Who would have thought that the dead would suddenly come back to life.

If it was not for Yun Qingrao who had experienced such a legend, at least she would not believe it.

Gong Liuyu sank her eyes, and a light streamer flashed through her eyes: "if there is such a thing, it will be more interesting!"

Cloud inclines Rao to pick eyebrow to look back at Palace Yu: "interesting, the Lord thinks this how interesting?"

Gong Liuyu walked to the side of Yun Qingrao's body, and there was a light cold color in her eyes: "since Shen Ruxue knows a lot of things that can happen in the future, she will be prepared in advance, so she is very unfavorable to us!"

This is exactly what Yun Qingrao wants to say. Seeing Gong Liuyu putting forward this word, she nodded slightly: "indeed!"

Gong Liuyu slightly lowered her eyes, and a narrow smile flashed over her eyes: "so, I have an idea in my heart!"

Yun Qingrao's mind moved slightly, seeing Gong Liuyu's eyes, only felt a dangerous feeling swept by.

She knew in her heart that Gong Liuyu was going to do something wrong. Looking at that pair of narrow peach blossom eyes, the cloud inclines Rao can't help but feel a little loose, always feel a kind of peace of mind.

"Lord, can I talk about it for my reference?" There was a slight smile in the corner of her mouth, which seemed to dispel all the haze.

Gong Liuyu went to her side and lowered her voice to her ear: "I won't tell you!"

Cloud Qingrao is listening, suddenly heard Gong Liuyu's words, eyes flash a angry color: "speak quickly, say quickly, you like to sell the pass!"

Palace Liuyu see cloud Qing Rao angry, this just slow, not slow open Zun mouth: "do you want to see Shen Ruxue ruined?"

The cloud inclines Rao to smell the speech, the pupil slightly shrinks.

Why didn't she want to? She wanted to drink her blood and eat her meat. Xin'er's death was like a thorn in her heart. If she could not get revenge, her heart would not be peaceful all her life.

"You'll wait for the good news from the king!" Gong Liuyu showed a meaningful smile. He didn't tell Yun Qingrao what he wanted to do and where to start. However, it made Yun Qingrao feel more expectant.

"Don't you think it's meddling? After all, it's me, not you, who has a grudge against Shen Ruxue! "

Yun Qingrao slightly droops her eyes, and her voice slightly lowers, with a bit of exploration and doubt.

"What's more, the jade pendant thing..."

Before she finished, Gong Liuyu interrupted her words: "that matter need not say!"

As soon as she turned around, she saw Gong Liuyu throw his sleeve and throw the jade pendant into the lake not far away in front of her.

The jade pendant splashed on the water, and she saw it sink to the bottom.

Cloud inclines Rao to stare at big eyes: "Gong Liuyu, what are you doing?"

Gong Liuyu slightly hook hook lip horn: "since you do not remember, this king keeps it also have no use!"

Yun Qingrao's eyes were surprised: "that thing is not necessarily mine, and it seems to be something very important to the king. In case..."

She hesitated for a moment, but did not go on.

Gong Liuyu slightly coagulated her eyes: "that jade pendant is yours!"

At the beginning, he didn't admit that Yun Qingrao didn't admit it, but when he thought about it carefully, he couldn't recognize the wrong person.

Since he won't admit his mistake, the problem lies in Yun Qingrao's body.

Gong Liuyu looked at Yun Qingrao from top to bottom, and found that he didn't see any strange reaction to the jade pendant in his eyes, and he was convinced of his idea.

Yun Qingrao really doesn't remember the existence of the jade pendant.

Although this thought, the heart how much some uncomfortable, but Gong Liuyu soon convergence of all the mood.

Since all the past things have passed, he does not need to investigate again. It is the most important thing in the future.

Yun Qingrao suddenly raised her head and whispered, "Gong Liuyu, tell me the story of that jade pendant. Since you are so sure that the jade pendant is mine, I may remember it after you finish it!"

Gong Liuyu hesitated for a moment, and his hands were behind him: "Yun Qingrao, could you have been to Fengcheng five years ago?"

Cloud Qingrao frowned slightly.

Five years before her death, she had been in the palace, thinking carefully about how to live and how she might have appeared in a place like Fengcheng.

Although the distance between Fengcheng and the imperial city was not very far, if she was on her way, it would take at most a few hours to get there. But if she had been there, how could she not remember it.

Yun Qingrao shook her head: "I don't seem to have been there. I don't know what happened to the Lord when he was sealing the city. You can't forget the owner of the jade pendant so much?"

Yun Qingrao is really curious. What happened to Gong Liuyu's attitude towards her changed dramatically. When the other party thought he was the master of the jade pendant, he even said that he would spend his whole life with her.

She really wanted to know.Yun Qingrao also felt that the person who got the jade pendant was really very lucky. She didn't expect that Gong Liuyu, who was usually noble, cold and disgusting, would have such a gentle and extreme side.

If he really likes a person, he will hold that person to the sky and let her enjoy endless glory.

He seems to give everything just for that person to do what he wants.

Gong Liuyu stopped and suddenly frowned: "this kind of thing can only be understood. Even if I say it, I can't say it clearly."

Cloud inclines Rao smell speech, but saw Gong Liuyu that originally white ear root unexpectedly slightly some made a little ruddy.

She was slightly surprised, and a surprised light flashed in her eyes.

He did not say that naturally there are reasons not to say, she can not force Gong Liuyu, but she is more curious about what happened.

A little bit, it made her think of the wrong rhythm.

Her heart is very itchy, wish to immediately pry open gong Liuyu's mouth, but the other side's appearance, is obviously embarrassed to say these things.

Everyone has his own secret, and she can't force Gong Liuyu to say anything.

"Again, it seems that the Lord is going to keep this secret until the end of the world. If you don't tell me, I'll think I don't know!"

She held back a stomach of gas, obviously already asked this kind of situation, but Gong Liuyu but hang not to say export.

Gong Liuyu looks at the cloud to pour Rao's back, the look of the eye ground is deep, he does not want to say, but can't say.

If Yun Qingrao thinks about it, if she can't remember anything, it's even worse to say it.

Pressing down the tumbling thoughts in his heart, Gong Liuyu sees that Yun Qingrao wants to go and wants to hold her.

"Where are you going now?"

Yun Qingrao head also did not return: "of course, to see huifei, Lin family that scene I do not want to see!"

Gong Liuyu hesitated for a moment, and the color of her eyes deepened a little bit: "ah Yao, I'm afraid that Lin Fu's affairs are not as simple as you think, and Aunt Liu also has some problems!"

As soon as he heard Gong Liuyu say that Aunt Liu also had problems, she turned to look at him in doubt: "what is the meaning of Wang Ye's words?"

Gong Liuyu stopped. Before, he didn't want to tell Yun Qingrao about it. But now, in retrospect, he was afraid that Yun Qingrao would be hurt again in the forest house: "do you remember that list? There is also Aunt Liu's name on the list!"

Yun Qingrao was slightly surprised: "then why didn't I see it?"

She glanced at Gong Liuyu with a little doubt. She saw that Gong Liuyu was drooping her eyes, and her beautiful face had a kind of shy breath.

"Because I intend to investigate the truth of the matter first, and then tell you!"

Cloud Qing Rao Mo Mo: "that in addition to Aunt Liu, Wang Ye has erased other people's names?"

She is not stupid. Gong Liuyu named what he had done in a word. The reason why she didn't see the name of Aunt Liu must have been directly erased by him. Since he can erase a person's name, he can naturally erase the second one.

She shrunk her pupils slightly, but she doubted whether there was gong Liuyu's name on the list.

"Only Aunt Liu's!" Gong Liuyu raised his eyebrows. There was more serious color in the sharp eyebrow peak.

He did not know where Baiyun Qingrao asked, is the heart of doubt.

Yun Qingrao nodded, "thank you for telling me, I understand!"

Her eyes darkened, and she sipped her lips.

How could she have imagined that the weak Aunt Liu had something to do with the palace on cloud.

Gong Liuyu was just about to say something to Yun Qingrao when he saw a confusion ahead. A line of guards came out from the side passage with swords.

He frowned and grabbed Yun Qingrao's hand directly and took her to the wall beside him.

Looking for a place to hide himself, Gong Liuyu's deep voice said in the cloud's ear: "look, something's wrong!"

Cloud Qingrao pick eyebrows, looked up to see the direction of the guards, which should be the temporary residence of Chunxi king.

Cloud Qingrao slightly frowned, but the eyes fell on the group of people. Gong Liuyu took her from the back of the wall and let go, quietly following the group of people.

I'm afraid that the story of Mrs. Lin's death in the Imperial Palace has been spread all over the world. The incident of putting snakes in the imperial garden has risen to an unprecedented height.

But this matter has not been completed, Chunxi king again had an accident in the palace, these things are connected together, how to think and feel strange.

Gong Liuyu's face was calm. It seemed that she didn't know about these things, but suddenly a kind of inexplicable feeling came into being in yunqingrao's heart.

She suspected that all of this had something to do with Gong Liuyu.

But doubt is doubt, and she has no evidence in her hand, so she can't say that.

She followed Gong Liuyu to the place where those people stopped. Some doctors were guarding outside. Inside, people were coming and going, constantly busy.Some of Chunxi's men, who were also staying outside the palace, seemed to have been injured.

Cloud inclines Rao side head to see to palace Yu: "the king of Chun West stays well in the palace, how suddenly injured?"

Gong Liuyu's face was indifferent, looking at the cloud Qingrao's eyes calm without wave: "this king has always been with you, how do you know what happened?"

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