Hearing this, Shen Ruxue was stunned for a moment, but she seemed to think of something, and her eyes were a bit more sarcastic: "yuntianhong, what ecstasy did Li Rulan give you to make you so special to her? If someone had dared to fight against me before, you would have started without hesitation. Even Yun Qingrao can be regarded as an abandoned son. Why do you miss this woman Forget it

Yun Tianhong frowned slightly: "that's because cloud Qingrao, I'm sorry, and huifei has nothing to do with it!"

Shen Ruxue gently covered her face with a smile: "but even if you still have a trace of feelings for her, how can she compare with the mountains and rivers in your hands? Don't forget how unstable your position is now. If you don't have my Shen family behind to help you, can you still have today's scenery?"

Shen Ruxue said this kind of words, completely has the posture of tearing his face. Yun Tianhong narrowed his eyes slightly, covered his chest violently, and coughed a few times. His eyes fell on Shen Ruxue's usual posturing, which made him rush to the nauseous face, and the color of his eyes was slightly deeper.

"Do you mean to threaten me

Shen Ruxue shook his head with a smile: "I don't dare. I just want to warn the emperor that we are all grasshoppers tied to the same rope. If something happens to me, you should not feel better!"

She swung her sleeve, turned around and left, but when she got to the door, she found that her palms were full of cold sweat.

Shen Ruxue bit her teeth a little, only felt that she felt terrible in her heart. At the beginning, she worked hard to think that she had got the heart of Yun Tianhong, and that the other party was sincere to her. Now she knows that all these are just her dreams.

Now I wake up from my dream, Yun Tianhong is still cold-blooded and merciless, otherwise, he would not even have sacrificed his good Yun Qingrao.

Shen Ruxue frowned slightly, but now things are gradually getting out of her control.

"Queen, what's the matter with you?"

Nanny and mammy stood beside Shen Ruxue and asked in a low voice. Seeing that her face was not good, she looked at her with worried eyes.

Shen Ruxue's eyes were slightly warm. The old mother died for her in her previous life. She was absolutely loyal to her. Now she stays by her side to help her take care of her. She is also the only one she can trust.

"Mammy, now that the emperor and I have torn our skin, I'm afraid he must have begun to guard against me and the Shen family. What do you want to do?"

Although Yun Tianhong would not do so for a while, today's incident made Shen Ruxue more alert.

Once Yun Tianhong gets enough power, I'm afraid it won't bring them any benefits. Maybe he will be the first to uproot the Shen family.

She didn't forget that Yun Qingrao died in her hands with the consent of Yun Tianhong. Although revenge made her happy for a long time, she felt a little chilly when she thought about it now.

Yun Tianhong is really cold-blooded and merciless. This man has no heart.

"Empress, why don't you listen to the master's suggestion and secretly start to find the former crown prince. At least there are still some blood relations between the Shen family and his highness in Los Angeles, which is much stronger than now!"

Shen Ruxue sipped her lips.

Now she had no way to predict the development of the situation, and she could only grope by her own feelings.

Yun Qingrao died, her hands, has changed too many tracks in previous life, she should make a good calculation.

In the past, she only thought that Yun Qingrao died, and her previous life's magic spell could be broken, but now it seems that it will soon develop in a good direction.

Shen Ruxue's eyes are black and deep, showing a bit of ruthlessness: "Mammy, in the past, our palace knew that the emperor treated huifei differently from other concubines, but I didn't expect that he would care so much about huifei. I feel uncomfortable in my heart!"

The old mammy instantly said with a smile: "empress, don't worry. I'll leave this matter to the old slave. The old slave must do it without being aware of it."

Shen Ruxue knew what she meant in her words. She shook her head gently: "don't kill anyone. There is no way for the palace to explain to the emperor at that time."

Mammy raised her eyes slightly, and a smile came out of her mouth: "empress, there are still a lot of things left for Princess Yu. It's better to..."

Shen Ruxue was silent for a moment, and the smile on the bottom of his eyes became deep: "well, this thing should be done according to Mammy's idea!"

Her eyes flashed a vicious color, waving her hand toward the direction of her bedroom.

But she did not know that all her words fell into the ears of two people who listened to the corner not far away.

Cloud Qingrao came out from the corner, looking at Shen Ruxue's back, which was deep and cold: "sure enough, it's still in the direction of calculating others."

She sipped her lips slightly. Now that she is there, how can she allow Shen Ruxue to attack huifei.

Standing behind her, Gong Liuyu gently picked her eyebrows, "so what are you going to do?"

"Stop her!" said Yun Qingrao"And then?"

Yun Qingrao slightly droops her eyes and says, "let her taste the evil fruit of her own kind!"


Gong Liuyu faintly spits out a word, in the eyes flash a light bright color.

He looked at her face and expression as usual, not much different from before.

Yun Qingrao looked Gong Liuyu up and down, and suddenly said, "thank you for today's business. If it wasn't for you to break through the Siege..."

Before Yun Qingrao finished, she saw Gong Liuyu turning around and looking at her: "you are the princess of this king. Shouldn't I do these things?"

Yun Qingrao was dumbfounded. She raised her head and looked at Gong Liuyu: "I really don't know about the jade pendant. If the Lord recognizes the wrong person, then..."

Her words were interrupted again, and Gong Liuyu didn't seem to want to hear her continue: "I believe in my own intuition, and I will never recognize the wrong person. As for the inside information, I will slowly find out the truth!"

Yun Qingrao hesitated for a moment, but still nodded. She looked at Gong Liuyu's side face, only felt that the depression in her heart had dissipated a lot.

That light sense of peace of mind around the heart, cloud Qingrao know, she seems to have some good feelings for Gong Liuyu.

That feeling is very complex, and her feelings for a hundred miles away from some are not the same.

She put away her emotions, but kept spinning in her mind a little strange before. She always felt that she had seen the jade pendant.

Did she really forget something important?

In her heart a little more suddenly, she followed Gong Liuyu in silence and walked forward, because there were a lot of things in her mind at this time, and even Gong Liuyu didn't notice when she stopped.

A head hit his back, cloud tilt Rao hastily stood up straight body, looked up with a bit of apology at him: "I didn't mean to!"

Gong Liuyu droops her eyes and drops her sight on her cheek.

"Don't worry, even if you do it on purpose, I won't blame you. You don't have many chances to throw yourself into the arms so actively!"

When Yun Qingrao heard what he said, she felt a fever in her ears. Her face was usually white, but once her mood fluctuated, it was easy to reveal it.

If it was not for her usual efforts to suppress emotions, I am afraid people would have seen through the mind.

Looking at her appearance, Gong Liuyu suddenly reached out and touched her cheek.

"It's a little hot. Are you sick?"

Yun Qingrao said:

She turned and said with no expression: "it's just hot!"

When Gong Liuyu saw her walking in front of her, the color of her eyes gradually deepened and her lips rose slightly.

That bright, let a person can't help but the face of the heart beating faster, at this time a little bit more alluring feeling.

He hesitated for a moment, looked down at the jade pendant in his hand, and then frowned slightly.

It seems that this thing is not so important.

Thinking of this, he picked the jade pendant from his waist at will, then put it in his sleeve at will, and walked towards the direction of cloud Qingrao.

Yun Qingrao seems to have thought of something, in the eyes across a light cool color: "huifei is still in the garden, I'll go to see her!"

While speaking, she turned a corner and walked back to the original road.

The people in the imperial garden had long been separated. Because there were not a few injured people, most of them still stayed in the palace to accompany the injured families.

And Mrs. Lin is one of the injured.

Yun Qingrao saw Lin Qingyu and several maids of the prime minister's mansion, standing outside the main hall not far from the imperial garden, as if waiting for someone.

Lin Qingyu stood at the door and paced back and forth in a short time, a beautiful woman in a light blue dress appeared in the distance.

When she saw the visitor, she ran after him. "Sister Han, you are here at last. My mother is still in a coma. The imperial doctor said," if you delay a little more time, I'm afraid the great Luo immortal will be hard to save! "

Cloud Qingrao slightly frowned, did not expect to come is Lin Xiangye's most proud legitimate eldest daughter Lin QingHan.

She stopped, behind the palace Liuyu see what she is looking at, slightly hook hook lip corner: "what's the matter with you?"

Yun Qingrao shook her head: "nothing, just thinking, why didn't Lin QingHan come today?"

She was not far away from those people, but because of her position, she could hear the voice of the opposite side, but the other side could not see her clearly.

Lin light Han that with a bit of cold delicate face across a angry color, to Lin light language drooping eyes asked: "can you find out who did it?"

"Who else can it be, the princess Hui who envies the Queen's wife, and Lin Qingyao's little bitch!"

"Lin Qingyao? What does it have to do with her? "

Lin QingHan's words are not to give Yun Qingrao an excuse, but some doubts in his heart.

I'm afraid that she has never been a prince in the eyes of the prince.www.readwn.com , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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