Shen Ruxue also seemed to have just seen Gong Liuyu, and immediately put away the expression on his face: "the Lord is really a rare guest. I don't know when he came."

Gong Liuyu looks at Shen Ruxue without any expression. There is no respect in his eyes. Shen Ruxue is not surprised. His smile is still on his face.

Yun Qingrao stood up, and her face was a little more stunned. Shen Ruxue saw her expression, and her smile was more and more thick, crossing a cruel color.

"Follow the king!"

Gong Liuyu didn't go to see Shen Ruxue, and directly fell on the cloud Qingrao.

Seeing Gong Liuyu's face a little cold, Shen Ruxue doesn't stop Yun Qingrao from being taken away. She just looks at her back and sees a pity color.

When they left, she put away the smile on her face and sat on the chair with a little bit of teeth.

"This woman doesn't look very easy to deal with!"

The mammy standing by Shen Ruxue's side heard her words and immediately laughed: "empress, even the eldest princess is not your opponent. What did this little girl calculate?"

Hearing this, Shen Ruxue's face suddenly changed a lot: "yes, but it's a pity. The palace originally wanted Gong Liuyu to see something different. It completely destroyed Lin Qingyao, but the girl didn't hit the target!"

She slightly side of the head, eyes in a bit more fierce color: "Mammy, do you think she is playing silly, or what?"

The old mother hesitated for a moment: "it should not be possible. Prime Minister Lin has not told his mother what she did in the forest house before. He is definitely not willing to cheat her!"

Hearing this kind of assurance, Shen Ruxue put his guard down: "maybe, these are all Gong Liuyu told her!"

If Yun Qingrao hears such a conclusion, she will smile in her heart.

Gong Liuyu helped her carry the black pot is really countless.

However, at this time, she was dragged by Gong Liuyu to the outside of Shen Ruxue's bedroom hall, in a secluded forest.

Looking at the tight Jun Yan, the cloud inclines Rao can't help but produce a little tease the mind.

"The Lord has heard what I said to Shen Ruxue. She is trying to win me over and let me help her deal with you."

Gong Liuyu's eyes were calm, standing with a negative hand, and her figure was slender, standing less than two steps away from her.

The sun fell on him, and his robe was white and dazzling.

The dark shadow fell on her body, so that yunqingrao had a feeling of being covered by clouds and fog. She had a little doubt. Could Gong Liuyu really believe what she said and thought she had betrayed him?

"Gong Liuyu, you are not really stupid enough to believe it. Even if I want to deal with you, I don't need to be like this now!" Cloud Qingrao gently pick eyebrows, timbre slightly up a few minutes.

Gong Liuyu frowned, "don't you know how dangerous it is!"

Yun Qingrao lowered her head and said with a smile, "of course I know. Shen Ruxue poisoned me. I want to show you a good play. Aren't you here? What do you see?"

Seeing Gong Liuyu didn't speak, Yun Qingrao suddenly stood in front of him with a smile. She had been touched by Shen Ruxue so much that she couldn't recover for a while.

"Shen Ruxue told me that Prince Yu likes Princess Chang, not Lin Qingyao."

Gong Liuyu slightly a Leng, slightly surprised to turn around: "how does she know..."

After saying this sentence, seeing the clear and bright eyes of Yun Qingrao, Gong Liuyu immediately felt the slip of the tongue in the words.

This also means that he indirectly admitted that what Shen Ruxue said was the truth.

Yun Qingrao turned to him, and then looked at him with burning eyes. The smile on the corner of his mouth gradually dissipated.

Gong Liuyu turned around and flashed a different color: "since you all know it, do you still need to consider it?"

Yun Qingrao opened her mouth, her voice was blocked in her throat, but she couldn't say anything.

"Gong Liuyu, I just want to know why you are so kind to me..." Otherwise, she was very upset.

Gong Liuyu frowned slightly and flashed a dark color in his eyes: "you don't remember anything?"

Her heart sank slightly, and her eyes fell on Gong Liuyu's face. She could not see any other trace.

Did she forget something? But she seems to have no intersection with Gong Liuyu before.

The reason why she has always resisted Gong Liuyu is that she does not know the reason and is afraid that Gong Liuyu misunderstood something.

If so, that would be the most embarrassing. She didn't want to be forced out when she was deeply involved.

"Yes, I don't know what to remember at all, but I know that there is no reason for nothing. If you don't tell us why, we won't even have friends to do it in the future."

Yun Qingrao this time is really urgent, with a bit of research root knot posture.

Because Gong Liuyu's attitude made her feel a little flustered.

Gong Liuyu was silent for a moment, and suddenly took out one of his arms: "do you still remember this?"Cloud inclines Rao a drop of eyes, the eye falls in the palm of Gong Liuyu inside.

In his hand, he held an ordinary jade pendant, which was carved with slightly rough patterns.

Yun Qingrao thought carefully. She only felt that the jade pendant was a little familiar, but she had never seen it.

This feeling is very strange, let her heart can not help some hair.

She quickly turned her head and tried hard to think back every bit of the jade pendant in her mind. However, Yun Qingrao, who always claimed to have extraordinary memory, said that she could not find any trace of the jade pendant.

"I haven't seen this jade pendant!"

She lowered her eyes slightly, lowered her head to cover up the look in her eyes.

As soon as hear cloud to pour Rao to say so, the eye of palace Liuyu also had some change: "what you say is true, did not cheat this king?"

Cloud Qingrao for an instant, the heart is cold, only feel the heart sink to the bottom.

As expected, there was a reason. What Gong Liuyu wanted to find was the owner of the jade pendant.

She recalled it again and made sure that there was no information about the jade pendant in her memory. She could only shake her head: "I really haven't seen it!"

He said: "the silence of the palace, even if a moment of silence, Yu Rao voice!"

Yun Qingrao felt that the atmosphere around her was silent for a moment. With a little coolness in her eyes, she hesitated for a moment or turned away.

It seems that Gong Liuyu really misunderstood.

She felt a little uncomfortable in her heart, and a color of loss flashed through her eyes. These emotions made her feel a little irritable.

This time, Gong Liuyu did not stop her. Maybe, at this time, both of them need to calm down carefully.

Yun Qingrao did not go to see Shen Ruxue again, but came to the party in front of her with a cold face.

She found the trembling chun'er waiting outside and took her directly to the place where people gathered.

Spring son see Princess face some pan cold color, obvious mood some bad, she slightly surprised asked: "princess, is the queen embarrassed you?"

Cloud inclines Rao to hang Mou, shake head: "be OK!"

In her mind, the expression of Gong Liuyu reverberates, and there is a little more light desolation in her eyes.

It turns out that it doesn't belong to her, after all, it won't be her.

"Princess, what are you doing..."

Yun Qingrao frowned slightly: "is it obvious?"

Chun'er was stunned: "ah There are some! "

Yun Qingrao quickly rearranged her look, and then she laughed softly: "how about this?"

Chun'er didn't understand the princess's idea, so she nodded silently and followed the princess to the front of the group of women.

As soon as those people saw that the originally called cloud Qingrao came back intact, many of their faces showed unexpected expressions.

Then, like seeing the plague, he hid behind.

Yun Qingrao saw those people's eyes, and went directly to a stone table in the middle of the imperial garden. She saw the cakes on it and ate them in a low-key way.

Even so, she could feel many people's eyes on her.

After a while, there was a lot of noise ahead.

Yun Qingrao raised her head and saw Shen Ruxue come in from the corner door.

Many of them stood up to greet them. They said compliments and made Shen Ruxue smile.

Yun Qingrao looks at Shen Ruxue who is surrounded by people. The cold color in his eyes is more thick, and his hand holding the cup is a little tight.

However, she has to endure.

Soon, the snowy days will come to an end.

"Today, the palace has called all the people to the palace. There is one thing to say. King Chunxi has agreed to betroth his younger daughter to his younger brother. In the future, it will be a good marriage. So I plan to discuss the details of the wedding with the ladies."

This is not a consultation, but a declaration.

This is to give everyone a bully. Even if someone tries to plan their Shen family, they will not get any good results in the end.

Yun Qingrao gently tapped the table top with her fingertips, listening to the sound of congratulation around her, as if she had forgotten those ugly things happened in the villa.

Shen Ruxue turned around and looked at Yun Qingrao: "Princess Yu, do you have any suggestions?"

She walked to the cloud Qingrao in front of her mouth overflowing with a smile, but in her eyes there was a bit of calculating color.

Yun Qingrao knew that it would never be good for her to talk to herself.

But in this way, as if Shen Ruxue really did not care about what happened before her.

If she didn't understand the woman's temperament, I'm afraid she would have been deceived by this superficial hypocrisy.

"I have no idea about this kind of thing. The queen is looking for the wrong person!"

The cloud inclines Rao not salty does not light raise the head, to Shen Ruxue's direction gently raised the lip angle.The subtle irony hidden in the eyes made Shen Ruxue's lips stiff for a moment.

She didn't expect that Yun Qingrao would dare not to give her face in front of so many people.

"I think it's very appropriate for Princess Yu to take charge of this matter."

Her eyes fell on Yun Qingrao's body. "It's settled. The wedding is scheduled at the beginning of next month. Now the time is tight, so please princess!"

She raised her chin and said it again from above. Yun Qingrao shook her body slightly and put her hand on her forehead, showing a weak look: "the empress can see that I'm not feeling well. I'm afraid the queen has to find someone else to do this job!"

Cloud Qing Rao very crisp to refuse.

There was a sudden silence around, all of them were staring at the cloud Qingrao, and felt that this man was the ancestor of boldness.

"It seems that Princess Yu doesn't want to share the worries of this palace!"

"There are many people who want to help the queen share her worries. Don't embarrass me!"

Cloud Qingrao gently smile, although the face is weak, but the eyes with a strong and fierce color.

Shen Ruxue's face changed, but he finally put down his anger.

"Well, I'll leave it to Mrs. Lin!"

Yun Qingrao raised her head and saw that the first lady of the prime minister's mansion was standing in her not far position, and she was also followed by two young ladies of the Lin family.

Lin light language hiding behind the crowd, with eyes staring at the cloud Qingrao, as if wish to eat her directly.

Cloud Qing Rao swept that girl one eye, the corner of the mouth showed a smile to come, let Lin light language instantly shrink the neck back.

Mrs. Lin said with a smile, "it's a great honor for the prime minister to be appreciated by the empress."

Shen Ruxue nodded gently, and then gave a maid behind him a look.

The maid seemed to have received some order and turned back.

Shen Ruxue politely greets people to take their seats, and does not go to see cloud Qingrao any more. She turns to talk to several ministers and wives in the court.

Yun Qingrao sits beside the table, some of them seem to be out of place with others. Many people seem to be keeping a distance with her.

Yun Qingrao of course knows the thoughts of these people, and also understands that they don't want to get involved with her and cause trouble.

At this time, a figure appeared again in the courtyard.

The figure in a red dress, very beautiful in front of the public.

As soon as Yun Qingrao raised her head, she saw Princess Hui smiling and two maids walking into the crowd, looking respectfully at Shen Ruxue's direction: "so busy, my sister didn't let anyone call me!"

Hearing her words, Yun Qingrao couldn't help feeling uncomfortable.

The original Princess Hui never used this tone to talk to Shen Ruxue, but after such a change, things have changed.

Seeing the sudden appearance of huifei, Shen Ruxue's eyes flickered slightly. She didn't expect that huifei would come suddenly.

After returning to the capital from the loss of the prince, the princess Hui seemed to have changed her mind a little bit.

Moreover, because Yun Tianhong felt guilty about huifei, she was so good to her now that she became a lot of vigilant in Shen Ruxue's heart.

"My sister is not feeling well. It's not good for us to disturb my sister's rest!"

Two people left a sister and a sister, are false and give up.

Yun Qingrao only listened to two sentences, there was an impulse to leave.

But Yun Qingrao finally resisted.

She looked at the sky, then calculated the time, and felt that it was almost over. She slowly stood up from her chair, took chun'er and said, "chun'er, let's go!"

"Princess, where are you going

The cloud inclines enchanting, the corner of the mouth overflows a light smile, the cold color of the eye fundus is deeper a few minutes.

"Find a place to hide, of course!"

As soon as Yun Qingrao's voice fell, he heard a Scream: "ah, there is a snake!"

As the sound came, more panic began to appear. No one thought that there were many strange snakes in the flowers.

Those young ladies who have not seen much of the market are scared to be silly, even Shen Ruxue is shocked by the sudden appearance of the situation.

She suddenly got up and turned around to see two small green snakes crawling out of the flowers, spitting their hearts and swimming towards her.

Shen Ruxue's face was bloodless, so he quickly let the two maids in front of him: "check carefully for this palace, where are so many snakes?"

When huifei saw Shen Ruxue's expression, her mouth overflowed with a smile, and then she stepped back without changing her face.

Yun Qingrao places her eyes on Princess huifei. She is the only one who can put snakes in the garden without disturbing anyone.

As soon as she entered the yard, she had already smelled some strange smell, which could attract snakes. As long as someone put some in the distance, and when the sun came out at noon, all the snakes would be attracted.Although I don't know what the purpose of huifei is, Yun Qingrao sees her heart clearly.

Chun'er was startled and saw the ladies who were besieged by snakes in front of her. Her face gradually turned pale: "Wang Princess, if we don't get out of there earlier, I'm afraid we'll suffer too! "

When chun'er saw the cloud Qingrao, he said with a smile: "how does the princess know that there will be a snake


Cloud Qing Rao interrupted the small maid's guess and blocked her lips: "this kind of words can't be said in the palace!"

"Yes, the maid knows it!"

Chun'er obviously thinks that all these things are done by Yun Qingrao. There is a trace of worship in his eyes.

Seeing the expression of the little servant girl, Yun Qingrao can't help laughing.

A black shadow suddenly flashed in front of the cloud Qingrao, as if deliberately let her see traces, leaving a shadow.

As she walked, she suddenly thought of a man.

"Chun'er, you stay here and find a side hall for a while. If I don't leave at night, you can go back by yourself."

After a brief explanation, Yun Qingrao picked up her steps and chased her. She trotted to the position where the shadow disappeared, and her lips became tense.

She looked up and saw the figure hiding behind the tree trunk in front of her.

Yun Qingrao's eyes twinkle gently. Unexpectedly, Yunluo city can't hold her breath.

"It seems that you didn't mean to do what I told you before!"

Yun Qingrao took a step back and gently raised her eyebrows: "you don't have any benefits. What can I do for you? Can't I succeed because of your threat?"

Yunluo city slightly sideways, a puzzled color flashed in the eyes: "no wonder, it seems that the poison in your body has been solved!"

Yun Qingrao didn't mean to be afraid of him at all. When she saw him coming towards her, her smile grew stronger and stronger: "I know who you are!"

She spoke abruptly and directly stopped the other party.

Hearing this, Yunluo City flashed a thick killing machine in her eyes, and her eyes gradually became cold.

"Is that true?"

Yun Qingrao chuckled, and the voice was as beautiful as a silver bell. She was not old enough now, and her voice was still a little childish when she spoke.

"Of course it is true, but if you dare to touch a hair of me, I promise to expose your identity immediately!"

He would threaten her with poison, and of course she would. Yun Qingrao looked at Yunluo city with burning eyes. She believed that Yunluo City knew how to choose.

"How can I believe you?"

Cloud Qingrao but smile no language, that face is full of confidence color, can not see the trace of lying.

Yunluo city in the heart of some heavy, looking at the cloud Qingrao eyes more and more fierce.

"Even if you know, you can't do it without proof!"

"I don't know if you are confused. Some things are difficult and need evidence?"

Being blocked back by the words of Yun Qingrao, the color of Yunluo city's eyes deepened again. He seemed to have believed what Yun Qingrao said. With killing intent in his eyes, he directly came to Yun Qingrao, and his fingers had fallen on her neck.

Yun Qingrao raised his head, even if his neck fell into other people's hands, his face was still looking at him with a smile, as if the person who was caught was not her at all.

The pain of suffocation made her frown slightly, but she did not struggle.

Just when Yun Qingrao felt that she was about to be strangled, the hand on her neck was put down.

"Tell me, who am I?"

Yun Qingrao coughed for a while and touched her neck.

You don't have to look at it. She must have left a circle of blue and purple fingerprints on her neck.

"Yunluo City, you don't even know who you are?" she asked in a sarcastic tone

Yunluo city these three words, from the mouth of yunqingrao slowly prominent, cloud Qingrao very obviously saw the opposite man that eyes in the thick shock.

"How on earth did you know that?" Yunluo city's eyes gradually cold, eyes staring at the cloud Qingrao, as if to stare at a hole in her face.

"How do I know Of course I can't tell you. Now I want to ask you whether this transaction should be done or not! "

I didn't expect that the woman who was threatened by herself some time ago has grown up to the point where she dares to talk with him about conditions.

Yunluo city's eyes narrowed slightly: "how dare you conclude that I will not kill you?"

The murder in the voice is not false. Yun Qingrao also knows that Yunluo city is thinking about all kinds of good and bad.

Once she takes out the capital is not enough to hold him, I am afraid that the last will be her own.

She gently side of the head, lips with a cold color: "cloud Tianhong serious illness news, you should have known, then do you know, Yun Tianhong is not the son of the emperor?"Yun Qingrao's words, like a thunderbolt out of thin air, directly exploded in the heart of Yunluo city.

"What do you say?"

Such a big news, enough to shock Yunluo city for a long time can not return to God.

He had been hiding in the palace for such a long time, but he couldn't find any way to move to Yun Tianhong. However, he didn't expect that the woman would give him such a big piece of good news.

Yun Qingrao slightly raised her eyes, and the luster of her eyes became more and more bright: "what you lack now is such an excuse to make Yun Tianhong's position unstable. Are you still satisfied with the one I gave you? What's more, it's been known from the beginning! " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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