Ye Pengfei is said to be a cleaner by Xiao Ruxue's cousin, which makes Ye Pengfei angry.

As a result, Xu Mei, the guy's mother, burst out laughing.

Before, she said that ye Pengfei was carrying shoes for others, which obviously meant to belittle Ye Pengfei, but she didn't want to ask her son if he was a cleaner as soon as he appeared.

"What a good son

Xu Mei is very happy in her heart. She quietly gives 32 praises to her son!

However, Xu Mei is happy, but Xiao Ruxue's face is obviously not very good-looking.

"He's not a cleaner. He's my driver." Xiao Ruxue said with a straight face.

"What? Driver? "

Xiao Ruxue's cousin, this just looked at Ye Pengfei again.

Up and down, fine!

Then he turned his head and looked at Xiao Ruxue.

"Cousin, are you sure he's your driver? But a migrant worker? "

Xiao kaize showed a very exaggerated expression.

As a talented student who has returned from studying abroad, Xiao kaize is about to enter his father's company this time, ready to make a big show.

I'm afraid that he will soon become the core senior member of the Xiao family. In the future, even if someone says that he will inherit the Xiao group, it's not impossible!

Because of Xiao Ruxue's two sons, the eldest uncle has only one daughter, Xiao Ruxue.

If Xiao Ruxue gets married, then Xiao's group naturally has nothing to do with her.

In his father's vein, there is Xiao kaize, the precious son!

As a result, Xiao kaize has attracted much attention since he was a child. His parents have always told him that he will inherit the Xiao group. He is the most respected young master of the Xiao family!

Because of this, most of Xiao kaize's usual behavior is connected with his arrogance and arrogance!

Now, when he saw that ye Pengfei was wearing shabby clothes, but appeared in this ward, he naturally despised him.

As for Xiao Ruxue, seeing that Xiao kaize didn't give her face, she was angry.

However, I haven't waited for Xiao Ruxue to get angry.


Ye Pengfei suddenly smoked a cigarette!

"Well? How dare you smoke? Get out Xiao kaize's bossy way.

Xu Mei also frowned and sneered: "Ru Xue, the quality of your driver is really poor. You must have run out of a certain gully. It seems that your vision is not good either. It's reasonable that brother doesn't give you the company."

Xiao ruxuedun was so angry that he turned his head and glared at Ye Pengfei.

Ye Pengfei laughs.

Then he raised his eyebrows and said, "what happened to those who ran out of the ravine? I tell you, don't look down on our rural people. There are thousands of buildings in this city. You can tell me which one we didn't work hard to build for you. Don't forget to dig a well when we have a draught, and don't forget our roots when we are a man! "


Xu Mei is annoyed because she thinks that her husband is the adopted son of Xiao Ruxue's grandfather.

In fact, ye Pengfei really doesn't have this meaning. It's just that Xu Mei likes her own wishful thinking.

Similarly, Xiao kaize also thought that ye Pengfei really satirized his identity, and instantly became angry.

"What are you? Dare to tell me what to do here, I warn you, get out now! Otherwise, don't blame me for doing it

"Do it? Ha ha, you move me to try! " Ye Pengfei puts out a puff of smoke ring, as if he were the boss of some underground force.

"Ah, drink, I think you are very aggressive!"

Xiao kaize immediately rolled up his sleeve. In foreign countries, he had once worshipped a champion's disciple to be his master. He pretended to be a fighter like this. He was looking for death!

"Ha ha, are you sure you want to do it?"

Ye Pengfei still seems to be extremely pretentious and puffing up clouds.

Xiao Ruxue said: "Ye Pengfei, what are you doing? I warn you, you are not allowed to hurt him!"

"What?" Xiao kaize's face is unbelievable.

Then, Xiao kaize quickly turned to Xiao Ruxue and said, "cousin, were you kidding? Can he hurt me? Do you know who my master is? He's a close disciple of the American champion, Jefferson

Ye Pengfei immediately laughed: "what is it, Ben Shao has never heard of it."


Xiao kaizedun was furious: "boy, you are arrogant in front of us. Even my master Jefferson dares not to look down on you. Now I'll give you a chance to apologize immediately. Otherwise, don't blame me for starting now!"

"Ha ha, I won't apologize. What do you want?"

"To die!"

Xiao kaize finally couldn't help it. He shot out with one punch.

He had already restrained himself so much that he was afraid that he would accidentally kill the other party. However, this guy repeatedly pretended to be in front of him and was so unscrupulous. Is it true that he was not angry?The next moment, however.

Xiao kaize was stunned, Xiao Ruxue was stunned!

Xiao kaize's parents were also stunned!

Because ye Pengfei suddenly hanged Xiao kaize.

Hold each other's neck with one hand and hang in the air like this.

"You Let go of me

Xiao kaize finally felt suffocation and began to dance, his face was red.

Xiao kaize's father quickly roared, "what are you doing?"

Xiao kaize's mother, Xu Mei, immediately screamed, "asshole, let him go!"

Jiangning night turned around is a slap, across the air on the wall fell a big handprint!

I almost didn't scare them off.

It was not until now that Xiao kaize realized that he had met the Legendary Super Master!

At the same time, Xiao Qianshan, Xiao kaize's father, is also pale, with a cold sweat on his head!

Xiao Qianshan, a master of the rivers and lakes, has never seen him before, but it is the first time that he has ever seen him leave a handprint on the wall.

As for Xu Mei, her mother's face turned into a face.

"Little Young Xia

Xu Mei said the title, almost crying, and then quickly begged for mercy, asking Ye Pengfei to release his son Xiao kaize.

Now Xiao kaize almost regretted his intestines.

If he had known that he was a super master, even if he was killed alive, he would not dare to show any disrespect to this man.

"Master Master, I'm wrong! Forgive me, Wuwuwuwu... "

Xiao kaize quickly began to cry and looked at Ye Pengfei with a pitiful look.

Xiao Ruxue, who was beside her, was already stunned by this scene.

Then she quickly came to the wall to check, and found that the wall was indeed very solid, but the handprint was so lifelike, even there were fingerprints on it!

As a result, Xiao Ruxue was shocked and ecstatic.

"Is this smelly boy really a peerless master? Hum


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