Beauty and the Vampires

Chapter 10. Finding Answers

"How did you like the room Alice?" Rosalinda, Lord Nicholas' Chief Advisor, looked at Alice with a slight smile on her lips.

Lord Nicholas had given her the responsibility to show Alice her room. I had insisted the Lord not to take the trouble of giving her a separate room, she could share with me but the Lord was adamant saying he had just found a new friend and wanted to spoil her to the core.Alice was too thrilled at the idea.

The room was large and had pink walls.It was decorated with dolls and many other toys and they all looked expensive! I sighed and glanced at Alice.

Her eyes twinkled and there was a broad smile on her face.Her little legs ran all over the place and she touched one toy after the other, trying to believe that this all belonged to her.It was going to be tough on her once she leaves from here. I could picture her not wanting to leave the castle ever!

"I love it Linda! Thanks!" Alice glanced at Rosalinda and gave her a broad grin.She nodded at Alice with a smile.

Later in the day, I decided to hit the library as my mind was getting restless with the thoughts of 'The Council of Wise Women' and 'The Mystic Woods.' I wondered if I could get some information about them in any of the books.I had to take Eugene's help for that who gladly showed me the royal library. Ofcourse I just told her that I needed to pass my time as there was nothing for me to do.Undoubtedly the library was huge with books of all shapes and sizes neatly placed category wise.

So here I was sitting in the library, with a pile of books kept beside me.Some two hours had already passed and this was the fourth book I was going through.Luck clearly eluded me.

Suddenly my eyes spotted an old book in the pile.It was titled "The Lost Legends." I pulled it out and started going through the contents. To my happiness, I found 'The Mystic Woods' on the list and I quickly turned pages.

The Mystic Woods is an enchanted forest that is home to some of the most profound mythical creatures.Legend has it that it is as old as the earth itself and will remain intact as long as the earth survives.Although the place is abundant with mysterious animals and beautiful creatures there is one mystery that is more enchanting than the others.Believed to be mysterious, alluring, wise, chirpy, vibrant, detached from the worldly affairs and blessed with mystical powers are the three women who are inhabiting the place since no one knows when.They are together called 'The Council of Wise Women.'

The Council of Wise Women remain youthful forever and no one knows of their origin.It is said that they are three in number, each one gifted with a unique magical power.All three of them are equal in stature and together they are invincible.Their names are said to be - Cassandra, Sylvia and Brietta.

Cassandra is known for her ability to predict the future.Sylvia can heal any physical injury, infact it is said that she can bring back the dead to life.Brietta has warrior capabilities.She is the most powerful warrior alive on this planet and nobody can defeat her in a fight.But the three ladies are detached observers to the day to day life on this planet.They do not interfere in the functioning of the world under any circumstances.Only if they are pleased, which is rarest of rare, one can get a boon from them.

The chapter ended.I continued to stare at the last line.This was some information but not enough to satisfy my curious mind.There was nothing mentioned about the elixir. Her voice still echoed in my mind, "You are the protector of the elixir."

"I see you are putting your free time to good use." I turned around to see Lord Damian standing with his hands in his pockets and his devil-may-care attitude.

"Lord Damian!" I stood up in alarm hitting my knee with the table in the process and let out a small cry of pain, "Ow! I-I was just going through some books to kill monotony." I continued while my eyes closed in pain and I quietly closed the book I was reading.

In seconds he was near me, bending to see where I'd hurt myself.

"Are you alright?" His voice full of concern and he gently pulled up my skirt up until my knee.

Alarm bells started ringing in my mind, "M-My Lord! I'm fine really! It just pains a little but I'm sure it'll be fine in no time."

He ignored me, his eyes busy examining the blue mark that had formed on my knee. He bent down and gently kissed the affected area with his cool lips. I was appalled by this sudden act, my cheeks reddened.He chuckled to himself.

"There! Your knee looks fine now."

I slowly checked my knee and the blue mark was gone.The pain was gone too.

As if reading my mind, he answered, "Royal Vampires can cure minor injuries by their touch."

He then raised his eyebrows at the huge pile on the table. "You read all of them?"

My cheeks flushed. "I was just looking for something that would be of interest to me my lord. I'm sorry Lord Nicholas asked me to take a day off today to spend some time with Alice." My eyes cast down at the floor.

"Ah Nicholas! Ever so thoughtful." He spoke dryly.

"How did Alice find her new room?" He asked.

"She loved it my lord! I can't thank you enough for allowing her to visit me." I expressed my gratitude.

He dismissed it with a wave of his hand. "Consider it a little gift for one of the best cooks in the castle." He winked. "You should spend some time with her today instead of sitting here."

"I am done here my lord.I'll go and find Alice now." I bowed and left the library.

I went straight to Alice's room and I found her holding a doll and Lord Nicholas sitting on her bed listening to her intently.

"This is the most beautiful doll I have Nick.Her name's Anna and I am looking for the most handsome guy for her.You are going to help me find one." Her voice held a little authority and her eyes were directed at him as if daring him to say 'no'.

Lord Nicholas' eyes dilated and his lips formed an 'o' shape and his voice came out as if he was intimidated by her, "Now I can't say 'no' to that, can I? My friend asks for something and she gets just that. That's a Lord's promise!" His lips curve into a smile.

"Apologies my lord! Alice can be quite stubborn sometimes." I entered and gave a stern look to Alice before bowing to the Lord.

He chuckled, looking amused, "I like her frankness Mia. I don't get to see that a lot. I'll leave you two to spend some time together." Glancing at Alice he continued, "You'll have a new handsome doll for your Anna by evening.I'll send Rosalinda with the doll."

Alice beamed and with that he left.

"Try to be nice with him Alice.He is the Lord of Nightfall, not your playmate." I told her.

She whined, "But he is my friend!" I rolled my eyes.There was no arguing with her.Besides, I was here to spend some time with her, not to argue.We played together for hours and soon it was time to cook dinner.

I was in the kitchen pouring some oil into the big utensil but my mind was elsewhere.I needed to find out about the elixir. The books in the library didn't have any information.As I was thinking hard, I heard a loud voice breaking into my thoughts, "WHAT ARE YOU DOING!"

I was startled and the oil container dropped from my hands and I was face to face with a very angry looking Chef Jackson.


"Uh-Um Ch-Chef I am v-very s-sorry.I think my mind was elsewhere." I stuttered, my voice coming out squeaky.

"This is highly unacceptable.A cook of the royal castle is supposed to remain alert while on duty. I forbid you from entering the kitchen for one whole week starting now." With this he left me alone.

Holly, Edith, Chelsea and Henry gave me nervous glances and sympathized with me.I was sad about whatever had happened but nothing could be done about it.I removed my apron and left the kitchen.

As I was sitting in my room, gazing at the moon in the night sky from my window, I decided to find out about the elixir.

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