It's not easy for Lin Qingyu to accompany Mrs. Lin into the Palace this time. Originally, she planned to know some officials' daughters and take this opportunity to raise her status, but now all of them are ruined by a group of snake feasts.

In her heart, she had already gnawed her teeth to hate Yun Qingrao. In this matter, she couldn't help adding fuel: "it was the poisonous snake that she and huifei released. Huifei and she have confessed their guilt!"

When Yun Qingrao heard Lin Qingyu's words, she was speechless for a moment. She never said that the snake was put by her. If you want to add a sin, you have no reason to worry about it. Lin Qingyue put the hat on her head.

A hand suddenly caught her wrist, and Gong Liuyu suddenly lowered her head a little, and approached her ear a little: "follow this king!"

Cloud Qing Rao Leng Leng Leng, has not yet waited for her to open a mouth, grasps her wrist hand to exert oneself.

She was brought up, picked up directly by the other party, and then flew in through a palace window.

Gong Liuyu is familiar with the layout here, and it is very easy to avoid those ears and eyes. From the roof of the backyard, she is directly taken by Gong Liuyu to the room where the eldest lady is recuperating.

The room is empty and silent. Gong Liuyu skillfully peels away the tiles on the roof, revealing a hole enough to see the whole inside.

She leaned over and looked down, and the angle was just enough to see the lady's face.

Cloud inclines Rao to lower the voice: "Gong Liuyu, do you often do so?"

Gong Liuyu gently smiles and opens her eyebrows and eyes, which makes Yun Qingrao forget the unhappiness that happened before.


Yun Qingrao glared at him fiercely, then lost two words to him: "color, wolf!"

Was given such an evaluation, let the smile on Gong Liuyu's face stiff for a while, but he instantly convergence look, now is not the time to fight with her.

Yun Qingrao lowered her head and heard a slight conversation outside the door.

Lin QingHan raised his voice and said to Lin Qingyu, "did you inform dad?"

"It has been told!"

Lin QingHan turned and entered the courtyard where Mrs. Lin was recuperating. Several ladies at the door saw her coming in and directly began to compliment her.

"I heard that Miss Lin has now become the choice of a pretty girl in this palace. It seems that the emperor has great admiration for Miss Lin

When Lin QingHan heard the speech, his eyes crossed a shallow complacency, but he still laughed very gently and kindly when he spoke.

She closed the door and stepped into the room. She saw the old lady lying in bed. Her eyes were a little colder.


Lin QingHan lowered his voice and whispered in his wife's ear for a lifetime, but the old lady lying in bed had obviously fallen asleep and had no sign of waking up.

Cloud Qing Rao lying on the roof, see Lin light Han's action, slightly staring eyes open eyes.

She couldn't help but drag Gong Liuyu's sleeve. Although she didn't open her mouth to let him do something, she also wanted him to see clearly.

Then, she saw Lin QingHan's face with a little killing intention.

She held out her hand directly, showing a silver needle at the tip of her finger.

Under the dark light of the room, the silver needle was pale blue, which was obviously a poisoned needle.

Her face was obviously a little nervous. She seemed to have done this for the first time: "mother Don't blame han'er. Han'er is forced to do so. If han'er doesn't do it, he won't live! "

She said, while thinking about the big lady's side close, because Lin light language and others are waiting outside, the room is only her and Mrs. Lin lying in bed.

"My daughter doesn't want to, I really don't want to, but my daughter still has a bright future. How could she be buried here like this?"

She pursed her lips, and there was more ferocity in her delicate face.

Without saying a word, she directly put the silver needle into Mrs. Lin's neck.

Yun Qingrao witnessed all this and was more and more surprised in her heart. She didn't expect that Lin QingHan would do such a vicious thing and kill his mother-in-law.

But what on earth did she do it for?

There were countless doubts in her heart, but she couldn't make a sound, could not go down, and could not attract the attention of others.

Gong Liuyu's hand still grasps on her wrist, has stopped her all movement.

The silver needle was so thin that it was hard to see even the trace in the flesh. It only left a small red mark on the skin that could not be seen by the naked eye.

The needle fell directly on the ground, and Lin QingHan's hands and feet trembled, and then stretched out his hand to touch Mrs. Lin's breath.

This moment, her eyes flashed fear, fear, and regret, she covered her mouth and began to cry.

"No, come and see what's wrong with my mother."

She yelled in the room, the door was immediately pushed open, and a line of palace people saw that Mrs. Lin, who was lying on the bed, suddenly turned blue and had convulsions all over her body. They immediately sent for the imperial doctor.Two or three people came to the imperial doctor of Tai hospital. After getting the news, they immediately went into the room to examine Mrs. Lin.

But when they arrived, Mrs. Lin had stopped twitching and completely stopped breathing.

Lin QingHan sits beside him crying, and Lin Qingyu is sobbing and comforting her. The whole room is in a mess.

The three doctors looked at each other and didn't know what had happened. They had already stabilized Mrs. Lin's poison before. As long as they drank a few more days' medicine, they could completely eliminate the poison. But now, Mrs. Lin's heart pulse was quickly invaded by the poison, which directly killed her.

"Mrs. Lin, this is caused by snake venom. Her subordinates and others are coming too late. Please go back and prepare for the future affairs."

When Lin QingHan hears the speech, tears fall from her eyes. Her whole body is in a muddle, with the sadness of losing some of her closest relatives.

No one would doubt that such a Lin QingHan would be the real murderer who killed his mother.

Yun Qingrao sees more and more people here and dare not stay too much. When she is brought down from the roof by Gong Liuyu, there is still a little doubt in her eyes.

She stood in the open pavilion with the breeze blowing on her face. She took a deep breath: "I didn't expect that Lin QingHan would do such a thing, but what's her purpose? What's the benefit for her when the first lady is dead and her mother is dead?"

Gong Liuyu gently smile: "people do not for themselves, heaven kills the earth, she does so, naturally there is a reason to do so!"

Hearing the cold and clear voice, Yun Qingrao felt a little cold in her heart for a moment. She slightly drooped her eyes and gave a bitter smile: "I don't care about the death of the big lady, but you remind me of this!"

Cloud Qingrao voice a little more desolate meaning, the color in the eyes, seems to think back to what.

"It turns out that all the things I have done for Yun Tianhong are not worth a word Heaven kills the earth for himself

Gong Liuyu frowned slightly, but also vaguely felt that his words were a little heavy: "since you already understand, if you give you a chance again, will you still do so?"

Yun Qingrao's pupils shrank. She hesitated for a moment, and finally shook her head: "no, if I knew from the beginning that this was the end, I'm afraid it would not give Yun Tianhong any hope to ascend the throne in the early morning."

"What would you do to Yun Tianhong?"

Yun Qingrao was stunned for a moment. She thought carefully about the cause and effect before and after, and suddenly she had no choice.

But after all, she is a cloud Qingrao, not Shen Ruxue.

She always has her own steelyard in her heart, she will not break the balance of the balance at will.

"If it was me, I think I would alienate him, but I would not harm him. After all, he did not betray me at that time."

Hearing the words of the cloud tilting Rao, Gong Liuyu instantly laughed: "the prime minister's belly can support the boat, worthy of being the eldest princess with the world in mind!"

Yun Qingrao didn't know whether he was taunting her or deliberately running on her. Anyway, she didn't feel comfortable listening to it.

"I know you must be thinking, if you can really come back, I may strangle Yun Tianhong when he was a child, but if I do, I'm afraid it will be no different from Shen Ruxue!"

Hearing the words of cloud Qingrao, Gong Liuyu's pupil moved slightly: "what do you say, what and Shen Ruxue have no difference? Is it difficult, what's the problem with Shen Ruxue?"

Yun Qingrao pause, vaguely feel the ambiguity in their own words.

She slightly paused, raised her head and looked at Gong Liuyu: "well, she has some problems. If I say that she is the person who has lived a whole life again, would you think it is incredible?"

When Gong Liuyu heard the words, he immediately stopped the smile on the corner of his lips. He looked at Xiangyun Qingrao's eyes with a bit of deep color: "what you said is true?"

Yun Qingrao also did not intend to conceal Gong Liuyu in this matter. Since he could believe his identity, naturally he would not believe it.

"This is what Shen Ruxue said before I died. She thought that I, a dead man, would not tell the secret!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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