Yeting international also has a branch in China.

Moreover, the office building of the whole Asian area is located in Binjiang city.

It can be said that even in China, it is worthy of being a giant in the industry.

That's why bingqinlan worships yeting international every time she mentions it!

And now, ye Pengfei came to the headquarters of yeting international!

Standing in front of the magnificent building, ye Pengfei couldn't help sighing.

Katherine is actually quite capable. Although she is suspected of backing her family, she has not known how much money she has made for her family for a long time.

Soon, not far from the building, a figure came out quickly.

This is a sweet girl, wearing ol uniform. When she saw Ye Pengfei, she couldn't help but shine in front of her eyes.

"Mr. Ye?"

The girl came to the front of Ye Pengfei and quickly asked, "is that Mr. Ye Pengfei?"

Ye Pengfei's eyes quickly fell on the sweet girl and found that she was even more beautiful under close observation!

"You are Ji Changxiong's assistant, Jessie?"

"Well, Mr. Ye, we are still our own family."

Ye Pengfei immediately smile, can not help but to this ye Sisi's impression is very good.

"Mr. Ye, this way, please!"

Jessie quickly turned to her side and made a gesture.

Of course, although Jessie looks very relaxed on the surface, she is quite nervous in her heart.

Because last time, the British headquarters called in person and said that meeting Ye Pengfei was a very important person for Yip Ting international. If you see each other, you must be as good as meeting the chairman of Yip Ting Group!

At that time, Ji Changxiong and ye Sisi were naturally scared!

The reason why Yip Ting international has developed so rapidly in China is that it has strong financial support from its UK headquarters.

Soon, before ye Xixi invited Ye Pengfei into the headquarters building, Ji Changxiong had already come with a large number of high-level yeting international.

There are even foreign staff.

"Mr. Ye! Here you are at last

Ji Changxiong quickly stepped forward, holding Ye Pengfei's right hand in both hands, and immediately shocked the high-level people one by one.

Because Ji Changxiong can become the CEO in Asia, his position is very high even in the UK headquarters, but he doesn't want to be so respectful to this young man.

Even take the initiative to hold each other's hands with both hands!

That's ridiculous!

Then, the people looked at Ye Pengfei carefully.

But soon, they all showed a puzzled expression.

Because this ye Pengfei looks too ordinary, even too ordinary.

Could it be that This is the legend, people can't look?

"Ha ha, President Ji, why be so polite."

Ye Pengfei was quite calm, as if he took it for granted.

Just this sentence, with such a cool attitude, instantly made everyone calm.

"Sure enough, it's a hidden great man. Look, this bearing is more than ordinary people can show?"

It seems that ye Pengfei must have a great background. The reason why she disguised as an ordinary person is that she just wanted to contact the beautiful president.

"Ha ha, ye Pengfei is quite infatuated."

After a while, ye Pengfei, Ji Changxiong and ye Xixi came to Ji Changxiong's office.

Ye Xixi was obviously more attentive than usual, and deftly poured water for ye Pengfei, then handed it to Ye Pengfei's hand.

Ji Changxiong is happy in his heart. This little girl usually doesn't care so much about him.

"Xiaoxi, you haven't asked Mr. Ye whether he would like tea or coffee, just pour boiled water?"


Jessie's face turned red, and she was immediately embarrassed.

Excuse me, Mr. Ye. Would you like tea or coffee

Ye Pengfei said with a smile: "boiled water is very good, but you should not forget your president. After all, you are responsible for your salary."

Ye Xixi quietly spits out her tongue, and then makes tea for Ji Changxiong.

Next, Ji Changxiong opened his door and said, "last time we cooperated with Yamei group, I think we should discuss with Mr. Ye about the details of the channel. If Mr. Ye has any requirements, we, yeting international, will fully cooperate."

Ye Pengfei eyebrows pick, this Ji Changxiong gallant degree seems to be too much, next to Ye Xixi is also a face stare mouth to wait.

"Cough Well, in fact, I'm not familiar with this aspect. I just want to make some profit to Yamei group and give them a little publicity. ""Hey, no problem. You will satisfy Mr. Ye and President Xiao then."

In Ji Changxiong's view, there is absolutely no other reason for this great figure to be so subordinate to Yamei group, except for the beauty of President Xiao Ruxue.

"By the way, in addition, if Yamei group wants to enter other industries in the future, we will wait for Mr. Ye's arrangement at any time."

Ji Changxiong looks very flattering. People who don't know think Ji Changxiong is the dog leg of Ye Pengfei.

Ye Pengfei is also speechless in his heart. After all, Ye Ting international is Catherine's, not her own. I don't know what Catherine said to Ji Changxiong, which makes the other party so respectful to him.

"President Ji, you are a president at least. There's no need to do that. Katherine won't threaten you." Ye Pengfei a pair of extremely relaxed appearance, at the same time in the mind also not from the moment emerge, Catherine's hot figure.

As for Ji Changxiong, when he heard that ye Pengfei said "Katherine chick", almost the whole person was scared away!

"My God, isn't Catherine the helmsman of yeting international headquarters? But what's the name of Mr. Ye, Catherine

Ji Changxiong couldn't help but take a breath of cold air and said, "is this Mr. Ye the man of the general chairman?"

"Wait The chairman seems to say that he will be at Binjiang in a few days. "

Ji Changxiong was not calm immediately.

"Mr. Ye!"

At the gate of the building, yesisi suddenly stops and stops yepengfei with a red face.

Because Ji Changxiong had something to do temporarily before, ye Pengfei was sent to the gate of the building by Ye Xixi.

Ye Pengfei turned his head and said with a smile: "well, you don't need to send it. Go back."

But Jessie smiles shyly, and then plucks up the courage to say: "well, Mr. Ye, do you have a micro signal? Can I add your wechat? "

Jessie looked very much forward to it.

Ye Pengfei's silly eyes, want micro signal? This little beauty doesn't have any thoughts about herself.

But this ye Sisi is obviously still a virgin. How can she date that?

Ye Pengfei immediately froze.


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