Beauty and the Beast: Wolf Hubby XOXO

Chapter 830: 234, there is no chance to ask for mercy.

Ervis and Leia face each other, obviously she is awkward, I don’t know.

Tell her now, but she said she didn't want to know?


Didn't you all agree to tell her? Why are you going to marry them out?

Gu Mengmeng looked at the two males who stood motionless and smashed their hands and said, "If you don't leave, then I will go. I will sleep outside this evening."

"Xiao Meng." Ervis pulled Gu Mengmeng back and locked it in his arms. "Don't be angry, I and Leia listen to you. Today we are at the door, you are here." Sleeping in the cave, okay?"

Gu Mengmeng, Kailves, is a swearing gesture than a gesture of asking.

Ervis and Leia know that Gu Mengmeng is really angry, and she doesn't want to make her more angry on her anger. So the two partners who are famous in the world of the beasts are so pitiful at the cave. In order to see Gu Mengmen through the doorway, the two did not avoid the sun, and the hot sun in the afternoon was hot on the body, but they kept the door.

Gu Mengmeng really stunned her heart. When she turned her head, she went to bed and took a nap. She only gave Ervis and Leia a back view.

For a long time, the two people who listened carefully at the door knew that Gu Mengmeng had fallen asleep, and this sighed with a sigh of relief, and the shoulders hanged unconsciously.

"The last time I got angry, I took me out of the cave, or after I returned to participate in the beauty contest, I found out that I was creating opportunities for you during the cold season. And that time was not so angry." Ervis looked Gu Mengmeng's back, some suffering. He is used to sleeping in his arms when she is sleeping, and the sleepy look is always soft.

If he is not there, will she fall to the ground as soon as she turns over?

I am used to sleeping with my tail. Now that my arms are empty, will she sleep uneasy?

Leia smiled and said: "Well, then I will see you being embarrassed and envious. At least you still have the qualification to be detained. At that time, I was directly forbidden to approach and refused to go. I didn’t even have the opportunity to ask for mercy. It."

Ervis smiled helplessly and said: "Well, then you are getting what you want now? Is it better to be embarrassed?"

Leah licked it, it seemed to be serious, and then chuckled, said: "We didn't seem to care much about sleeping in the past. How do you become so attached to the cave now? If you can't get in, you feel empty."

Ervis’s gaze was deep, and the little man on the bed was condensed. “We are not clinging to the cave, the little man who is tantrum in the cave.”

Leia took it for granted and nodded. "Yes, she was annoyed, and we both had no way."

Ervis's gaze has a gentleness that he can hardly detect, and when he is lingering on Gu Mengmeng, it is all a feeling of happiness.

Being out of the house by her is also a kind of happiness.

After all, I didn’t want to be beaten before.

"So, do you really want to tell her about it?" Leia's brow was still squatting, and he didn't want to let Meng Meng know about it.

Ervis looked at Leia and said, "Do you have a better way?"

Leia thought about it and shook her head. "If the lie is caught, it may not be so simple."

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