Qilin mountain is located in the north of Binjiang city.

It is said that here has always been a gathering place for martial arts experts!

In particular, some business tycoons often come here to look for skilled Wulin experts to be their bodyguards or bodyguards.

Today, Xiao kaize and some of his younger brothers come here to look for the successors of the iron fist sect, the two heroes of iron fist!

Originally, there were no two tigers in one mountain, but the two iron fists were twins, so they became the behind the scenes helmsman of iron fists.

"Yes, the mountain is so steep!"

Xiao kaize was holding his waist, sweating on his forehead.

Next to a few younger brothers, but also quickly wipe the sweat on the neck, and then asked the sunglasses man, in the end how long, did not see their young master so hard?

The sunglasses man pulled his collar, opened one of the buttons, and his sweat had soaked his clothes.

"It will be here soon. Xiao will bear it again." Glasses man a face embarrassed said.

Xiao kaize was not happy in his heart. He immediately said, "how powerful are these iron fists? Why do we have to invite him in person? Can't you call him to my young master? "

The sunglasses man quickly took off his sunglasses and said with a face of embarrassment: "Xiao Dashao, this iron fisted couple is really awesome. I didn't know how many big men wanted to let them go down the mountain, but they didn't pay any attention. If it wasn't for the fact that I knew them from childhood, I wouldn't let Xiao Dashao come here."

Xiao kaize rolled his eyes, then clenched his teeth and said, "yes, I have to fight for revenge, but you'd better not let me down!"

"Don't worry, Xiao. You won't let him down!"

About ten minutes later, several people passed the mountain road and finally came to an ancient courtyard on the mountain.


A sudden CLICK!

In the woods not far away, there was a huge sound.

Then there was a shiver in the woods, as if a big tree had fallen.

Several people looked at each other, and immediately walked toward the place where there was a noise.

Soon, Xiao kaize saw a middle-aged man with a bare upper body and an iron ring on his arm. With one blow, a big tree thicker than his thigh broke.


Xiao Ruxue was startled on the spot.

How awesome it is to blow a big tree with one blow!

And this middle-aged man is as usual, once again came to the next tree.


Another big tree was broken on the spot!

With the fist of the other side!

The middle-aged man's every punch is bound to cause a huge sensation, but in the whole process, the other side does not have the slightest effort, it seems particularly relaxed.

Xiao kaize was immediately excited and roared: "Daxia, please accept me!"

Immediately after that, Xiao kaize rushed over with his younger brothers and quickly made a bow, with a look of great admiration.


The man quickly turned his head and was stunned when he saw Xiao kaize: "who are you? I don't know you, and I'm not a great Xia. I'm just an ordinary person. Don't call me great Xia. You can all go."


Huainiu can't help but cry, even if he is an ordinary man?

"Ha ha, brother Qiu, you are all right."

At this time, the man with sunglasses suddenly appeared beside the man, quickly took off his sunglasses and looked at him with a smile.

"Ah? Tiger, why are you here? "

"Ha ha, it's a matter of the end to be entrusted by others."

Then he looked at Xiao kaize!


Xiao kaize immediately knelt down and threw himself at each other's legs

"great Xia, help


The next day, ye Pengfei still sent bingqinlan and Xiao Ruxue to work.

As for the driver, Uncle Zhang was very sorry for his leisure.

Ye Pengfei is a little excited today, because who told him to go to work on the first day today.

As a result, just as ye Pengfei drove into the building, his mobile phone rang.

Because it was inconvenient to drive, ye Pengfei quickly pressed the hands-free button.

"Hello, Mr. Ye. This is Ji Changxiong, executive president of yeting International Office in Asia. Are you free? Can I treat you to dinner? "


Xiao Ruxue and bingqinlan face green on the spot.

Ji Changxiong even invited Ye Pengfei to dinner, and he also used modal particles to express his love for you.

This guy What kind of identity?

Ye Pengfei was also startled. Seeing Xiao Ruxue and bingqinlan in the back seat staring at him, ye Pengfei said with a straight face: "now I'm driving, and I have no time to go to work on my first day today!"Refused?!!!

Ye Pengfei turned down all the important people of yeting international!

And the reason is because of his first day at work?

Maybe it's because Ji Changxiong puts great pressure on Xiao Ruxue. Subconsciously, he feels that he must not offend her, so he quickly says: "that Ye Pengfei, I allow you to ask for leave today. If you have anything to do, you can do it

"How can that work?" Ye Pengfei has a serious face.

And bingqinlan and Xiao Ruxue are eager to strangle each other!

Such a big man takes the initiative to invite you to dinner. What's the matter with you?

"Well, if it's not convenient for Mr. Ye today, can we fix the time at any time in the future? I really want to be strong with Mr. Ye. "

"Well, that's all. I'll go to you at noon."

Until the end of the phone, Xiao Ruxue coughed and said: "Ye Pengfei, OK, it seems that Ye Ting international has something to do with you."

Of course, Xiao Ruxue's heart became confused again.

Because last time Ye Ting international went to their company, was it because of Ye Pengfei?

However, for Xiao Ruxue's exploration, ye Pengfei said with a smile: "don't guess. In fact, the reason why Ji Changxiong asked me to come over was that he wanted me to help him treat his illness. That guy had premature ejaculation. Sometimes he didn't give it up, so he couldn't satisfy his women."


the two girls were so ashamed that they dared to say anything.

"Ye Pengfei! It's shameless of you to say this in front of our two girls

Bingqinlan also quickly said: "president, this guy often smokes, now I want to complain!"

Xiao Ruxue said: "Ye Pengfei, now I order you, you are not allowed to smoke today!"


Ye Pengfei suddenly lit the cigarette, and almost didn't make Xiao Ruxue faint.

"How dare you smoke in my car!" Xiao Ruxue was so angry that she wanted to faint.

Ye Pengfei put out a cigarette ring and said, "excuse me? Mr President, I'm used to... "

"Go to hell!"

Xiao Ruxue picked up a pillow on the car and threw it!


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