Beauty and the Beast [A modern day tale]

Chapter 163:December wedding (159)

The day came for the Wedding of Bert Beauté and Lily Thomas.

Betty and Rose were helping with last minute touches. Rose had done a very good job for a 6 year old to make a magical wedding for her mommy.

The hall was decorated with white bells and puffy white flowers.

In the joining room there was a four teir Cake with little purple flowers. A small band was ready to play and tables were filled with purple and white flowers.

All of Bert's friends and family were on the right side of the venue and the left was filled with Lily's friend most of them in uniform.

As the music starts Lily best friend dressed in a purple strapless dress. Next Rose dressed in a little purple and white dress and she dropped purple and white petals as she walked down the aile.

Next Lily and her Chief walk down to meet a waiting Bert. She was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen.

The ceremony went very quickly and when they kissed it felt like a part of him was complete. All his family was married or engaged and now was his time and then he felt a hand on his shoulder. He could feel this was his mother showing her love.

At the reception everyone had fun eating at drinking. The first dance was magical. The Rose came up to him and the band leader announced Daddy daughter dance and Bert took her to the dance floor. She stepped upon his shoes and they dance around to Cinderella song a 'dream is a wish you heart makes'.

After everything was over for the night he took his new family home.


David had gone to the wedding. He tired many times to talk to Babs but she would make an excuse and leave.

He did not know how to make things right with her. As she was getting ready to leave he asked Neil to trade cars with him so he could drive her home and talk.

When she put the baby in the car, Neil closed her door then said, "You should really talk to him. Please forgive me."

She then seen David get in the driver seat. She then buckled up. "Ok talk."

"I'm sorry, I miss you very much. What can I do to get you to come home?" He said.

"I'll come home when your dad leaves. I won't pretend to be something I'm not." Babs said.

"That will be a problem, he is moving here."

"Did you know this when you asked me to change?" She asked.

He was quite.

"I take that as a yes." She said.

"I'm sorry." He drove and pulled up to Betty's house.

"I don't think I can do this. Thank you for everything you have done for me. I'll have Oliver send you divorce papers. I won't ask for anything. I'm just thankful that I did not go through with the adoption." She got out and got Skyler.

She then went in and broke down and cried.

David drove home and hit the bottle.

Neil showed up a little later to find his brother in the den.

"That won't help believe me I've tried it." He said.

"Nothing will help." David said downing the glass and pouring one more.

"Did you talk to her?" he asked.

"Ok, what did she say?"

"She said she would be home when my dad leaves. So I told her the truth he was moving here. She then asked if I knew before asking her to pretend. I could not answer her."

"Wow, She took it as a yes then? Did she ask for how long she was going to need to pretend for?" Neil asked

"No, she just said she could not do this anymore and said Oliver would send me divorce papers. I lost my ray of sunshine. My meaning to be a better man." David said.

"So I ask now, how long did you want her to pretend?" Neil sat down and took his glass.

"I thought she would like being the hostess of the house once she learned how and there would not be any problem then."

"You don't know Babs then. I have been friends with her for about 6 years. She is a free sprite that does what she wants with all her heart." Neil said. "Look's like your Dad won again in destroying someone else."

"Babs will be ok I'm sure of it." he said.

"I'm not talking about Babs, I am talking about you. After Christmas I'll find a place to live. I use to look up to you but now." He got up and left the room.

Babs sat in the livingroom crying when Betty and the boys walked in.

"Aunt Babs is crying Mom." Trevor said.

"Take Olly to his room and get him ready for bed please."

"Okay" Trevor took Olly's hand and they left.

"What wrong?" Betty asked.

Babs then told her what had happened. Oliver came in carrying some of the wedding gifts, "Where do I put these?"

"On the table" Betty said. When he came back in he stood there listening to Babs tell Betty what had happened then she looked at Oliver.

"You.. you send him divorce paper. I don't want anything from him." She asked.

"Sure if that is what you want." He said.

"This is all because I was a bad person to my family. I can't have a happily ever after."


Oliver left and drove over to David's house.

The Butler let him in. He found David sitting there staring at a glass of bourbon.

"Get up." Oliver said.

David stood up and faced him the smack Oliver punched him as hard as he could and he went flying backwards.

David shook his head. "I deserve that."

"Yes you do. You destroyed a girl that was lost and thought she found her way back. Babs is home crying her eyes out thinking she is the bad person here and she thinks she doesn't deserve love." Oliver said.

Oliver sat down, "Babs lost her way when her mother died. Never wanting to get close to anyone ever again. Then she fell in love with you and she wanted a family again. Now she is lost again and this time she may never find her way back."

"I don't know what to do, My father believes in family rules and order. I don't know how to stand up to him." David said.

"Why is he coming back?" Oliver asked.

"He is done making movies he said and is taking a teaching position at the collage. He reminded me of Babs's role as the hostess of the Cameron family."

Oliver got up to walk out, "I hope you are happy with yourself. Why could you not leave her alone."

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