Beauty and the Vampires

Chapter 7. The Lost Elixir

Nicholas' POV

I eyed Damian who insisted on taking Gabe with us.I knew why was he being so persistent.The royal carriage waited for us at the entrance of the palace.A maid quickly rushed towards Eugene carrying a small umbrella in her hands that sheltered her from the sun outside.

She took one step at a time down the stairs that led to the carriage.I was walking beside her with Gabe following us from behind.

The coachman,Charles, opened the carriage door and I followed Eugene into it.She sat opposite to me and Gabe took a seat beside me.We set off on our way to the city.

Eugene gave Gabe a slightly annoyed look which I found amusing.Gabe, who was sitting cross legged, quickly uncrossed them with both feet firmly on the ground, diverting his gaze outside not wanting to meet her eyes afraid the sarcastic comment his little action could invite.

I chuckled lightly knowing very well that Eugene couldn't be deterred.She eyed me angrily at my little harmless sound and I raised both my hands in defense.

Satisfied with her attempt at intimidating me she went back to staring at Gabe.

"So Gabe!I think my brother doesn't trust me enough to know this place very well where I have been residing since centuries." She smiled sweetly which had an effect of sweet poison.

Gabe opened his mouth in an 'o' shape trying to form coherent words and after a few seconds of struggle was able to speak,"My Lady! I am sure you know the city better than I do since you've been here longer than I have.The Lord has only sent me to make your trip more comfortable."

"Awww Gabe!Aren't you a sweetheart!Making me and my brother comfortable!" She cooed.

Gabe gave her an amused look.His lips curved upwards slightly.He went back to looking outside.

I decided to have a little fun.

"Chief Advisor to the Lord of Blackmist getting dominated by the Lord's sister is not a good reputation to behold Gabe." I chuckled.

"Lady Eugene shows her fondness for me.How can I deny her the pleasure?" He replied trying to put Eugene in discomfort.

It worked.Her eyes slightly enlarged in surprise and her lips pressed together in a little annoyance.Having tasted defeat in her own little game she turned away to look outside.

Gabe chuckled, happy at his own victory and completely satisfied that she wouldn't be giving him attention anytime soon,he relaxed and the journey passed silently.

We reached the main city area.The coachman pulled open the door and stretched out a hand for Eugene, who obliged and soon we all three stood at the center of the main city.

This part of the city was beautiful with a large round shaped pond in the center with a white marble statue of a beautiful damsel in the middle holding a round pot, water flowing outside from it into the pond.

We visited many shops until we reached 'Martha's'. It was a well known boutique with lots of exquisite dresses for ladies.It was known for its class and style and only women of high class stature shopped here.We were greeted by Martha, a vampire lady in her thirties with a charming smile.Half vampires had one of their parents as a human and aged very slowly.Immortality was only for the pure bloods who were of pure vampire ancestry.The pure blood royals like me and my brother were the purest and the strongest in the vampire world.

"My honour to serve you here Lord of Nightfall and Lady Eugene!" She gave a bow.

Eugene asked her to show her the latest collection and went on to try them.Martha and her employees offered me and Gabe a comfortable seat.

After a few minutes I left the boutique telling Gabe that I wanted to visit the other shops and would be back in a few minutes.

I passed various shops on the way of this high society area and soon entered the lesser known areas of the city full of gamblers and scoundrels.There were people puffing smoke and I soon reached a dark alley.

I saw Rosalinda and my two other officials standing there with a weak,injured vampire lying on the ground.

"How is he doing?" I asked.

"We've been trying to make him speak but he's too stubborn." She stated.

I made my way to the bruised vampire.His body was covered with injuries but his face showed defiance.

"You'll never find the Elixir Nicholas!" He spoke stubbornly.

I calmly took a chair kept near by and looked him in the eye.

"If you co operate Silas, I might set you free and you could work for me." I stated patiently.

He laughed," I would rather die than work for a filthy bloodsucker like you."

I turned my head to look at Rosalinda.In the blink of an eye Silas laid motionless on the ground with Linda holding his blood dripping heart in her right hand, her face stoic and eyes gleaming red.

"Jake, take the body to the nearby lake and dispose it off.Conrad, see to it that nobody gets to know about this little incident." She ordered two of my men while staring emotionlessly at the corpse.

The two of them immediately got to work and the mess was cleaned up in a few seconds.

I instructed all three of them to get back to the castle immediately and headed back to the boutique.Once there, I saw Gabe with a bored expression on his face and Eugene holding a lot of bags in her hand, paying at the counter.

After strolling for some more time in the city we headed back to the castle.

Mia's POV

I had a day off today so I decided to take a stroll in the garden.It had become my favourite place in the castle.I walked barefoot on the soft green grass, feeling it tickle my feet.The air carried a mixed scent of lavender and roses that had a soothing effect on my mind.I walked leisurely, my eyes wandering in all directions taking in the beauty of the surroundings.I spotted a fountain at a corner and quickly rushed towards it.I sat down beside it and touched the serene water with the tip of my fingers.

Suddenly I felt water splashed on my face.I instinctively turned my face away and heard giggles.I opened my eyes and saw Chelsea and Holly giggling.I laughed and immediately splashed the fountain water towards them and began running.

As I ran I suddenly bumped into something hard and was about to fall when I felt two strong hands around me holding me steady.I found two brown eyes looking at me with an unspeakable intensity.My heart thudded loudly in my chest.

"Milord! We were just going to the royal kitchen." Chelsea spoke giving a slight bow.

"You both may leave.I need to have a word with Mia." He replied not leaving my gaze.

They bowed and went away.Lord Damian steadied me on my feet and I spoke,"My lord!I couldn't resist taking a stroll in your garden.I-I know I should not be roaming around like this." I fidgeted with my hands, my eyes not wanting to meet the Lord's gaze.

He brought his index finger below my chin and lifted my face so that my eyes met his.He then spoke huskily,"A pretty thing like yourself belongs here.You are welcome anytime."

He then smiled mischievously.I blushed and felt my cheeks reddening.

He reached out and stroked my cheek with the back of his hand lightly.I closed my eyes instinctively leaning into his soft touch.He seemed to enjoy watching me like that.

I suddenly snapped open my eyes,realizing what I was doing.Lord Damian chuckled.The sound feeling like an angel's laugh to my ears.

He spoke,"I heard about the attack on you last night.I told you the castle is not safe for a human.Gabe could have harmed you."

"My lord!I just wanted to see Lucinda.I know her from the pet shop.I feel protective towards her." I replied.

"And I feel protective of you." He spoke seriously.

I was taken aback.Gathering my composure I spoke,"I'll be fine.The Lord of Blackmist can be assured that I can take care of myself."

He looked at me for a few minutes,an unreadable emotion in his eyes,"I would ask Gabe to treat Lucinda better if she is so important to you."

I looked at him and my heart skipped a few beats at his words.I stood there like a statue when I regained senses and murmured a 'thank you'.The Lord gave a sideways smile and left.

I stood there cemented at the same spot wondering what just happened between me and the Lord of Blackmist.

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