The reason why she endured such a long time did not start, but she was still afraid of a little blood relationship in her heart.

But now, I'm afraid Yun Tianhong has known about these things for a long time, and would be so heartless to her.

Yun Qingrao slightly raised her head, the color in her eyes gradually became cold, her fingers slightly forced, the letter paper instantly twisted and broken.

Early in the morning, Yun Qingrao cleaned up and changed her royal dress directly. She got on the carriage of the palace and came to the palace gate.

At this time, many carriages had stopped outside the door, and the women's family members gradually stepped down from the carriage.

Those people who knew each other met and gathered in groups. Their faces were dignified, and they were not as happy as before. Some people even couldn't squeeze out the smile on their faces.

It can be seen that there are many conjectures in their hearts about this banquet.

Spring son stands behind cloud to pour Rao behind, small servant girl still enters palace for the first time, very curiously looks toward inside.

Yun Qingrao just came to the door, instantly attracted a lot of people's attention. She was dressed in purple imperial dress, and once she appeared, she became the focus of everyone's eyes.

"Isn't that Princess Yu Qin? How can she come? Isn't she at odds with the queen?"

On weekdays, Yun Qingrao never appears in the imperial palace. These women's wives have heard more or less about the current situation of Prince Yu's residence, and they also remember the feud between her and the queen.

The Queen's face was scratched, and only this woman could do it.

Many people began to guess in their hearts, some vigilant looking at the direction of the cloud.

"Princess, they are all looking at us!" By so many eyes, chun'er's face is a little cramped, some hands and feet do not know where to put the feeling.

Yun Qingrao looks calm and says in a low voice: "don't worry about them. They are just curious about you."

Chun'er quickly lowers his head and follows Yun Qingrao towards the gate. When he sees his princess's straight back, his heart is filled with admiration.

Several maids came to Yun Qingrao and saw her show her face. They said with a smile, "princess, please welcome the queen!"

Just a door, Shen Ruxue can't wait to see himself, but let Yun Qingrao feel a bit unexpected, Shen Ruxue doesn't seem to be the kind of person who can't hold her breath.

"Well, lead the way."

She raised her chin slightly, and there was a bit more noble in her eyes. She had been in the palace for so many years, and now naturally she would not be stage fright.

What's more, she has now become the princess of Gong Liuyu. In terms of identity, she doesn't need to pretend to be low-key.

With the two little maids, she turned from the back porch to the outside of the Queen's bedroom.

Cloud tilt Rao head up, looking at the familiar scene around, the heart gradually relaxed some.

She prepared for such a long time, in order to hit the target, she wanted to let Shen Ruxue have a good look at how those things that didn't belong to her slipped away in her hands.

The two maids stood on both sides of the station and opened the door of the room.

Yun Qingrao's eyes still hide some vigilance. Before entering the palace, she heard Shen Ruxue's voice coming from inside: "don't worry, this Palace won't do anything to you!"

Yun Qingrao raised his head and looked at the figure in the Queen's Phoenix robe.

Shen Ruxue is still sitting in the upper position. The servant girls on both sides are waiting on the side. She waves her hand and directly holds all the people back.

Yun Qingrao took a look at Shen Ruxue and gently bent the corner of her lips: "the promise of the empress is not so trustworthy."

Shen Ruxue saw that there was no one in the room, and his eyes flashed slightly, "you are so brave that you dare to come to the palace. I think you will find an excuse not to come!"

Yun Qingrao gently raised her eyebrows, and there was no respect in her eyes. They had already torn their faces. In this case, Yun Qingrao would not give each other a little face.

"Does that fit the Queen's mind?"

Hearing this, Shen Ruxue's eyes shrunk slightly.

Yun Qingrao slightly raised the corner of his lips: "King Chunxi came back to the capital with a large number of troops. These forces are enough to suppress Prince Yu's residence. The emperor has long wanted to get rid of Prince Yu, but he lacks an excuse, right?"

Shen Ruxue's face is white, looking at the cloud to pour Rao's eyes like to see a ghost: "you..."

She really did not know how to explain what Yun Qingrao said, because what Yun Qingrao said was true.

Moreover, the other party's eyes in that smear of firm color, let Shen Ruxue is more cold hearted, in the heart faintly guessed, these are gong Liuyu told her.

"First of all, you tried to get Prime Minister Lin to threaten the Lord to put down the tiger amulet. After that, you want to take advantage of the assassination to kill Prince Yu's house. If I don't come, it's my guilty conscience. It's the prince Yu's house who is afraid of killing the emperor. No matter whether this is true or not, you will naturally stir up the flames and find a chance to arrest Prince Yu A false accusation to achieve one's own goalYun Qingrao's voice is a little earnest and kind, with a little ruthlessness and indifference. Every word seems to be stuck on the tip of Shen Ruxue's heart. What's more, he hears his plans and says all of them from the mouth of those who are calculated.

For a moment, Shen Ruxue first thought that there were spies around her.

Yun Qingrao seems to see her idea and suddenly lowers her head. "Empress, don't refuse to admit it. The news I got is absolutely reliable. The servant girl took my things, but she told me all about them."

The little maid

These four words with a hint of the taste, so that Shen Ruxue's mind gradually flashed out of the figure of a person.

Her eyes were cold and she whispered to Mammy, who was standing behind her, "bring the sparrow to me!"

Shen Ruxue's eyes flashed a killing idea, which was seen by cloud Qingrao.

She said this on purpose. She had arranged it long before.

The little servant girl is happy to find a big bag of money, but she doesn't know that there will be a disaster soon.

Soon, the bird was sent to the room.

The little maid was still a little confused. At the moment when she saw Yun Qingrao, her eyes suddenly filled with anger. She did not forget how Yun Qingrao teased her last time in the palace.

"See the queen!"

Even if she did not like it, she could not lose Shen Ruxue's face, but she saw Shen Ruxue's face a little ugly.

Shen Ruxue suddenly patted the table, which made the bird jump.

"Bring her things up!"

In a short time, two mammies came to the door. One of them was carrying a bag of things. The bird looked flustered.

Seeing this, Shen Ruxue suddenly laughed: "say, where did this thing come from?" The package contained a lot of Zhu Chai's gold and silver, which was obviously not possessed by her servant girl. If she didn't tell her why, she would die.

However, she didn't realize what happened. She cried and said, "empress, this is found by the maid. It has no other meaning."

What she said was the truth, but in this case, it was 100% false.

Hearing this, Shen Ruxue's eyes condensed with anger: "Mammy, you know how to deal with the maids who don't tell the truth!"

Mammy nodded at once, and looked at her side with a gloomy look.

Yun Qingrao has been standing beside watching the development of things, the corner of the mouth overflow a touch of light smile.

She knew in her heart that this servant girl would never live. No one knew more about Shen Ruxue's means than she did. Once she had doubts in her heart, she would rather kill her mistake than let it go.

In addition, the bird had stayed with her at the beginning. Even if she made great contributions to return to Shen Ruxue's side, she also indirectly planted a seed of doubt in Shen Ruxue's heart.

This is just the beginning, she has a better pit to wait for Shen Ruxue to jump.

Will bird in front of the cloud pour Rao face processing, Shen Ruxue thinks that has given the cloud to pour Rao a Xiama.

There was a certain satisfaction in her face, and she said with a smile, "this is the end of betraying this palace."

Yun Qingrao doesn't comment on Shen Ruxue's confidence, but goes on to say: "even if the empress disposes of one or two traitors, what can she do?"

Shen Ruxue's eyes fell on her, and her cheek, which had been scratched by cloud Qingrao, had recovered in good condition after such a long time.

"I asked you to come here. Of course, there are other things to say!" Shen Ruxue took a sip of tea and grinned with grace.

That smile with a bit of calculation flavor, now she in front of the cloud Qingrao, has no look to hide.

Yun Qingrao naturally does not want to be outdone. She looks at her without blinking in her eyes: "then say it, I listen!"

When Shen Ruxue saw Yun Qingrao's appearance of calmness and self-control, she could not help but feel a sense of impatience in her heart. She suppressed that little thought and said with a smile, "this is very important. Please sit down, Princess Yuqin!"

Yun Qingrao is not polite, and I fell on the table in front of Shen Ruxue.

Then she moved the tip of her nose and asked for a little weird smell.

Pupils slightly shrink, she thought Shen Ruxue really did not intend to start here, it seems that she still looked up to Shen Ruxue.

Quietly sitting on the opposite side of Shen Ruxue, Shen Ruxue's face with a smile, let the maiden pour a cup of tea to Yun Qingrao.

No one dares to drink anything in the palace. Shen Ruxue's eyes fell on her face and raised her hand: "this tea is tribute tea. The output of this tea is not much in a year. It's very fragrant and pleasant. Princess Yuqin hasn't tasted it yet."

Cloud Qing Rao heard this, instantly understood Shen Ruxue in what idea.

She slightly lowered her eyes, in the eyes across a light meditation, reached for the tea cup: "smell is good!"She is the most clear about this tea, because in the beginning, she found this tea.

Unexpectedly, Shen Ruxue still has something she likes to drink.

She found a little disgust in Shen Ruxue's eyes, and then gently lifted the cup and sipped it gently.

Then she clearly saw Shen Ruxue frowning.

Even if Shen Ruxue didn't make a sound, she could understand the disappointment in her expression, because she had just waved her hand to light the incense, which she had just put down.

The antidote is the bowl of tea in front of you.

Yun Qingrao is familiar with these tricks in the imperial palace. Shen Ruxue used them, which were left over by her then. She despised them.

"The queen has something to say, but I'm listening."

This words said very angry, coupled with looking at her so clear eyes, Shen Ruxue secretly bit his teeth.

"I have looked up Aunt Liu's family members in this palace, but I didn't expect to find it in my palace!"

Yun Qingrao smell speech, smile gently, she knew that Shen Ruxue's words are absolutely not good, she said this, can't it be used to threaten her?

"The queen is really very free!"

Shen Ruxue is not angry when she looks at Yun Qingrao. She raises her eyebrows slightly and says with a smile: "we have found an uncle of yours in our palace. We have already asked someone to take him to see Aunt Liu. I think Aunt Liu will be very happy."

For this sudden out of where relatives, Yun Qingrao has no interest.

She is not really Lin Qingyao. The death of these people has nothing to do with her.

The only thing she cared about was the safety of Aunt Liu.

Although Aunt Liu is timid and timid, she is sincere in her kindness to Lin Qingyao. She has already died once, and her vision has been improved a lot. This time, she will not be wrong.

"I don't know if my mother is happy, but I will let those people stay away from my mother!"

Hearing Yun Qingrao care about Aunt Liu so much, Shen Ruxue's eyes brightened a little bit. She lowered her voice and said, "Lin Qingyao, do you know why Gong Liuyu is so good to you? You are just a double to him

Yun Qingrao's eyes slightly fluctuated, and her eyes were wrong. She looked at Shen Ruxue.

"What does the queen mean by that?"

Shen Ruxue finally found an expression of shock on Yun Qingrao's face. She immediately suppressed her confused heart and said in a cold voice, "Prince Yu doesn't love you at all. If you really want to know the truth, go back and look for clues to find out!"

Cloud inclines Rao on the face to show a touch of dazed color, looking at Shen Ruxue's eyes some can't believe.

She sneered to herself that her recent acting has become more and more perfect.

Seeing the expression on Yun Qingrao's face, Shen Ruxue is very proud in her heart, but she has a little more anger in her eyes.

If she didn't have the chance to live a few more years in her last life, I'm afraid she would never have thought that Gong Liuyu, who has been against Yun Qingrao, actually likes yunqingrao.

At that time, she heard rumors in the Imperial City, and originally thought that she could see Gong Liuyu's desire to revolt completely collapsed.

With Gong Liuyu's support, Yun Qingrao's position at that time was even more unsettled. If she had not known this in advance, how could the other party have been so easily hit when Gong Liuyu entered the Palace last time? She just put some medicine on the one thing left by Yun Qingrao.

At that time, as expected and she thought it was good. After seeing the things that cloud Qingrao, Gong Liuyu still didn't resist to touch it.

Cloud inclines Rao lip Cape tremble, bite a tooth to say: "that is you are deceiving me!"

She had some feelings in her heart. She didn't expect that Shen Ruxue would talk to her.

How slow was she to react? Now she understood Gong Liuyu's mind.

If even Shen Ruxue, who has been reborn, knows this, she is really a hindsight.

"Lie to you?" Shen Ruxue sneered: "when you and Prince Yu got married, he left at night in order to visit the man. Before that, he lost his sense of propriety because of something left by the other party. He almost got the trick of this palace. Don't you think it's your own innocence?"

This time, yunqingrao is really shocked.

She sat in her seat, pale.

If it was said from someone else's mouth, she would never believe it, but Shen Ruxue said She couldn't help but believe it.

It turns out that what Gong Liuyu said is true. It turns out that he is really good to himself. She has always misunderstood each other.

Inexplicable in the heart of a few more touch, cloud Qingrao slightly bit the lower lip, that looks like was stimulated the same.

But her performance gave Shen Ruxue a misunderstanding.

Thinking that her words hit Yun Qingrao, Shen Ruxue, who was complacent in her heart, wanted to attack her more deeply. She said in a low voice: "he treats you well, but because you are the one who married him. He doesn't like you at all. Do you understand?"Cloud Qingrao is not stupid, where still can't hear the identity of that person in Shen Ruxue's mouth.

Isn't it her?

She slightly lowered her eyes, covered the mood of the eyes, but her mood at this time violently rolling.

Shen Ruxue sees that Yun Qingrao looks like she has been severely hit. Her eyes are full of smile. If she had known that Lin Qingyao cared about Gong Liuyu so much, she would have used this method.

"However, this palace can help you think of a way, you can see what kind of mind Gong Liuyu really is to you!"

Yun Qingrao secretly smiles in her heart. It's really interesting. Recently, there seem to be a lot of people saying such things to her.

For example, before that Mo ya, and in front of Shen Ruxue as annoying.

However, seeing Shen Ruxue so proud, she is not good to let her show a disillusioned expression now, so the play still needs to be performed.

"I don't know what happened when the queen went to Prince Yu's house last time. If the emperor knew that the emperor's wife was secretly looking for Prince Yu, I don't know what expression it would be!"

Yun Qingrao raised her head with a bit of embarrassment and stubbornness on her face, as if she wanted to find the court.

Shen Ruxue's pride in his heart has not dissipated, "so what? Now the emperor is seriously injured and unconscious. This whole palace is what the palace says. Are you going to report this palace to the emperor?"

Seeing Shen Ruxue so confident, Yun Qingrao sighed in his heart.

She had thought that Shen Ruxue could become smart again, just as cautious as she used to be, but now it seems that she is totally wrong.

The so-called dog can't change to eat excrement, she is still the same as the previous life.

She was really blind at the beginning. She didn't see what kind of person Shen Ruxue was.

"Lin Qingyao, you said you were just a concubine's daughter. Where did you come from to fight against this palace? If you can help us in the future, we will surely give you countless splendor and wealth! "

If there is no strong tolerance, Yun Qingrao must want to laugh at this time.

At last, Shen Ruxue wants to do something. It turns out that she wants to turn hostility into jade and silk, and then ask her to do things for her.

If she really doesn't understand anything, she must be fooled by Shen Ruxue, but it's a pity that Shen Ruxue's abacus will fail.

"What is the queen going to let me do?"

Yun Qingrao hesitated for a moment, or asked the voice. Shen Ruxue saw his words and moved some of Yun Qingrao's thoughts, and immediately pursued the victory: "I don't want you to do anything difficult, just let you help me watch Gong Liuyu do something, and tell me in time to this palace!"

Cloud gentle ah, smell speech, is even more amused, she does not know whether Shen Ruxue is really stupid or fake silly, will think that the people who had been against her will suddenly change their minds to help her deal with her own backers.

Well, now Gong Liuyu is a supporter to Yun Qingrao in everyone's eyes.

The other side is worthy of these two words, and it is really reliable.

She suddenly raised her head and looked at Shen Ruxue: "how can you help me as the empress said before? I don't do anything that doesn't do good! "

Shen Ruxue said with a smile, "how can it be bad for you? Everything in the future of this prince Yu's mansion will be yours!"

Cloud Qing Rao truth pry open Shen Ruxue's head to have a look, want to know where she comes from so much confidence. Or is it that the man has always regarded her as a fool.

Well, even though she's very happy in front of these people.

"Empress, what do I want this prince Yu's residence to do? I know that without Prince Yu's presence, I would be nothing!"

Shen Ruxue slightly pick eyebrows, in the eyes across a surprised color. "Don't worry, you are protected by this palace, and no one dares to hurt you!"

Cloud Qingrao really can't help, shoulder gently trembling.

She lowered her head and quickly covered up the smile she was about to make.

"The queen doesn't care about what I did before?"

She did not forget how embarrassed Shen Ruxue was at that time. Shen Ruxue, looking at her now, was afraid to strangle her directly.

Today's Shen Ruxue's patience is very strong. Seeing her standing in front of her for such a long time, she can still keep a pleasant face.

"Of course I don't care. I have a broad mind. What's that little thing about?"

Cloud Qingrao slightly raised his head, and saw Shen Ruxue could not help looking in a direction.

She glanced at the past curiously and saw a figure appear in her eyes.

The door of the house was pushed open, and Yun Qingrao saw Gong Liuyu's appearance in front of her. Her eyes showed a touch of light meaning.

She did not expect that Shen Ruxue's ultimate goal was here.

No wonder that she was so patient just now and tried every means to test her words. She had already sent someone to find Gong Liuyu in secret.

How, she this is deliberately instigating dissension, want to use Gong Liuyu to her suspicion to clean up her?Then she was really wrong. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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