She clearly saw that when she said such words, Yunluo city's eyes slightly shrunk.

This touched the forbidden area in the heart of Yunluo city. The dark light flashed in the eyes of yunqingrao. She really wanted to see how Yunluo city would clean up Shen Ruxue.

Otherwise, how could she suddenly come to Yunluo city today.

"What you say is true?"

Yun Qingrao heard the voice of Yunluo City, and asked him to hook his lips slightly: "is it true, you go to investigate and know?"

The eyes of Yunluo city are dangerous. They are full of doubts: "why should I believe what you said, and the Shen family is the pillar behind the crown prince. Are you deliberately instigating dissension?"

Yun Qingrao covered the corner of her lips and said with a smile: "Yunluo City, do you think the Shen family will help you ascend the throne? Shen Ruxue is now favored by Yun Tianhong in the palace. Do you think Shen Ruxue, the queen, is willing to let others become emperor? "

Yunluo City smell speech, eyes suddenly cool down, because he Yun Qingrao this sentence, as long as a little analysis, you can feel the truth.

She's right. Shen Ruxue has done a good job in the throne. Why do you want to see him ascend the throne, and what can he give her after he ascends the throne?

The eyes of Yunluo city were more and more dim, and their eyes fell on the face of yunqingrao: "what's the purpose of telling me these?"

Yun Qingrao covered his neck and coughed for a while, but his eyes were very serious: "of course, let you help me deal with Shen family and Shen Ruxue!"

Seeing her so straightforward, Yunluo City instantly laughed: "why should I help you?"

"Because we have a common enemy, don't you think that the reason for your failure to force the Palace last time was the Shen family? Of course, you won't believe me when I say it. It's better for the former crown prince to investigate some things yourself! "

Yun Qingrao left these words and turned to walk towards the route when she came. She drooped her eyes in the dark, only felt the burning of sore throat.

Yunluo city had a real intention to kill her just now, but she had some confidence. Otherwise, she would not disclose his identity.

Only by making him understand that she is not easy to provoke, can they stand on the same position to negotiate terms.

Just turn a path, a turn, cloud inclines Rao to see even a servant girl in that side low voice talk.

The distance here is not far. The other party looks at no one around, and the voice is a little louder.

She quickly covered up her figure and hid herself behind a small bush.

"I don't know who put the snake in the yard just now, but there is a little maid's evidence that it was made by Princess Hui. Now many ladies are injured. Now the queen will not be merciful to her!"

"Empress huifei is really pitiful. She was sent to the border when she was pregnant. This time, her child was gone. I don't know..."

The little maid in law stopped immediately, as if afraid of saying something wrong.

Yun Qingrao came out of the party and didn't take care of the affairs there. She heard the accident of Princess huifei at this time, and there was a cold color in her eyes.

Shen Ruxue made it clear to deal with huifei this time. Even if huifei didn't start, she would find a chance to push something on her head.

However, Yun Qingrao has some worries in her heart. Princess Hui is alone in the palace. Where can she be Shen Ruxue's opponent.

Thinking of this, Yun Qingrao hastened to speed up her steps, covered the traces on her neck with her collar. She quickly let go of the two maids and ran straight to the imperial garden.

At the gate of the imperial garden, there were many guards in the palace. Those people had weapons in their hands. When they saw Yun Qingrao suddenly appeared, they directly blocked her way.

"Who is it?"

Yun Qingrao raised her head slightly, without any expression on her face. She had a little more dignified meaning: "Princess Yu Qin!"

The guard was slightly stunned, and then a little more respectful in his eyes: "something happened in the imperial garden. No one is allowed to enter or leave at will for the time being. Please go back!"

As soon as Yun Qingrao was about to open her mouth, there came a little maid in the palace. The maid was obviously in a very high position. Even the guards were very respectful when they saw her: "the Queen's mother ordered her to come in!"

The guard immediately gets out of the way. Yun Qingrao knows that she can't hide the news of her return from Shen Ruxue. Without hesitation, she strides in.

Chun'er must still be waiting for her outside now, thinking of her previous account, she is not very anxious.

With the maiden came to the public, she saw from afar the princess Hui who was surrounded by people in the center. What was the maid beside her saying.

"Empress huifei asked the maid to find someone to put the spice in the yard early, and then when the sun came out and the smell spread out, a lot of poisonous snakes would be attracted, all of which were arranged by Princess Hui in the early morning."

Yun Qingrao heard the small servant girl's voice clear report, and instantly understood what.

She looked at Hui Fei's expression, still original is not surprised, gentle and graceful.As if the little maid said things were slandering her, and she had nothing to do with it.

Huifei has changed a lot since she came back from the border. She is not so familiar with yunqingrao.

But she also knew that it was a good change. Otherwise, if she stayed in the palace, she would end up being bullied sooner or later.

She should also know that no one can protect her now.

Seeing the reappearance of Yun Qingrao, Shen Ruxue's face was slightly dignified. Many of the people present were injured and were taken down by the imperial doctors to cure them. All the people left behind shared the same hatred against the enemy.

Once involved, I'm afraid it will attract all the hostility in an instant.

"I don't know where Princess Yu went just now. It's so coincidental that she didn't meet a group of snakes!"

Shen Ruxue walks down from the top. Without looking at huifei kneeling on the ground, she goes directly to Yun Qingrao.

That pair of eyes hidden in a bit of vicious God color, cloud tilt Rao one eye to see through Shen Ruxue's mind.

She wants to take advantage of this matter, directly against her and huifei two people.

Cloud Qing Rao smile: "I just stay stuffy, want to go out to have a breath, this is also in the way of empress?"

Shen Ruxue's pupils shrank slightly, and the next mammy immediately said with a certain anger: "all the people present, only you did not meet the group of snakes. If you want to say this is a coincidence, the old slave will not believe it. Now that the murderer has not been found out, I think the ladies will not give up!"

Yun Qingrao heard the meaning of the old mother's words, and chuckled: "is this a bit of a generalization? If I left for a while, this poisonous snake was released by my concubine. Isn't it that all the people who are not present in the palace are suspected?"

Yun Qingrao's eyes were bright, and she retorted to the old mother's words. She wanted to move her to her house with a few words. How could that be possible.

She saw the old mammy blocked up for a moment, and there she was staring at her eyes and shaking her lips.

Cloud Qing Rao coldly swept her one eye, and then turned her eyes, the line of sight fell on huifei's body.

"I don't know what's wrong with Princess huifei. She's so oppressed that she kneels here!"

Cloud inclines Rao to raise eyebrow, slightly Cu Cu Cu, on the face with a bit doubt.

When Shen Ruxue sees that Yun Qingrao wants to meddle in her affairs, she immediately looks cold: "Princess Hui deliberately murdered this palace. Now there are all kinds of evidence and evidence. Only wait for the palace to report to the emperor, then deal with her. If you come, take her out first!"

The old mother who spoke before said in a hurry: "empress, there are so many snakes. How can huifei do it by herself? There must be partners to help."

While speaking, he also swept his eyes towards the cloud.

Yun Qingrao instantly received many people's suspicious eyes. Those ladies had a bad impression on her, and because of her low status, she had scorn for a long time.

So when mammy said this, more people directly believed that she did it.

"You woman is so vicious that you should do such a dirty thing!"

In the crowd, a woman dressed in rich clothes suddenly opened her mouth. In a moment, those who were just suspicious had already believed it.

Many people's eyes in more than a bit of resentment, full of anger looking at the direction of cloud Qingrao.

Shen Ruxue raised his chin slightly, "cloud inclines Rao, you still don't admit, must not see coffin do not shed tears?"

Cloud inclines Rao to smell speech, instantaneous smile.

"The Queen's wife is really good at slandering people with her white teeth. Besides, if the little maiden beside Hui Fei says casually, she will be convicted of the crime. What if the little maid is bought up and slandered intentionally?"

When she looked at Shen Ruxue, her eyes were a little more ironic. Shen Ruxue was biting her teeth in her heart.

Shen Ruxue snorted coldly: "this palace only believes what you see and hear in front of you. As for the others, you can tell us about it after you find the evidence. Come on, take Princess Yu down to have a good interrogation!"

Hearing this, Yun Qingrao turns to see two guards coming from the door.

This wanted to capture her appearance, and let her think of a few days ago, did not expect that Shen Ruxue had long forgotten the original lesson.

Just, have not waited for cloud to pour Rao to open a mouth, see Hui Fei suddenly say: "this matter is all I do, have nothing to do with her!"

Cloud Qingrao slightly a Leng, see huifei slightly droop eyes son, the eye ground is deep, some people can't see thoroughly.

She knew that huifei had never admitted to this matter, otherwise she would have been taken down, but she suddenly said so, which surprised Yun Qingrao.

Shen Ruxue didn't expect that she had a breakthrough from huifei, and her eyes flashed with joy.

"Then tell me how you did it. After that, my sister can help you and the emperor to ask for help."

Huifei gently raised her head, and her eyes were a little more firm and icy: "I don't need my sister to plead. This is what I prepared for you!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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