Beauty and the Beast: Wolf Hubby XOXO

Chapter 829: If you don't want me, it is better to kill me.

"But you are getting used to having something to do with me now. The last thing about Kye was that you two decided privately, saying that I was afraid that I couldn’t help but break the plan. I thought you were first-time offenders. I didn't care about it. But this time you are like this, obviously there is something but I don't let me know." Gu Mengmeng's tone is very calm, as if it is just a description of the matter.

This attitude, on the contrary, makes Ervis and Leia very helpless.

If she sprinkles and makes trouble with them, they still have a hundred ways to marry her, most afraid that she is not trouble.

"A feeling, bullying is the beginning of a breakdown. You will slowly start to have one secret that I can't let me know, and I will become more and more suspicious, and I will start again, not if I collapse or you collapse, the final direction. It’s all ruin. That’s why it’s better to stop loss in time. I’m learning independent life from now on, no longer relying on you. Learn how to ignore your secrets that you can’t say, and live my own life.”

"Xiao Meng!" Ervis is low-lying.

When Gu Mengmeng stunned his heart, how could he be afraid of Ervis’s face?

I didn’t give him a chance to interrupt, and continued: “But you can rest assured that if I still love you, I will not turn you into a wandering beast. I will stay with you forever, you or me. Nominal partner."

Ervis once again banned Gu Mengmeng's waist, and he was very strong. He pushed him by Gu Mengmeng, but he did not let go, frowning, saying: "If you don't want me, it is better to kill me."

Ervis coveted and looked at Gu Meng's hand on his chest.

He used a lot of strength, but the strength of Gu Mengmeng is not inseparable. However, pushing him apart is at least a force that will make him break his ribs.

The little white hands were shoving and pushing on his chest, but they couldn’t hold such a heavy hand.

"I obviously can't bear me, isn't it?" The lips are slightly hooked, and the smile brings a bit of evil. The blue-skinned scorpion rises a little smile, bows and kisses Gu Mengmeng's lips. It was because she had bitten him, and she had to slay her, but she could not help but escape.

A kiss for a long time, until Gu Mengmeng finally stopped, no trouble and no resistance, Ervis slowly loosened her, rubbed her lips with her thumb, looked down at the two mixed saliva on the thumb Laugh, said: "Bite me for a long time, but even a little skin is not broken, still do not admit that it hurts me? Uh?"

"Yeah, I just can't get a heavy hand, I can't bear to hurt you, so you can bully me?" Gu Mengmeng has big eyes and some negative air.

Ervis was distressed by her look of grievances, and some helplessly said: "Where are we going to bully you? Just some things, saying that you are upset with white, we will solve it well, you just have to be happy." It is."

Gu Mengmeng bowed his head and said: "I have come to this part, I am willing to tell me, is it?"

Ervis snorted and looked at Leia. He finally surrendered: "Don't be angry, telling you still can't?"

Gu Mengmeng looked up and looked at Ervis: "Do you think I am in trouble, just because I want to know about it?"

Ervis stunned and didn't seem to understand Gu Mengmeng's meaning.

Gu Mengmeng sighed and shook his head. "Oh, I don't want to know. You go out, I have to rest."

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