Shen Ruxue sees huifei standing up from the ground and walks towards her with a few murderous eyes.

Several palace people nearby saw that things were not good and quickly stepped forward to block Shen Ruxue.

Shen Ruxue said angrily, "what are you going to do?"

The corner of Hui Fei's mouth overflows with a smile, and the clouds are enchanting and watching the thin figure walk towards the direction of Shen Ruxue.

Her heart suddenly surged out of a bad premonition. Without hesitation, she seized huifei's wrist.

Princess Hui was forced to stop her steps. She turned her head and looked at Xiang Yun Qingrao with some dissatisfaction: "Princess Yu has been misunderstood. I'm very sorry. There is no princess here. Please come back!"

Yun Qingrao's heart aches. Seeing huifei's eyes, she feels a little sour.

It turns out that the woman who looks weak in her eyes is actually the coldest one in her heart. In order to get revenge, she has done so.

She felt the hard things under her hand, and suddenly understood that there was a dagger hidden in Princess Hui's sleeve. She obviously wanted to die with Shen Ruxue.

How can Yun Qingrao watch her friend's accident happen again? She draws a sharp color in her eyes and directly pulls Princess Hui to her side: "empress huifei, even if you are angry, you can't admit this kind of thing. Don't worry. I've sent people to look for evidence. I believe I can come back soon!"

She made a color for huifei and grabbed her wrist with her hand.

Now, if she wants to keep huifei, she can only rely on Gong Liuyu.

She is to hope that, in this difficult moment, Gong Liuyu can help, even if she is not the person he is looking for.

Shen Ruxue's face became colder and colder: "come on, huifei wants to assassinate this palace. Take her down, take it down!"

She didn't intend to give Yun Qingrao time to look for evidence, so she asked people to seize huifei. Now that Yun Tianhong is seriously injured, some people in the palace naturally want to listen to her. If she wants to arrest someone, who dares not follow her.

Shen Ruxue's eyes are cold, and he is quite proud.

Think of the previous in the cloud Qingrao hand to eat those bitter, she would like to immediately return these back.

If it was not for herself that she had been poisoned by Gong Liuyu's moves, she would have let Yun Qingrao pay the price. Why delay to such a time.

Her eyes are getting colder and thicker. Seeing the guards on both sides, she will take down all the thorns in her eyes. The excitement in her eyes is more and more intense.

But at this time, the location of the moon gate, there are several figures.

No one thought that Yun Tianhong, who was seriously ill in bed, would be helped to come to the imperial garden. His face was still a little pale, and there was a slender figure in white beside him.

Who can wear the white clothes as spotless, noble and cold and gorgeous people can be? As soon as you see the clothes, you can guess that it is Gong Liuyu.

Gong Liuyu's face was cold, followed by Gong Cheng who did not leave. People came from there one after another. Suddenly, the guards who wanted to fight huifei and Yun Qingrao stopped their actions.

Shen Ruxue's face changed, but in a flash she turned into an aggrieved expression. She walked quickly to Yun Tianhong: "the emperor, I didn't expect that she treated huifei so sincerely, and huifei even let poisonous snakes kill me!"

Standing beside her, the old mother was still adding fuel: "emperor, the empress was almost bitten by a poisonous snake. Many of the ladies who came here were also injured. Even Mrs. Lin of the prime minister's residence was also poisoned by snake venom. At this moment, she is not sure whether she is alive or dead!"

Cloud Tianhong's eye color is still cold, look at Shen Ruxue, slightly flustered in the heart.

She felt as if something bad was going to happen.

"Come with me, Queen!"

Shen Ruxue's eyes widened, and his fear became more intense.

It was the first time that she heard Yun Tianhong call her that way.

Before he opened and closed his mouth is Cher, never so Sen called her queen.

In the heart hesitated for a while, Shen Ruxue didn't know where the problem was. She slightly lowered her eyes and nodded timidly, following Yun Tianhong.

"Emperor, is there anything you can't tell me here with my concubine?"

She is a little aggrieved, the voice falls soft in the ear of cloud Tianhong.

Looking at the sky rainbow, the face is still cold.

With a bang, the gate of the side hall was closed. Shen Ruxue shrunk his shoulders, raised his head, and looked a little red: "emperor, what's the matter with you? Why do you treat xue'er like this?"

Yun Tianhong sat on the bed, gently covered the position of his chest and coughed a few times.

"What's the matter? I'll ask you!"

"Ask me?" Shen Ruxue doesn't know why he looks at the cloud Tianhong. His eyes flash with innocent color. He is ignorant for a time.

Seeing this expression, Yun Tianhong almost believed it for a moment, but the thought of it was placed in front of his eyes, which almost made him tremble."Shen Ruxue!"

He clenched his teeth and read out Shen Ruxue's name. In an instant, Shen Ruxue raised his head and looked at him in an unknown way.

"The Emperor..."

Before she finished, she saw Yun Tianhong shake hands directly and threw a piece of thin paper down.

Shen Ruxue took the thing in his hand and looked at the contents on it. His face turned pale in an instant.

The corner of her lips moved and she raised her head in a hurry and said, "emperor, this is not what I did. It's not really me."

The paper clearly records what happened in the Imperial Palace at that time. It happened to be the one that Yun Qingrao had seen before.

There are few people who know about it, but what Yun Tianhong knows is only Shen Ruxue.

Sometimes it's not good to know too much. I don't know when it will make people suspect.

Yun Qingrao also takes advantage of this, directly breaking the only contact and trust between Yun Tianhong and Shen Ruxue.

"Am I not good to you?"

Cloud Tianhong was in a hurry, and the anger in his eyes seemed to overflow.

Shen Ruxue shook his head tremblingly: "the emperor believes in my body. I have never investigated this matter."

"Cough..." A burst of fierce cough, Yun Tianhong was seriously injured. Now he was so stimulated that he felt even more agitated: "how can you explain that this will suddenly appear in your room, and it is almost seen by Gong Liuyu. If I didn't react quickly, I'm afraid that the one sitting on the throne is no longer me!"

Gong Liuyu is also a gong Liuyu.

Shen Ruxue vaguely feels that this matter has something to do with Gong Liuyu, but she doesn't know why anyone knows this originally hidden and deeply hidden thing that no one has ever suspected.

Except for her, no one should know!

Yes Because no one knows except her, the charge of investigating this matter is directly carried by her. Even if Shen Ruxue has 800 mouths, she can't explain it.

"The emperor, it's really not my wife's doing it. I've been given all kinds of favor now. The emperor is very kind to me. How could I do such a superfluous thing? There must be someone else who knows your identity!"

Shen Ruxue said this, and his face turned pale.

Even Yun Tianhong didn't speak, staring at her with burning eyes.

Then, he sneered: "Shen Ruxue, did you remember how to tell me at the beginning?"

Shen Ruxue's lips tremble slightly. Of course, she knows the nature of Yun Tianhong. He is cruel and heartless. Even to Yun Qingrao, how can she really like her?

If she had not used this secret as a threat, how could she have been able to secure the Queen's position.

"The emperor, I remember clearly what the emperor said. I have never done anything sorry to the emperor. This matter It must be known by others. Maybe it was gong Liuyu who did it. It must be him

"Shen Ruxue, if you did this, it's easy to say, but it's a bad thing. If someone knows my identity and can search so many evidences, then I'm in a very dangerous situation!"

Shen Ruxue hesitated and nodded: "my body must help the emperor and find out that person!"

Seeing Shen Ruxue, she doesn't admit it until now. Yun Tianhong sneers at him and says, "Shen Ruxue, you pretend to be really like me. If other people know my identity, I'm afraid they would have jumped out to make trouble or threatened me to exchange terms with you!"

Shen Ruxue raised his head and couldn't believe it. Looking at the slightly ferocious face in front of him, he only felt a chill in his heart.

Maybe she's wrong. Yun Tianhong is not the mud that can't help the wall. Even Yun Qingrao is willing to give up. What is she.

"Since the emperor knows it, let's assume that I did it."

She looked up and chose the most favorable way: "anyway, I have collected the evidence. If the emperor is not good to me, don't blame me for revealing the news when I am not happy!"

Her face slightly suffused cold color, also did not pretend to be weak, directly said the purpose without politeness.

Then, her mouth hook: "Yun Tianhong, you and I are standing in the same position, Hello, I am also, the original get rid of Yun Qingrao, you did not nod to agree, in the final analysis, you and I are the same ruthless!"

Yuntianhong looked at her calmly: "so, you did all the things about huifei?"

"Why, you still have feelings for that woman?"

Yun Tianhong's eyes flashed, but she shook her head: "of course not. If Yun Qingrao was not still there, how could I marry her?"

Hearing this, Shen Ruxue's eyes softened a little bit: "I thought that you, a cold-blooded and heartless emperor, would still be infatuated with a woman. My only condition now is that you will abolish her imperial throne and put her in the cold palace. From now on, you will never see her again. What does the emperor do?"Cloud Tianhong is silent for a moment, leaning on the soft couch, looking at the woman in front of her.

Sure enough, they are both the same people.

"You've become a queen. Why don't you have to deal with a little concubine in my harem? I will certainly expand the harem in the future. Can you drive them all away?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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