Beauty and the Vampires

Chapter 9. The Mystic Woods

I hugged Lucinda's frail body.She looked a bit better than I last saw her, her cheeks had started showing colour.

"Lucinda! I'm so happy to see you.I've been dying to meet you since a long time." I could barely contain my excitement.

"Thanks Mia.Sir Gabe told me how worried you'd been for me.I am so grateful." As she spoke, she held my hand in both of hers.

"I think I'll leave you both to spend some time." Gabe, who was standing beside us, spoke for the first time and went away leaving us both alone in his room.

Gabe's room was not as elegant as Eugene's but it was still exquisite, befitting a royal official.

"I heard that Sir Gabe tried to strangle you.I'm so sorry you had to go through this all.He was really guilty for doing that to you." Her tone sounded worried.

"You don't need to worry dear.He has expressed his apologies.He's not a bad person at heart." I smiled reassuringly.

"I know.He has started being kinder towards me.I feel it's not his fault that he couldn't control himself.He's a vampire.That's how he's supposed to be." She said.

"I am glad to know that he's treating you well now." I stated.

"Enough about me now.Tell me how have you been?How are things going for you here?" She tried to be cheerful.Great! She was trying to be happy.

"I am great.The Lord of Blackmist treats me well.I now have a room of my own." I smiled.

We talked for about two hours and I bade her farewell after that.I went into the kitchen to cook for today's breakfast.

"Holy Lord!How are you Mia? How's your new room?" Holly pounced on me as soon as I entered, Edith and Chelsea not far behind.

"Girls! Let me breathe!." My breath was caught in my throat when Holly's hands went around me.

Her hands left me and she had an apologetic look.I laughed and I told them all about my new room.

Edith was chopping the tomatoes and looked up towards me,"The Lord is quite kind to you Mia."

"I don't know when will I get a room of my own?" Holly spoke dramatically.

We all laughed.We all prepared the breakfast and after that I decided to explore the castle.It was a huge place and I loved roaming around, admiring its beauty.

I walked through the corridors watching the maids and the servants busy carrying out their daily duties.The corridors zig zagged and I went from one floor to another, from one corridor to another so many times that I lost count.

In the end I realized that I had lost my way.In front of me was a long corridor with a large wooden door at the end.It was closed and there was not a single soul around.

I slowly took small steps towards it, my footsteps were the only sounds echoing in the silent corridor.I neared the giant door and placed my hand on it.The door slowly opened and I was greeted by the most spectacular view ever.

In front of me was a large forest!It extended to as far as my eyes could see.It was a breathtaking view with the huge, shady trees and butterflies who were shining!It was a fairy land!

I stepped out onto the greeen grass.The cool, fresh air greeted me and I couldn't help smiling.What world was this?As I stepped outside, the door behind me closed.I took a few steps forward and my eyes took in every small detail of the place.

The colourful flowers were in full bloom with the butterflies atop.My eyes fell on a beautiful butterfly sitting delicately on a little hibiscus flower.I moved quietly towards it, holding my breath.I reached out my hands but before my fingers could touch her delicate wings, she flew away.

I ran after her for some time but she was too quick for me.I didn't know how long I ran after that little creature but I was brought back to my senses when my eyes fell on a huge white castle at a distance.

My eyes widened and my mouth dropped open.This place had a castle?I slowly made my way to it through the forest and reached the gates.I found goblins guarding the place.

"I am here to take you inside.The Council had told me about your expected visit Miss.Please follow me." I heard a goblin no taller than my knees, speak to me.

I hesitated.My mind was confused about all of this.A castle in the middle of a forest and a goblin came up to me offering me to take me inside? I decided to follow him.

Everything inside the castle was absolutely white.In no time we reached a huge hall with the goblin walking in front and me walking behind.Three large thrones were placed atop a raised platform.I saw three beautiful women seated on the thrones.They wore flower tiaras on their heads.The middle one was blue eyed with long blonde hair.The one seated to her right had long black hair with brown eyes and the one to her left had long brown hair with green eyes.'Were they vampires?'I wondered.

The goblin bowed his head, "I have brought her my ladies!"

"Marcus! Very well indeed! Thank you for your wonderful assistance." The lady with blonde hair clapped her hands in delight, her voice melodious like the notes of music.

The goblin named Marcus bowed his head and retreated.

The lady with the sweet voice descended the stairs one by one with her gaze fixed on me and a smile playing on her lips.She caressed my hair, her touch soft and smooth.My heart picked up speed at her sudden act and my mind flooded with a million thoughts.Was she going to hurt me? What was this place?Was I ever going to get out of here?

"My Dear! Welcome to the Mystic Woods!" Her sing song voice interrupted my flow of thoughts.

"We knew you would be coming here.We had been waiting for so long." She stated.

I looked at her with eyes full of questions.She sensed it.

"Pardon me! I forgot to introduce us in my excitement to meet you.I am Cassandra." She stretched out her hand towards the other two ladies, "And these are Sylvia and Brietta."

She turned towards me before continuing, "We are the members of The Council of Wise Women.The stars had prophesied your visit.We are glad the day has finally arrived."

As she spoke, the other two ladies had descended the stairs and these three had now encircled me.

"I-I d-dont understand." I stammered.

"She doesn't know anything yet Sylvia.How innocent!" The black haired one spoke for the first time looking at the brown haired one.So the black haired one was Brietta.

"Awww.You're so innocent.I wonder why destiny put such a heavy responsibility on a human?" Brietta spoke more to herself.

"Sweetheart! You are the protector of the elixir." Cassandra stated.

I gasped."What?" A protector? What was that supposed to mean?I had never heard anything more bizarre than that.

"Okayyy!I think you all are mistaken.I think I should go now.It's already got too late and I don't know how long I've been here." I spoke while taking a few steps back.

'Keep it safe' was all I heard as I didn't give them time to think and made a dash towards the door and ran out of the castle.Luckily no one made any effort to come after me.I ran out into the jungle and strangely found the same butterfly who I had chased before.

It started flying as soon as it saw me and I instinctively decided to follow it.It guided me towards the door from which I had entered into this strange world.As I was about to open the door to the castle, I glanced back one last time and then went inside.

I found myself in the silent corridor again.Luckily I found a maid passing by and with her help I came out of that eerie place.

Later in the day as I was taking a stroll in the garden,my mind full of questions thanks to the creepy adventure I'd just experienced, I heard a familiar voice, "Mia!Look I'm here." I turned to face in the direction of the so familiar voice and to my surprise I saw Alice running towards me.

I was horrified! What was she doing here? I knelt down and she came running into my open arms.I hugged her tightly, my voice choked, "Alice! I've missed you so much."

"I've missed you too Mia." She responded.

It was then I spotted Lord Nicholas standing there with Lord Damian.Lord Nicholas had a heart warming smile on his face whereas Lord Damian's face was expressionless.

"Mia, I told Damian about you missing your sister so he gave me permission to bring her here." He walked towards me and I stood up from my crouched position.

"But-but what about her safety?She's only seven years old and a human! The castle is full of vampires.It isn't safe for her." I said.

"I know that Mia that's why I have asked Nicholas to take responsibility of Alice.She has already grown fond of him." Lord Damian spoke glancing at Lord Nicholas.

"Nick is very nice.He gave me sweets when we were coming here." Alice spoke excitedly.

"Alice, where are your manners?It's Lord Nicholas." I corrected her.

Lord Nicholas chuckled. "Don't bother about that Mia.Besides, I don't have many friends.Being a lord has its own disadvantages.Alice could be my first friend. Right Alice?" He hi-fived her.

I looked at her wide eyed. A few hours with Lord Nicholas and she was already behaving as if he was her long lost friend.First that Mystic Woods adventure and now Alice staying with me in the castle.I wondered where things were heading from here.

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