cloud sky, a pair of brilliant eyes like the starry sky, also immediately fell on Ye Pengfei's body.

Ye Pengfei immediately felt unprecedented pressure.

No way, ye Pengfei had to harden his head and say: "foyun, if there is a gift, you must get a reward. If you want money, you must give money. If you are willing to give up, you can get it. The two are one, not two. Therefore, one's own good fortune must come from self-cultivation, not from seeking. As for burning incense and making a fortune, it's just nothing. It's a common man's heart and a false prediction of Buddha's wisdom! How can Buddhas and Bodhisattvas bestow wealth in such a way? "

Hear ye Pengfei's words, people immediately quiet down, many people are ye Pengfei's words to surprise.

Even the master of Yingguang was smiling, as if he appreciated it very much.

Yunkong thought about it and said, "this little benefactor is very savvy. Is he the apprentice of master Yinguang?"

Ye Pengfei said with a smile: "master yunkong, just now master Yinguang called me benefactor. Obviously, I'm not his apprentice."

Yunkong then nodded and said, "I see. Since the little benefactor is so savvy, why don't you solve my doubts for me?"

"Master yunkong, please say something." Ye Pengfei immediately said with a smile.

Yun Kong immediately said, "it's said that if this man is a man of great evil, can he really become a Buddha after putting down the butcher's knife? For example, in ancient times, why do you have to go through the "9981" difficulty to become a Buddha

As soon as this remark came out, everyone was discussing it in a low voice.

"The little devil is really smart. Many people have mentioned this. He is obviously well prepared."

"Yes, but it's really hard to answer. In a word, many people say it's unfair."

"Let's see what the young man says."


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