Beauty and the Vampires

Chapter 5. The Visitor

I was taken aback when the Chef announced that I had been summoned by the Lord at the dining hall.I followed the Chef.

I saw a huge dining table full of important people sitting on either side.All the eyes turned to me when I entered with the chef.

The Chef bowed,"My Lord.This is Mia.The new cook."

I bowed to the Lord.He was breathtakingly beautiful, black hair which were neatly set and dark black eyes which bore into mine.I could sense power and authority exuding him.The hall was full of vampires but his beauty surpassed all the levels.Maybe being the direct son of The Great Pure Blood Vampire had its perks.

"I am Mia." I bowed.

He eyed me for a minute.His expression unreadable.

"So you're the new cook Mia." His voice velvety and smooth.

"Yes my lord!" I answered.

"Where did you learn to cook?" He asked.

"From my aunt.She had a bakery where I used to work." I replied.

"Had?" He prodded.

"It caught fire." I replied.

"Oh you poor little thing." came a sweet, melodious voice from a lady sitting beside the lord.She was stunning, almost like an angel who had descended from the heavens above.

"I am glad Gabe found you." She continued.

I deduced she must be the lord's sister of whom Henry spoke about.

"I must say you have done a pretty good job with these cookies.My human guests won't be disappointed.Isn't it Jackson?" The Lord smirked.

"Y-Yes M-My Lord!" The Chef replied nervously.

"A fine discovery by you Gabe.I was never quite satisfied with the dishes here."The Lord spoke more to himself.

Gabe smiled,"I am glad to be of assistance to the lord."

The lord dismissed me and I was back in the kitchen.My friends and Henry surrounded me as soon as I entered the kitchen.

"What happened there?" Holly asked.

"The Lord liked my cookies." I replied.

"Oh boy!Really?I have never ever seen the lord praising anyone let alone a mere cook!" Henry exclaimed with a whistle.

"Ah!Thank God!It was nothing major.The Lord is mostly unpredictable.I am glad no trouble befell you." Edith said.

"Now Girls!" The Chef barked."You have errands to look after.Don't you?" He looked at us menacingly.

"And Henry!Stop indulging in useless talks and get back to work!" He thundered.

In no time each one of us scattered and went back to doing our own business.I was inwardly glad that my recipe had worked.That meant that I didn't have to worry about too much here.If my cooking skills were appreciated, it would be not long before I would be able to save enough to start our bakery again.As I thought about the bakery my mind took me back to that fateful day.Who was that vampire who had saved me?He didn't even wait for me to express my gratitude.He was gone just like he had never been there.

I quickly washed the dishes once the lunch was over and headed back to the dormitory.We all cooks worked in different shifts.We had our schedules prepared in advance by the Chef.I had rest of the day off.So I decided to take a stroll around the castle and explore it.

It was night time.I went out of the castle into the garden.It was a pleasant weather and slight cool breeze touched my long open hair.The garden was huge just like everything in the castle.There were many varieties of flowers and shrubs.I started taking a stroll in the garden, admiring its beauty and loving the serene atmosphere.I closed my eyes in contentment letting the cool air brush my hair.

"Do you like it?" I heard a velvety voice behind me.I turned around to see Lord Damian standing with a smirk on his face.He came forward and started walking.

"The garden is beautiful my lord.I have never seen any garden as beautiful as this one before." I said.

"Hmm.This is my mother's favourite area of the castle.Though she stays at The Grand Old Castle, she has given strict instructions to the gardener to take good care of it.Every flower, every herb has been chosen by her.She is fond of all the plants here." He said.

"Your mother is the Queen.Doesn't she have a garden back at her own castle?" I asked out of curiosity.

The Lord looked at me and smiled,"She does.But I have a miniature version of hers living with me here."

Before I could understand I heard a voice.

"So now you have taken to talking behind my back brother!"

Lord Damian closed his eyes and sighed."Sister.I didn't know you had uncanny abilities to be at the wrong place at the wrong time."

"Wait till I tell mother about it.I won't spare you this time.This garden is as dear to me as it is to her.I have her genes in me and you're just jealous." She huffed.

"Nobody cares for me." With this, she made her way swiftly towards the castle.

Seeing my nervousness, the Lord smiled and said,"Don't worry about her.My sister tends to be over dramatic sometimes.Side effects of being a pampered child."

I gave him a small smile.I just hoped that she didn't get too upset.What if she lost her temper and came back to kill me?

"You shouldn't worry about her temper.If I know her well, by what happened at the dining hall today, she has developed fondness for you." He spoke as if reading my mind.

I was taken aback wondering if vampires had mind reading capabilities.

He turned serious,"Tomorrow is an important day Mia.Though you had a whole day off I have arranged for you to prepare dinner tomorrow.My younger brother is visiting us.He'll be here with his important officials.I want the best to be served on the table tomorrow."

"Yes My Lord!Your wishes would be taken care of." I bowed a little.

He looked at me for a minute, rather too intently.

"You should go and take some rest now.The Empire is not a safe place to roam around for a human at night even if it's a royal castle." He stated.

I bade him farewell and reached my dormitory.I told my friends about the dinner tomorrow.They all sounded a bit uncertain.Lord Nicholas was visiting and he was as powerful as Lord Damian.It was important for me to not mess up anything.We chatted a bit late into the night and I fell asleep soon after.

The next day there was a lot of hustle and bustle in the castle.The entire castle was being decorated.Lightings were put up.If the castle was beautiful before, it had crossed all levels of beauty now.Soon it was night time and I saw a fleet of carriages approaching the castle from the window.

A grand welcome was arranged for the visitors.We all had gathered in the main hall.Suddenly the escorts brought the guests trailing behind them.I was stunned.The guy standing there was none other than the vampire who had saved me from the rogue vampires at the bakery.

"Hello Brother!" He smirked.He had blonde hair with blue eyes.His hair were a bit longer reaching upto his ears.

"Nicholas!" Lord Damian nodded acknowledging the greeting.

Lady Eugene squealed and went running towards her brother and hugged him in a tight embrace.Lord Damian rolled his eyes.

"Nick!I am thrilled to see you."She beamed at him.

"Gene!I am glad to see you too.But what is this? Haven't you been eating well?Has Damian been giving you blood from animals?" He asked in mock horror.

Lord Damian grunted in response.

"Oh not at all Nick!I won't let you both have a sibling rivalry in front of me now." Lady Eugene mock scolded.

Lord Nicholas laughed.

"Rosalinda!Nice to see you after so long."Lord Damian stated.

A lady in long black robes was standing behind Lord Nicholas.She had long blonde hair that she had left open.Her dark red lips formed into a smile and she responded,"I am privileged to see you my lord.Lord Nicholas has always had deepest regards for you."

Lord Damian smirked.

Lord Nicholas' eyes fell on me.He smirked and gave me a wink.I was taken aback.Wasn't he supposed to visit the Empire today?What was he doing in the Empire back then when my bakery caught fire?Was he staying in the Empire all along?With these thoughts whirling in my mind, we all headed towards the dining hall.

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