Beauty and the Vampires

Chapter 14. The Surprise Visit

I stared into those eyes as I felt two strong hands let go of me as soon as I was able to regain balance.

"My obeisances to The Wise Women." Lord Damian looked at the two tiara wearing beauties and bowed his head a little.

"Lord of Blackmist!" Lady Brietta stated as she took small steps towards Lord Damian, her unblinking eyes stationed at the Lord as if gauging his reaction.

"I see that you've already told Mia about the elixir." Lord Damian replied with equal intensity.His lips were twisted in a slight smile but those eyes held seriousness.

"The child has the right to know Lord of Blackmist. Don't you agree?" Lady Brietta's green eyes not leaving Lord Damian even for a moment.

Lord Damian gave a sideways smile as he continued, "She's a child.Precisely."

She glided in front of the mirror again, her long dress dragging along the floor in the process.She adjusted her tiara as she eyed herself in the reflection from head to toe.

She then spoke, "She is also the protector! Do not forget that Lord of Blackmist."

She then turned around to look at Lord Damian whose eyes shone for a brief moment.

He gave a lopsided smile and said, "And I cannot go against The Council's decision now, can I?"

He then turned towards Lady Cassandra and spoke, "Allow us to leave my lady." A smile intact on his lips that I knew was more of a formality.

Lady Cassandra, with an amusing smile playing on her lips, gave a slight nod.

The next moment Lord Damian immediately grabbed hold of my elbow and started pulling me towards the castle doors.

I was being dragged by him out into the corridors till we finally made out of the castle into the woods.

My arm had started paining under the force and I noticed a stoic look on his face with his eyes emotionless.

Several trees passed by in a blur while I tried to free my right hand using my free hand but I couldn't even as much as loosen the grip.

"My Lord! You are hurting me." I winced in pain while he showed no signs of emotion.

He suddenly stopped in the middle of nowhere and let go of my hand with force and I tripped a few times till I regained my balance.

His eyes blazed red as he spoke, "Why did you leave the castle?"

I was shaken by his sudden change in behaviour.I looked at him dumbfounded, unable to decipher his sudden change in mood.

A while ago he seemed to be calm and smiling in front of the Council but now he seemed to be burning with anger.

"You should be careful with whom you meet Mia." He looked at me with those red eyes.

"M-my Lord, I was just trying to find out about..." He suddenly held both my arms in a firm grip and jerked me closer.

I let out a gasp.His face was too near and I could see his brown eyes which held mesmerizing intensity.

"Mia..." He whispered.I could hear the soft rustling of the leaves nearby caused by the soft breeze blowing.

The breeze lightly ruffled his hair and I could feel my heart pounding hard against my chest, threatening to burst out.

I knew he could hear it distinctly.He looked at me with that strange look in his eyes for I didn't know how long.

Anger was replaced by something else in those eyes...

He slowly bent forward as my heart was running a race of its own and suddenly his lips crashed onto mine.

I felt tingles run through my body as his lips gently touched.He started slowly and then deepened the kiss. He then chewed on my lower lip. I caught his hair in my hand feeling the intensity of it all.

He licked my lips asking my permission which I gave by opening my mouth to him.

His tongue slid through and began exploring the insides of my mouth.

I let out a moan.His lips travelled to my neck and then to my collarbones.He sucked on the skin there and I moaned in pleasure.He then made his way back and caught my mouth.After what felt like eternity he let go off me so that I could catch some breath.

I stood gasping for breath while he stood in front of me, his eyes darkening with lust.

He brought his head in contact with top of mine.

After a few moments he stated in a husky voice, "We should be going back."

Nicholas' POV

"And I asked mama not to worry too much." Alice was playing with her doll while talking to me simultaneously.

I had brought her into my study room since she had complained to me of not spending enough time with her.

An innocent smile formed on her lips and she went on talking to me in her sweet, childish voice that always carried a certain level of innocence.

I chuckled.

"I am honoured to know that you enjoy my hospitality Al." I continued to flip through the pages of the file kept on my table.

The menace of the rogues was quite in control.Aiden was doing a terrific job back at Nightfall.

Alice combed the beautiful blonde strands of her doll while giving me sideways glance from time to time.I smiled at her little tactics, aware of her need to grab my attention.

"Nick! You think we can go out to the market? I know you're busy but I always go out with Linda."

I put the file down after reading it carefully, satisfied with the contents.I put my quill back at its place and took long strides towards Alice.

I crouched in front of her so that we both were at the same level.

"If my little girl wants to go out, we surely will."

Her face suddenly lit up and her eyes were a reflection of the excitement that she held within.

My sharp hearing caught the sound of distant footsteps that were drawing closer to my study room.

"My Lord! We have an important piece of news for you." Rosalinda stood at the doorway with her long blonde hair flowing freely.

I gave her a quick nod and turned to look at Alice.

"You should go to your room now.I promise to take you out once I am done with the task at hand."

She squealed in delight and ran towards the door with Rosalinda giving her a gentle smile as she passed.

"I hope Father hasn't been able to catch hold of the elixir." I stated while turning around and opening a file from the stack kept on the table.

My eyes turned red for a fleeting moment.Somehow the thought of my father brought back bitter memories.

I closed my eyes and took a few moments to calm down so that when I opened my eyelids, they were their original blue again.

"He hasn't.Yet." She replied while taking a few steps towards me, her high heels making noise as they hit the hard floor.

She stood in front of me as she stated, "Lord Damian is not in the castle and surprisingly," She raised her right brow, "even Gabe, his most trusted advisor doesn't know where he is."

I looked up at her and slowly smiled.

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