Beauty and the Beast [A modern day tale]

Chapter 162:Real Vs Fake tree (158)

George had his official interview and excepted the job offer.

"Welcome to Puissance Entreprise take this paper work over to the airfield office. They will set you up with a work phone and schedule." Zane said shacking his hand.

"Can I ask why you came looking for me." George asked.

"I can not say no to my Beauty. She asked me to look at you for my new pilot when I said mine was retiring. She had talked to Josh about missing your family. I will say when I checked you out I was impressed so it was an easy decision to go forward with."

"Thanks for being honest and Thank you for the job." George said bye and headed to the airport.

It did not take long to get the month's fly schedule and a phone incase there was a flight that was scheduled at the last minute.

Josh and Angela stated to look for a house that was close and found one just four houses down from Betty which was just a few blocks from them. It was Only four Bedroom but that was big enough for their family.

George contacted the realestate dealer and the process started.

Harry had his test and was a candidate for the new treatment. So everyone was hopeful that maybe he could be a little better.

They set an appointment for Angela to see the Doctor and be tested after the New year to be a Surrogate.

Sally was due right after Christmas and was excited.

Josh loved having his family near and loved his new family even more.

They all went looking for a Christmas tree to put up. Ben wanted a fake tree but Josh insisted on a real one.

"How about this one."Bobby said.

"No, I want this one," Kimmy yelled.

"Sorry you two Maggie wants this one." Josh laughed.

"She did not." Bobby said.

"That's not fair she is just a baby." Kimmy said.

They got the tree Josh picked out and took it home to set up.

Angela and him with the kids help decorate every room. It was now feeling like Christmas was coming.


Bella took it easy. Zane hired a group to decorate the mansion. Every room had a decorated tree in it. Bella spent time on the computer looking for the perfect gift. This man had everything he could ever want.

She was beside herself when her mothe-in-law came in wanting to get Bella's approval on some of the wedding details.

"Hello dear how are you and my grandchild today?" She said.

"Just fine, we were trying to figure out what to get Zane for Christmas."

"Just get him a watch or tie or something like that. Men don't care about these things. " She said.

"I care, I want our first Christmas to be special." Bella said.

"Then I have faith you will find the perfect gift then."

They then went over some details of the wedding that would be in the spring.

After Mrs. Heart left Bella went to the rose room to relax a little.

◇◇◇♡♡♡◇◇◇ THE MAGIC BON BONS cont.

The political meeting was the feature of the day, for the senator's eloquence was well known in Boston. So the big hall was crowded with people, and in one of the front rows sat the Bostwick family, with the learned Yale professor beside them.

They all looked tired and pale, as if they had passed a rather dissipated evening, and the senator was rendered so nervous by seeing them that he refused to look in their direction a second time.

While the mayor was introducing him the great man sat fidgeting in his chair; and, happening to put his thumb and finger into his vest pocket, he found the lavender-colored bonbon he had placed there the evening before.

"This may clear my throat," thought the senator, and slipped the bonbon into his mouth.

A few minutes afterwards he arose before the vast audience, which greeted him with enthusiastic plaudits.

"My friends," began the senator, in a grave voice, "this is a most impressive and important occasion."

Then he paused, balanced himself upon his left foot, and kicked his right leg into the air in the way favored by ballet-dancers!

There was a hum of amazement and horror from the spectators, but the senator appeared not to notice it. He whirled around upon the tips of his toes, kicked right and left in a graceful manner, and startled a bald-headed man in the front row by casting a languishing glance in his direction.

Suddenly Claribel Sudds, who happened to be present, uttered a scream and sprang to her feet.

Pointing an accusing finger at the dancing senator, she cried in a loud voice: "That's the man who stole my bonbons! Seize him! Arrest him! Don't let him escape!"

But the ushers rushed her out of the hall, thinking she had gone suddenly insane; and the senator's friends seized him firmly and carried him out the stage entrance to the street, where they put him into an open carriage and instructed the driver to take him home.

The effect of the magic bonbon was still powerful enough to control the poor senator, who stood upon the rear seat of the carriage and danced energetically all the way home, to the delight of the crowd of small boys who followed the carriage and the grief of the sober-minded citizens, who shook their heads sadly and whispered that "another good man had gone wrong."

Perhaps it was fortunate the last bonbon had now been eaten, for they might easily have caused considerably more trouble than they did. Of course Claribel went again to the wise chemist and signed a check for another box of magic bonbons; but she must have taken better care of these, for she is now a famous vaudeville actress.

This story should teach us the folly of condemning others for actions that we do not understand, for we never know what may happen to ourselves.

It may also serve as a hint to be careful about leaving parcels in public places, and, incidentally, to let other people's packages severely alone.

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