Beauty and the Vampires

Chapter 12. Fairy Tales

Mia's POV

I was sipping on my mug of coffee.I was trying to concentrate on Eugene but my mind was on a trip of its own.I didn't know how to find out about the elixir.A faint voice reached my ears.

"Mia! Are you even listening?" Eugene was holding a pillow on her lap, her blue eyes fixed on me looking for some response.

"Yes? Oh pardon me.I think I got lost midway." I sounded feeble and I placed my mug on the side table.

"Here I am trying to talk to a zombie!" She rolled her eyes.

"I think I just feel tired." I gulped the remaining contents of the coffee.

"Is it too much work for you? I could ask Jackson to give you rest for a few days if you want." She spoke with concern.

"No No.That won't be necessary." I waved my hand at her.I shifted hesitantly realizing that I wasn't actively participating in the conversation.I decided to ask her something that had always aroused my curiosity.

"Eugene! If you don't mind may I ask you something?" I looked at her.

"Oh don't be silly Mia.You are my only female friend in the castle.You can ask me anything!" She playfully scolded.

"How did the vampires come into existence?" I asked.

She let out a sigh and began, "It was long back.My father was a mere human back then.One day he met an old witch who gave him an elixir."

"Elixir?"I asked her,my mind now giving her the undivided attention she seeked.

She responded, "Yes.It contained powers to turn anybody into the most powerful individual on the planet.So she needed someone powerful enough to guard it. My father was a poor farmer in those days, leading the life of a nomad.It was then when he chanced upon an old lady claiming to be a powerful witch. She turned him into a vampire and gave him the elixir and forbade him to use it."

"The Great Pure Blood Vampire is taking care of the elixir till now?" I asked her.

She got up from the bed and a dry laugh escaped her throat.She slowly took small,leisurely steps towards the open window.Her eyes wore a distant look as she continued, "The elixir was safe with him for thousands of years till that..." She trailed off.She turned towards where I was sitting and gave me a small smile.

"I think we should leave it at that. It's getting too late Mia.Alice must be waiting for you." She gave me a gentle look.

I got up from where I sat, "Oh Yes! I had promised to read out a story for her tonight. I'll take leave." I gave her a slight bow in a hurry and made my way out.Before leaving I couldn't help but notice that Lady Eugene still wore that sombre look.

I saw Alice talking to Rosalinda.Rosalinda had a slight smile on her lips and her blonde hair was flowing freely.She wore black robes as usual.I always found her intimidating.Alice on the other hand never seemed fazed by her.On the contrary, she spoke to her as if she was her childhood buddy.As soon as she noticed my presence she ran towards me with joy.

"Mia! Don't forget I want to hear an interesting story!"

I rolled my eyes.This girl was a little tyrant.I mentally reminded myself to ask Aunt Rose to keep her tantrums in check.Before I could say anything to her I heard a sweet, melodious voice, "Sleep well sweetheart.If you need any new bedtime tales book.Let me know."

She then looked at me and gave me a twisted smile.

"Please don't trouble yourself.I am certain that Alice is yet to finish her fairy tale book that Lord Nicholas presented her last time." I spoke to Rosalinda half hoping that she would consider my opinion.

"These are Lord Nicholas' instructions Mia.He wants to make sure that his friend is having a pleasant stay here.Now we can't have him sack me for being indifferent to his friend's wishes, could we?" Her red lips slightly formed a smile.

I was at a loss of words to that.Sometimes I felt that it was the Lord's conspiracy to pamper her to the point she became a spoilt brat.I heard a slight knock at the door.

We all turned to see Lord Damian leaning against the door.His eyes unreadable and his face in a bored expression.

"I didn't know Nicholas turned you into a baby sitter Rosalinda."

Rosalinda gave a slight bow, the smile never leaving her face, "My Lord! I only follow Lord Nicholas' instructions.Questioning his sensibilities has never been my job."

"Oh yes! But I must say it's a sheer waste and disrespect to your warrior abilities." His brown eyes shone slightly.

"The Lord of Blackmist respects my warrior abilities.It is his sheer greatness." She responded unfazed.

Lord Damian smirked and Rosalinda took it as a hint to leave.After she left, the Lord bent down in front of Alice and spoke, "Would you mind if I read out a story to you young lady?" He smiled charmingly.

Before I could intervene I heard Alice's chirpy voice, "Ofcourse my lord! The pleasure would be all mine."

Lord Damian chuckled.I gave my little cousin an intimidating look which she pretended to ignore.

Lord Damian lifted her up, his two hands effortlessly holding her mid air and placing her comfortably in bed in the soft quilt.

She giggled happily and the Lord took a seat beside her on the bed holding her favourite fairy tale book in his large hands.

"I'll read out my favourite one to you today.It was something my mother used to read out to me when I was a child." He looked at her with his brown eyes.

"You used to listen to fairy tales?" Alice slightly straightened herself in bed, her eyes wide in astonishment.

Even I couldn't hold my surprise.Fairy tales and vampires somehow did not fit together.

His brown eyes now held softness as he spoke to Alice in a gentle tone, "My mother used to read out a new story every night.It's one of the best memories I have of my childhood.Being the natural heir to the Empire devoids you of little childhood pleasures."

My heart sank.I realized that even the most powerful ones had certain weaknesses.

Alice spoke, "You can read me stories whenever you want to relive your childhood."

"I would be glad to do that." He smiled.

"Now let me read out to you one of my favourites, Beauty and the Beast." He flipped the pages and his hand rested on the title of the story, his long fingers gently ran over the black heading.

The next few minutes saw the angelic voice of the Lord reverberating in the room and Alice listening attentively.

I couldn't help but look at the Lord's beautiful face that held the innocence of an angel now.His eyes moved over the book, his nose, which had a perfect shape, his lips that parted in perfect kissable.

What? I mentally chided myself.I had developed some feelings for him but he was no ordinary being.In other circumstances I might have felt jubilant at the prospect of being someone's love interest.But things weren't that easy in reality.

"...They soon got married and lived happily ever after." The Lord's voice reached my ears bringing me out of my guilty pleasure trip.

He looked at Alice who was now lying on her bed with her eyelids closed, looking every bit like an angel.She had a small smile on her lips that reflected her inner innocence.

Lord Damian closed the book and looked at her with a slight smile playing on his lips.He then turned to me.I cast my eyes down, not able to handle the sheer intensity of those brown eyes.

I heard soft footsteps approaching me.My heart thudded in my chest, threatening to burst.I felt something cold touch my left cheek.

I looked up in shock and was greeted by Lord Damian's teasing smile.His cold hand felt comforting against my warm cheek.He leaned in and I closed my eyes inadvertently.

To my surprise, he kissed the top of my forehead.I opened my eyes quickly and he gave me a smirk.

His mouth formed the words 'Goodnight' and the very next moment he was gone.

I stood rooted at the spot in the middle of the room.My hand touched the part where he had just kissed.

A few days passed and I was beginning to notice that Alice was spending more time with Lord Nicholas.He had seen to it that she got everything she demanded.My little protests had gone unheard ofcourse.

The discussion I had with Lady Eugene was still fresh in my mind.It was my bad luck that I couldn't get more information on the elixir.I didn't think she would be interested in sharing more.

I decided to visit the royal library again.There had to be some information regarding the elixir.I went through a lot of books but did not find anything about it.

I decided to talk to Henry.He was close to Lady Eugene.I found him in the hallway.

"Henry! Could you give me a minute of your time? I have something important to discuss." I stated.

"Hi Mia! Oh why not? Look I just got a big fish from the market today.Isn't this amazing?" He lifted his hand to show me a large fish dangling upside down.

"Uh! It looks...delectable." I responded hesitantly.

"Henry, do you know anything about the elixir?" I asked.

The fish dropped from his hand as his eyes widened in shock.

"I-I th-think I should go.Did you hear Chef Jackson calling me?I better hurry before he loses his temper.Anyway it's not something we should be discussing! If the royals get to know they will kill us!" His voice quivered.

"They won't know.It's important for me.Please." I requested.

"I'm sorry Mia.I cannot help you." He bent down, picked up the fish and went away.

I was left dejected.I wasn't getting any information from anywhere.I didn't know for how long I would be staying like this.Now my only hope was the mystic woods.But I didn't know the way to that door which led to the woods.If only I knew!

I was mindlessly roaming through the castle with all these thoughts flooding in my mind.

All of a sudden my eyes took in the view of my surroundings.It all looked familiar.Just then I saw what I was so desperately looking for right in front of me.

"The Mystic Woods" I whispered.

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