Beauty and the Vampires

Chapter 6. Little Encounters

At the dining table, Lord Damian and Lady Eugene occupied their usual positions.Lord Nicholas was seated to the immediate right of Lord Damian.The dining table was alive with the chitter chatter of the guests and the hosts.I and all of the other cooks were busy serving everyone at the table.As I was serving Lady Eugene her salad, Lord Nicholas, who was looking down at his empty plate, glanced up and looked at me.I quickly averted my gaze and began serving the other officials.

"How have you been Nicholas?I must say father will be very happy about you visiting the Empire of Blackmist."Lord Damian started the conversation while taking a sip of blood from his glass.

"Father knows about my visit Damian.I must say mother was more excited at the prospect of our meeting.She wants us to mend our broken ties and I can't agree with her more." Lord Nicholas replied with a smirk.

To this Lord Damian immediately responded,"Ofcourse brother!We will soon give our parents a reason to be happy about."

As I was about to serve salad to Lord Nicholas, Lady Eugene intervened,"Nick doesn't prefer human food Mia.Human blood is his thing." She arched her eyebrows at him.

"I think I'll make an exception here.For the first time in so many years, I have come across such delicious aroma of human food.I think I want to try some." He looked at me pointedly while talking to Lady Eugene.

"Really?" Eugene raised her brows in surprise.Lord Damian, who was busy having his meal, gave no reaction.His expression emotionless as ever.

I had prepared most of the cuisines today.I loved inventing new recipes and they usually turned out well.I hesitantly served him some of the dishes.It was a surprise that Lord Nicholas, who always preferred blood to human food,had chosen to have human food today.

"I must admit that this food is very tasty Damian.Who has prepared them?" Nicholas asked.

"This is Mia.My new addition to the royal kitchen.She's Gabe's discovery.I am already looking forward to inviting all the high class humans for dinners." Lord Damian looked at me and gave me a smile.

"A pretty lady with a great gift in cooking.Where were you all this while?Damian's royal kitchen was in dire need of someone like you." Lord Nicholas winked at me.

"Don't trouble the poor girl Nick.She's not aware of your stupid tricks to grab everyone's attention.Spare her the trauma." Lady Eugene scolded her brother.

Lord Nicholas laughed,"Not my fault if ladies have a soft spot for me."

"I treat them well." He looked at me when he said the last line.

I gulped."Lord of Nightfall speaks too highly of me.I am just an amateur when it comes to cooking."

Lord Damian gave a twisted smile and spoke,"Why don't you go and help the Chef in the kitchen with other things Mia?I have to talk to my charming brother about some official things now.There are others here who could help with serving food."

Lord Nicholas chuckled. I inwardly relaxed and hastened towards the royal kitchen.I met Holly there.

"Doesn't Lord Nicholas look dreamy? Did you notice his eyes? They are blue!I love blue! They look as deep as the sea!I could drown in them." She blabbered on like a love struck teenager.

"Maybe!" replied Edith."But he is nothing as compared to Lord Damian.Those brown eyes, one could get intoxicated by just looking into them." She batted her eyelids dramatically.

I laughed.These girls were smitten by the lords.Not that I blamed them.They both were beauty personified.Suddenly Henry came over to us.

"Did you all notice the absence of Chief Advisor Gabe at the Welcome Ceremony?I have heard that he took too much blood of his new pet.What was her name?" He rubbed his chin while trying to recollect,"Oh yes!Lucinda.He somehow managed to stop himself and had to go hunting in the woods to control his blood lust.He was on the verge of losing his brand new pet.Poor Girl! I can only imagine her condition." He said.

My heart skipped a beat.Suddenly I grew very worried about Lucinda.I mentally scolded myself for forgetting all about her.

"How is Lucinda now?" I asked.

"I heard that she's lying unconscious.She'll wake up soon."He replied.

After this little piece of information we all went back to work.Holly and Edith felt bad for Lucinda too.But it was something they had got used to.As far as I was concerned, I had made it a point to visit her tonight after dinner at every cost.

It was night time and everyone had retired to their rooms.I quickly got out of the dormitory.I had told my friends that I was going out for some fresh air.I took a lantern in my hand and tip toed through the silent corridors until I reached Sir Gabe's room.

The door was slightly opened.I peeked inside.To my horror, I saw Lucinda in Gabe's arms lying motionless and Gabe had his fangs into the skin of her neck.Blood was streaming through her body and Gabe looked nothing less than a monster.

I took a few steps back in terror and the lantern dropped from my hand, causing enormous sound in the quiet corridor.Suddenly Gabe stopped and looked at me through the slightly opened door.

Due to his vampire speed he was out of his room in a few seconds and grabbed my neck.I choked, trying to loosen his tight grip around my neck but I was no match for a vampire.He had a monstrous look on his face, his fangs elongated and dark veins visible under his eyes.His eyes flashed red.He looked hypnotized by blood lust.

Just when I was struggling, I felt him being pulled off me.I was glad to have my oxygen supply back and tried to steady myself.

"Gabe!" I heard Lord Nicholas' authoritative voice laced with anger.

His fangs were elongated and he came and stood in front of me in a protective stance.Gabe suddenly closed his eyes tightly, his fangs going back to their normal size.He now looked completely in control, a look of guilt on his face.

"I am so sorry Mia!I didn't mean to hurt you.I just couldn't control it." He tried to reach out to me but sensing my discomfort Lord Nicholas didn't allow him to come near.

"I think you need to go for now.I'll take her to her room." Lord Nicholas stated in finality.

Gabe looked at me guiltily once before retreating to his room.I was left alone with Lord Nicholas.

"You have a wonderful ability to fall into trouble every time love" He tilted his head and smiled slightly."Just a tip!Never go near a vampire when he's overpowered by blood lust."

"I-I am s-sorry My Lord!I'll be careful." I spoke with my head low.

He chuckled."Let's get you to your room." He stated.

We walked together silently till the dormitory came into view.Lord Nicholas halted in front of the closed door.

"Go inside and take some rest Mia.I'll see you tomorrow." He gave me a mischievous smile and turned back in the other direction.

I opened the door and saw everyone was fast asleep.I heaved a sigh of relief as I was sure seeing me all tensed up would attract unwanted questions from my friends.I quickly got into my bed, my mind still shaken by what had happened just a moment ago.Lucinda's motionless body was still fresh in my mind.I shivered. Now I was more than ever concerned about her.I decided to meet her as soon as I could.

Damian's POV

"Gabe!Losing control is not befitting you." I spoke barely able to control my anger.

"I am sorry My Lord! Mia is like a friend.I didn't want to hurt her.She just happened to be at the wrong place in the wrong time." Gabe spoke with his head slightly low.

I had heard about the last night's incident through my butler Lance.He had witnessed Nicholas helping Mia.My brother!I closed my eyes for a brief moment in anger.He was getting on my nerves now.I knew he was here for a purpose and now he was using a poor, innocent girl to achieve his aim.What was she doing outside Gabe's room?

"Incidents like these can bring bad name to us in the Empire.I trust you to understand that." I stated.

"I will take care My Lord.Consider this as my first and last mistake." He said with renewed confidence.

"You may go now." I ordered.

Giving me a slight bow, he left the room.

Later in the day, I met Eugene.She looked quite excited.Bad news!

"Damian!I want to take Nick out on a tour to the city.Do I have permission?" She asked.

'Definitely Bad News!' I thought.

"Eugene, he knows the entire Empire.He used to come here before.Why would he want to re-visit the places he has already visited?" I tried to coax her.

She showed annoyance,"That was like a century ago.Things change brother!"

"Besides, I would love to go out and spend some quality time with my sister." I heard Nicholas, who entered the hall with a cocky smile.

"Alright!You may go." I replied.

Eugene hugged me in excitement.

"Take Gabe with you too." I stated.

Eugene frowned,"We don't need your officials keeping an eye on us Damian."

"He knows the city better than you do Gene." I replied.

She was unconvinced but a little bit of coaxing did the trick.

'Great!' I smiled inwardly.

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