Hui Fei's eyebrows and eyes flashed a startled, "then what should I do?"

Yun Qingrao's eyes flashed a light pity color. She went to the side of huifei's body, lowered her voice and said, "Princess huifei, would you like to believe me?"

Huifei raised her head, looked at the eyes of cloud Qingrao, and nodded slightly.

Yun Qingrao didn't say anything, just took out a small bottle from her arms.

"Eat it and rest assured of the rest."

Huifei understood why Yun Qingrao asked her if she believed her.

She took a look at Yun Qingrao's hand. There was a dark red pill in her white palm.

How can ordinary people casually eat a thing given by someone who doesn't trust him. Even if Yun Qingrao talks about the benefits of this thing, doubt is always doubting.

So Yun Qingrao to the beginning to the end, also did not explain a word, just with eyes staring at huifei's face.

Huifei hesitated for a moment and was silent for a moment, but she still took the pill from Yun Qingrao's hand.

She closed her eyes and suddenly opened her mouth and said, "I believe you. Anyway, I have nothing to be reckoned with. If you want my life, I will not live long."

Speaking, she directly took the pill, a time in a hurry, quickly drank saliva.

Cloud Qingrao see the situation, the things are simply cleaned up.

"You have a good rest!"

Huifei only felt dizzy for a while, then she fell on the bed, feeling uneasy in her heart.

She looked at the gradual departure of yunqingrao's steps. She suddenly lost sight of it. She raised her head and took a hard look at the direction of yunqingrao, and then sank into darkness.

The conversation between the two is not long. Yun Qingrao comes out of the room with empty dishes and chopsticks and pushes the door to see Gong Liuyu's direction.

He was still standing in the distance waiting for her. The two gatekeepers were talking to Gong Liuyu.

Because she was a little far away, she couldn't hear what the other side said, so she could only avoid being found and walked through the corner with her head down.

Gong Liuyu of course found her figure. Before the two guards reacted, she saw Gong Liuyu, who had made up her mind to enter the door, turned away.

The other party's figure disappeared at the corner of the courtyard, and the two guards were stunned, completely unaware of what had happened.

One of the guards whispered, "it's better to report this to the empress!"

Another person nodded and agreed, and went to huifei's room to have a look. Through the window, he saw that huifei didn't know when she was lying on the bed. The man had a little doubt, but he didn't think much about it.

Not long after Yun Qingrao and Gong Liuyu left, a group of shadows appeared outside huifei's yard. Lin Qingyu didn't know when she was blocking her door with people.

She took people directly and was about to run into it: "get out of my way. I want to ask Princess Hui how vicious she is. She even let out poisonous snakes to kill so many people. Even my mother was bitten to death by poisonous snakes. I want to ask her well!"

In the voice of Lin Qingyu, there are some grievances, and the people brought about are irresistible.

Originally still guard in this room outside people see Lin light language directly toward the inside, immediately all people are transferred out to block the door.

"Miss Lin, you can't go in here casually!"

On hearing this, Lin Qingyu's eyes flashed slightly. As soon as he waved his hand, two big mammies came forward and pushed the guard away.

The reason why Gong Liuyu didn't want to break in before is because Yun Qingrao is still inside. If he wants to break in, these people can't stop him.

Although they can resist the people brought by Lin Qingyu, they don't know whether it is intentional or not. They are still made a gap by Lin Qingyu.

She went straight into the room with the two mothers, and came straight to the bed. When she saw that Princess Hui was still lying on the bed, she was not angry.

Although she was happy that the eldest lady died, she had lost the ladder to climb up. Prime Minister Lin could not have made her mother the main court. She was still a commoner woman after all.

Therefore, no matter it is acting or from which aspect, she has to do enough to show Lin QingHan.

However, she just went to the window, she couldn't help but scream, this voice immediately shocked everyone, and the guards who were still outside also broke into the room.

Lin Qingyu couldn't help but step back, pointing to the princess Hui on the bed and saying, "she It's none of my business. She was like this when I came in! "

Someone heard her words, immediately came to check, but saw that the person lying on the bed did not seem to have the slightest anger.

A person who was close to her fingertips tried out huifei's breath, and she shrank suddenly.


These two words from the population said, an instant caused a storm, an instant people rushed to tell each other.The news shocked the whole palace. When the news of huifei's suicide fell on Yun Tianhong's ears, he immediately covered his heart and coughed violently for a long time.

Shen Ruxue, sitting beside her, picked her eyebrows gently, then lowered her eyes and said with a light smile, "is this suicide for fear of guilt, Princess Hui?"

Cloud Tianhong's eyes instantly swept over Shen Ruxue's face. Shen Ruxue quickly converged the joy on her face, and a soft smile overflowed from the corner of her mouth: "emperor, it's not a pity for Princess huifei to die. If it wasn't for Chunxi King's martial arts, I'm afraid she would have died in the palace. Although Princess Anping is still in the capital, some of the descendants of King Chunxi can not be underestimated, especially yunziji, the eldest son of Chunxi king. It is said that most of the military power of Chunxi king is now in his hands. Once the incident of Chunxi king here spreads to his ears, if you don't give an account to the other party, won't it force Chunxi king to rebel? "

Shen Ruxue looks at the iron green face of Yun Tianhong, and her smile is more intense. Her purpose is not to be a queen, but to be the Empress Dowager.

It's a pity that she hasn't even got a child. Where can she allow huifei to give birth to an heir in front of her.

Since her rebirth, Shen Ruxue has always been on the right track. She has never encountered any major setbacks. Moreover, even her greatest enemy in her previous life has now died in her hands. She has a sense of complacency and pride in her heart.

"Don't worry, the emperor. I will bury huifei properly. I will not let her spread any stigma after her death."

Hearing this, Yun Tianhong's eyes grew colder and thicker. His hands clung to the cup on the table beside him, and his veins were visible on his back.

He raised his head and said word by word: "Shen Ruxue, are you doing it?"

Shen Ruxue is slightly stunned. Unexpectedly, Yun Tianhong will question her at such a time.

She dropped her eyes and chuckled: "she committed suicide by herself. What's the relationship with me?"

Cloud Tianhong covers the position of the heart, the complexion is a bit more ferocious.

"Shen Ruxue, do you really want to do this? I can't help you enough? At the beginning, huifei and you were also good sisters. Were their feelings fake before

Shen Ruxue raises his head in amazement and looks at Yun Tianhong's eyes. Hearing his question, he suddenly smiles. The irony in the smile is self-evident. The look at Yun Tianhong's face is a little hot.

"Yun Tianhong, don't talk to this palace in such a righteous and lingran tone. I can tell you, if you don't have this palace in your throne, how can you be stable? Can you think that all this is due to the dead Yun Qingrao? You're wrong. I just want to... "

"With just one word, you can get me down from the throne, right?"

When Shen Ruxue heard the sudden interposition from Yun Tianhong, his heart trembled slightly. When he turned his head, he had already restrained all the anger on his face: "Tianhong, I am doing this for your sake. Is it possible for me to have any benefits if you have an accident? We are supposed to coexist in interests, so we should be a loving couple."

Cloud Tianhong gently side head no longer to see Shen Ruxue, let Shen Ruxue's eyes gradually deepen a bit.

Her sleeves had been wrinkled by her, and her face turned pale.

But God has given her a chance to live again, the purpose is to let her change her destiny, she should enjoy the endless glory in the future.

As for huifei and yunqingrao, they are just stepping stones for her success. She wants to climb higher step by step, and then write a legend by herself.

Shen Ruxue thought of this, stood up from his seat and walked to yuntianhong's bedside with more grievances on his face.

She sat down quietly, with a hint of seduction and human color in her eyes: "Tianhong, you and I have been husband and wife for so many years. How can I still think of others in my heart? After a long time, we will never be threatened by anyone again. At that time, we are the real people. Can't the emperor not want to

Yun Tianhong did not open his mouth, but his eyes went deep.

Knowing her own words, Yun Tianhong listened to her words, and her lips overflowed with a smile.

"Yun Qingrao knew your identity as emperor for a long time, but she didn't tell her. She had already imagined that she would hold the emperor on the throne and then tell the story out. When there is no monarch in a country, she will be the woman who controls the imperial power. So either she dies or we die. The emperor is absolutely right in this matter!"

Shen Ruxue's quiet voice keeps getting into the ear of yuntianhong, which makes the vision of yuntianhong deeper.

"Are you really not lying to me?"

His eyes flashed, and there was a little hesitation in his eyes.

Shen Ruxue chuckled and said, "otherwise, how could I know the emperor's identity? If I hadn't overheard the conversation between Yun Qingrao and others, I'm afraid the emperor and I would have been cheated by her appearance. The reason why the woman treats the emperor so well is not all for her own identity and status. Maybe in the future, she will become the first empress!"

Yun Tianhong tightly pursed her lips, and a strange color flashed across her pale face.Shen Ruxue said is true or false, he does not know, but he has heard what some people said to him at the beginning.

When Yun Qingrao was expelled from the Imperial Palace, she was told that she must be a phoenix in the future. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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