Ye Pengfei opened his mouth to raise this big problem, which made Qi Feng wipe a cold sweat.

Heart way you this guy really dare to say, what all have no scruple, really good scar forget pain!

However, Zhao Xingguo is not very popular.

Although his face changed, he soon calmed down!

Immediately, Zhao Xingguo also did not refuse, directly said the idea in the chest.

People first! People oriented!

It's also a big slogan. First, it's called out, and then it begins to tell the general situation of history from ancient times to the present, the change of dynasties, celebrities, and then, combined with modern times, it tells about some policies that need to be implemented in all walks of life, policies that need to be abolished, and all kinds of key points.

Speaking of the latter, Zhao Xingguo is almost eloquent and impassioned!

Ye Pengfei raised his eyebrows. He didn't mean to test Zhao Xingguo's ability to govern the country. After all, he was only a vice mayor, not a leader.

What's more, ye Pengfei doesn't understand this. He is a layman. How can he know the truth.

He just wanted to observe Zhao Xingguo!

For example, does he like to lie, is he only exaggerating, or is he cautious, or is he treacherous and changeable?

From the other side's discussion, ye Pengfei has come to a conclusion.

As the top special forces in the army, it's a basic skill to look at people.

While Zhao Xingguo is testing Ye Pengfei, ye Pengfei is also testing him.

Facts have proved that ye Pengfei doesn't know whether Zhao Xingguo has real talent and practical work!

But the other side is no doubt thoughtful, sure enough, how the information said that, will be all-round, to ensure that every drop!

He said that he didn't just shout slogans about everything, but he would analyze everything in a very good way, and he would demonstrate his views repeatedly from various angles.

Later, ye Pengfei passed all kinds of tests and tested Zhao Xingguo one by one. Zhao Xingguo did not refuse and spoke freely. He did not conceal what he had to say and showed great sincerity!

Until dark at night, ye Pengfei smiles, and then says to Zhao Xingguo: "Congratulations, after my first test, I will give you a small gift, and then I will carry out other tests on you. Once you pass all the tests, it will be a big gift."

Said, Jiangning night took out a U disk, handed in the past.

Zhao Xingguo frowned, took the U disk, narrowed his eyes slightly and asked, "what's in it?"

Ye Pengfei didn't say it, just said with a smile: "you can go back and have a look. I believe you will be very interested."

At this time, ye Pengfei's phone suddenly rings. At a glance, it's Xiao Ruxue again.

Ye Pengfei immediately showed a bitter face, is it urging home to cook?

However, to Ye Pengfei's surprise, this time, Xiao Ruxue even said that she had something urgent. She asked where ye Pengfei was and rushed back to take her to the hospital to see her father.

Ye Pengfei frowned, Xiao Ruxue's father?

Although we have been together with Xiao Ruxue for several days, ye Pengfei has never heard Xiao Ruxue mention her relatives.

Before coming to Binjiang City, Xiao Dachun just said that Xiao Ruxue had lost her mother since childhood, and then had a bad relationship with her father.

It seems to have been in a state of cold war.

At the moment, hearing Xiao Ruxue's anxious appearance, ye Pengfei immediately wants to laugh.

Sure enough, Xiao Ruxue's mouth is like tofu.

Because the teahouse is very close to the villa, soon, ye Pengfei bid farewell to Vice Mayor Zhao, then rushed back to the villa, and saw Xiao Ruxue's eyes slightly red.

"Xiaoxue, don't worry. Look at my brother Pengfei. I'll send you to see your father at full speed."

Although making such a joke, Xiao Ruxue seems to have no desire to be angry, and she is anxious.

Ye Pengfei is not slow in hand. He starts the car quickly and runs towards the people's hospital!

Soon, ye Pengfei and Xiao Ruxue rushed to an intensive care unit, and then they saw a pair of middle-aged men and women in the room.

The middle-aged man is calm, but his eyes flash with a touch of light from time to time.

As for the woman, she was Xu Niang, a half aged woman, with a lingering charm and a very hot figure.

"Oh, isn't it snow? Why don't you tell me earlier so that I can pick you up. "

One up, is extremely hypocritical voice, let Ye Pengfei can't help but frown.

"Second uncle, second aunt!"

Xiao Ruxue shouts with no expression on her face. Her expression is obviously not very good-looking.

Because this two uncles, is not her own two uncles, but Xiao Ruxue grandfather's adopted son, named Xiao Qianshan!

And that beautiful woman's name is Xu Mei!

When I was young, I had a little reputation in Binjiang City, a famous social flower!

But he was finally married by Xiao Qianshan, which shows that the middle-aged man named Xiao Qianshan is not an ordinary person.However, at the time of grandfather's death, although the two men were very sad on the surface, it was only after the event that they found out that they had been planning how to fight for grandfather's property.

Originally, Xiao Qianshan settled in Xiao Ruxue's company and became a branch manager. But later, I don't know how, this guy suddenly became a shareholder.

But Xiao Ruxue's father didn't pursue this matter too much, but Xiao Qianshan's influence and influence in Xiao's group grew stronger and stronger!

At the moment, Xiao Ruxue's father is ill. These two people actually come to visit at the first time. Xiao Ruxue naturally doesn't know what the ghost idea they are fighting.

"Oh, Ruxue, how can you lose weight? I don't care about your father's condition. In fact, I told your father not to be too tired and to put the courage on his shoulder. But your father has to support it. I am a sister-in-law. I see it in my eyes and feel the pain in my heart. "

With that, the other side forced out a few tears, but the content of the words inadvertently exposed her intention.

Take the courage off your shoulders? How much better to let the company out directly?

"This acting skill, tut tut..." Ye Pengfei can't help but speak out. As a result, he is directly brought into the eyes of Xu Mei.

"Oh, who is this lengtouqing? Like snow, does this man carry shoes for people? "

Xu Mei made no secret of hissing.

Ye Pengfei suddenly got angry. He was very angry. The woman actually said that he was helping people to carry shoes. Thinking about it, ye Pengfei wanted to slap her to death.

Xiao Ruxue's face is not good-looking, because ye Pengfei was brought in by him. As a result, the other party said that he was carrying shoes. Isn't it obvious that he didn't pay attention to her?

However, before ye Pengfei got angry, the door of the ward was suddenly knocked.

Then a well-dressed, proud looking young man came in.

"Cousin? You're here, too? " The young man looked happy, but then, when he saw Ye Pengfei, he was stunned immediately.

"Cousin, is this the cleaner?"


Ye Pengfei's face turned green.


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