Beauty and the Vampires

Chapter 13. The Secret of the Elixir

The door opened and I was greeted by the same beautiful forest.The trees were large and green, the grass looked like a green carpet and flowers bloomed in their full glory.

I stepped out and soon caught sight of the butterfly that I was chasing the last time I came here.

She was sitting atop a beautiful flower and I took a few slow steps towards her, afraid of startling her.When I reached a few inches from her, I stood still. Unaware of how to go about it I decided to try to talk.

"Umm...Hi! Remember me? I saw you here the last time I came? You showed me the way to the castle." I looked at her waiting for some movement from her atleast.

The butterfly at first, didn't even try to fly.I thought maybe I was making a fool of myself and it was only a coincidence that it had managed to guide me to the white castle.

But the next moment I saw the butterfly flap its pretty wings and she hovered over my head, her wings sparkling during the whole time.She circled two to three times over my head and set off straight ahead.

I couldn't help smiling and followed the little creature.This time I made sure to remember the path well.A few minutes passed as the beautiful white castle came into view.

I entered the castle with no goblin guards trying to stop me.It was a huge place and I went past many rooms.I spotted a maid carrying a plate full of flowers.

"Pardon me.I wish to meet The Wise Women.Could you tell me where can I find them?" I asked her.

Her eyes sized me up and down carefully, an expression of suspicion on her face.

"I do not know you miss but I presume that if you're here it must be the will of The Wise Women for nobody can roam around without their consent." She shook her head tiredly and gestured me to follow her.

I followed her like an obedient child and we crossed many chambers on the way.We soon reached a large, spacious room which had white walls.The room had a large mirror on one of the walls and it held the reflection of the black haired woman.Her brown eyes twinkled and her ruby red lips were formed into a pretty smile.She was busy adjusting the tiara on her head.

"May I enter Miss Brietta?" The maid bowed with the tray of flowers held firmly in her hands.

The black haired lady turned around with the smile intact and sweetly looked at her.

"Magnolia! What took you so long? I could've been waiting since ages!" She took hurried steps towards the maid named Magnolia and her fingers touched the flowers she had brought.

She bent a little so that her nose was now touching the freshly plucked flowers and she inhaled their scent.

"Lovely! You've done a great job." She smiled.

"I am priviled to serve you my lady." Magnolia bowed a little.

"And I see you've brought along a visitor." Her eyes shifted to land on me.

I gave her a little bow, "My obeisances to The Wise Women."

It was then that I noticed a lady with blonde hair resting on a small single royal bed.

"Mia! I knew you would come here again.Looking for answers, aren't you?" She smiled a mischievous smile.

"Cassandra! We can tell the girl." Lady Brietta looked at the blonde haired one.

"Ah Yes! Destiny has our roles cut out in the drama." Lady Cassandra spoke thoughtfully.

She got up from her bed and took slow steps towards me.

"What brings you here child? Speak up." She whispered.

"I-I j-just heard about the elixir.What is it and how am I related to it?" I asked.

She gave me a warm smile and spoke with a distant look in her eyes, "It's in the legends my dear that there was an old witch in ancient times.She had magical powers that could put the greatest magicians to shame.One day she created a magical potion, the elixir.Do you know how powerful that elixir is?"

I shook my head.

"Ah! It's the most powerful thing on the earth now.Anybody who drinks it will possess magic more powerful than the old witch herself.You see dear, she used up all of her powers in creating it." Lady Cassandra continued.

"But why did she create something like that?" I enquired.

"It was an accident.The Old Witch was practising a difficult spell which backfired creating the elixir which she had no means to destroy.She needed someone to take care of it." Lady Cassandra stopped.

"And that's why she created The Great Pure Blood Vampire." I spoke instantly.

"A poor farmer was turned into a powerful vampire in return for the promise to protect the elixir." Lady Brietta spoke this time.

"He took good care of it until one fine day when it was stolen by his own chief advisor Silas." She continued.

"But destiny has its strange ways.The elixir got stolen from the Chief Advisor by someone.No one knows who has the elixir now.The old witch cursed the elixir due to which it lost its powers and is now lying useless somewhere.Silas was cursed with losing most of his vampire abilities." Lady Cassandra finished as I listened attentively to her.

"What has this got to do with me?" I asked the niggling doubt in my mind.I had not understood me being the protector when the protection work was already being undertaken by the most powerful The Great Pure Blood Vampire.I was a mere human.

Lady Cassandra gave a hearty laugh.She took her place back at the bed and continued, "Mia dear! Nature has its own ways of protecting itself.When the elixir was stolen, it brought unstability in nature.To balance it, a protector was chosen and that my dear is you."

Her blue eyes fixed on me unblinking as if they pierced right through my soul.My mind was spinning with so much of information and my legs felt wobbly.

I was about to trip but was steadied by a pair of strong hands. I turned around to find a pair of brown eyes that I could recognize in any part of the world.I gasped in surprise.

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