Yunqingrao itself is the eldest princess, and she can't become a queen in this life. The only explanation is that Yun Qingrao is most likely to win the throne in the future.

In addition, the woman's ability to do things really made him feel terrible. Shen Ruxue encouraged him. He was thinking about how to get rid of the danger of yunqingrao.

In the heart slightly flustered a few minutes, a closed eye, cloud Tianhong also seems to be able to see the face of cloud Qingrao.

The reason why Yun Qingrao has become a forbidden word for everyone in the palace is that he has been surrounded by nightmares.

Slightly frowned, Yun Tianhong reached out and kneaded his eyebrows. "I've done everything. What can I regret?"

Shen Ruxue raised his head slightly and his eyes flashed gently.

The red lips opened and closed slightly: "emperor, do you want to know that my concubine is the most important person for you. Even if all the people betray you, I will never be!"

She sat beside Yun Tianhong, her eyes burning at Yun Tianhong's eyes, like something solemnly promised.

Yun Tianhong didn't forget what Shen Ruxue had said before. He didn't go to see her. He just said, "I'm a little tired. Go out first."

Shen Ruxue nodded, stood up gracefully, turned gently and pushed open the door of the room.

On the back to the cloud Tianhong, Shen Ruxue bit his teeth gently, only feeling a bad premonition rising in the heart.

Now the world has changed too much. She has lost control of many things. Shen Ruxue is a little flustered.

She drooped her eyes and thought carefully. Suddenly, her eyes lit up slightly, and her mouth crossed a cold arc.

Since Yun Tianhong can't be relied on, she naturally has a way to rely on herself. She needs to prepare more.


She stood on the path outside the door and called out to the maid in the palace behind her.

"Empress, maids are here!"

Shen Ruxue slightly hooked the corner of his lips, and said with a smile: "go and call the Lord of the Shen family here. I want to see him in this palace."

The maid immediately turned around to deliver the letter.

The mammy standing beside Shen Ruxue lowered her voice and asked Shen Ruxue, "empress, now there is a rift between the emperor and you. In case he..."

"This palace knows, Mammy, this matter has its own way to deal with it. If Yun Tianhong can't be relied on, then this palace will think of another way!"

"The way of the empress is related to the former crown prince?"

The mammy opened her eyes slightly, her heart was a little tight, and a bad feeling rolled in her heart. She whispered, "Yunluo city is not as easy to fool as Yun Tianhong. If yuntianhong isn't surrounded by Yun Qingrao, where is his opponent?"

Hear this kind of words, Shen Ruxue's eyes also have a little more worry.

"However, if he turns against Yun Tianhong in the future, I'm afraid it will be my palace. Now that Yun Tianhong treats our palace like this, we should teach him a lesson and let him have some crisis in his heart."

Mammy smell speech, slowly keep up with Shen Ruxue's steps: "but in the future if the former crown prince ascends the throne, no matter how the empress can do?"

Shen Ruxue stops his pace, and his eyes are in a bit of a dilemma.

It's a bit of a difficult road, but once it's done, she's a step closer to her goal.

"Yunluo city is really not easy to deal with, but our palace just uses him a little, and won't tell him about it. If I promise to help him in secret, what benefits will he give to the palace?"

Shen Ruxue chuckled, but he didn't know how dangerous the road was.

The mammy saw that Shen Ruxue was so confident that she no longer said anything. Seeing that she was in a good mood, she dropped her eyes and followed her.

Yun Qingrao came out of huifei's yard and was directly taken by Gong Liuyu to a crack between two palaces.

At this time, the female dependents outside the palace were scattered. In addition to some injured people, they still stayed in the palace temporarily. Most of them had left the palace.

All of a sudden, the whole palace was quiet. There was such a big thing ahead that no one noticed the two people hiding here.

Yun Qingrao rubbed his wrist which was hurt. He looked at Gong Liuyu with a cold face in front of him. He didn't know where he had offended him.

She did not speak, Gong Liuyu has already cold mouth: "next time do this kind of thing, tell this king in advance!"

Yun Qingrao glared at her big eyes and asked in her voice, "it's not because you rushed out without any consideration. I just thought of this method!"

Gong Liuyu frowns slightly and sees that she has no intention of admitting her mistake. She approaches her two steps directly.

"Yun Qingrao, although I know that there are not many people who can treat you in this palace, it will be very dangerous if you are not around the king!"

Yun Qingrao blinks her eyes and confirms Gong Liuyu's tone of deceiving children.

She couldn't help laughing: "Prince Yu, can you be more serious and cheat people without saying so!"Gong Liuyu didn't smile, and his eyes were full of seriousness.

"What did you do in there?"

Yun Qingrao slightly droops her eyes, but she doesn't hide it from Gong Liuyu: "I gave huifei a fake death medicine!"

Hearing the three words of feign death medicine, Gong Liuyu frowned slightly: "where did you come from?"

Yun Qingrao was surprised: "what came from where?"

Gong Liuyu's eyes dignified a few points: "this kind of medicine is very precious, but some people have not even heard of it. Do you have it in your hand?"

Yun Qingrao raised her eyebrows slightly. Of course, she knew how rare such a pill was. The pharmacist who was able to make this medicine had been dead for many years. I'm afraid that Tianchong could not find one.

She had left it to herself, but she died of no use.

Yun Qingrao sighed in his heart, and then raised his head slightly: "there are many treasures of the princess, and there are many things the prince doesn't know about!"

Whether it's zihancao or today's fake death medicine, they are all valuable things without market. Yun Qingrao's collection over the years is not in vain, and it can be used more or less.

Gong Liuyu suddenly stretched out his hand, and Yun Qingrao was scared. He thought he was going to do something, so he couldn't help shrinking his neck.

Who knows, Gong Liuyu's hand actually fell on her forehead, caressed gently.

"What are you going to do when you take Feifei Feifei

Yun Qingrao slightly raised her lips and corners: "of course, I want to let huifei get away from her in the present situation!"

"Then you are not afraid. If she dies, will she be charged with suicide?"

Gong Liuyu's problem makes Yun Qingrao smile. In her clear eyes, she flashed a light that made Gong Liuyu moved slightly.

"Of course I have proof that Princess Hui is innocent!"

Cloud Qingrao, confident slightly hook hook lip corner, eyes bright as if the stars in the sky.

Gong Liuyu couldn't help but move his fingertips, trying to drop his fingers on her eyelids.

Although this face is not the same as before, the whole person of yunqingrao has undergone great changes, but these eyes have always been very similar.

Gong Liuyu had to admit that he was really attracted by such a cloud.

At the beginning, after confirming the identity of the owner of the jade pendant, he was still a little shocked and suddenly, but also some could not believe it.

He never had a good look at that high woman before, including many ministers in the whole court. Yun Qingrao, who holds the military power, has no good face.

He is because of the cloud Qingrao many times, let him from the beginning of her no good feeling.

At that time, he really wanted to kill her.

Coupled with the poisoning incident, his hatred for her has reached the peak. No one would have thought of the complexity of his mood when he knew that his biggest enemy was actually the one who had saved his benefactor.

It took him a whole year to change his impression of Yun Qingrao.

But this little change, but let him gradually out of control, when he noticed that person, but suddenly found that, do not know when, that feeling has been slowly, quietly deep into the bone marrow.

However, these things, in front of this full eyes are flashing innocent women do not understand.

At that time, those emotional struggles and entanglements, in the final analysis, were all his own affairs.

"The clouds are enchanting..."

Gong Liuyu moved the lip corner, but suddenly read out her name, cloud Qingrao slightly a Leng, gently used the nose to say: "how?"

"You don't know anything!"

Gong Liuyu's eyes flashed a color of regret, the waves of his eyes let the cloud pour Rao some can not see through.

Yun Qingrao admitted that he didn't know Gong Liuyu very well. "I don't know what. I'll listen to it if you say it!"

Seeing her face relaxed, Gong Liuyu can't help feeling a little better, perhaps this does not understand, will let her more relaxed.

If so, he'll let her.

"Nothing. Since you have evidence, it should be all right. But I'm a little curious. Is this evidence reliable?"

Yun Qingrao deliberately sold a pass, in the eyes of the streamer: "rely on not reliable, try to know soon?"

She slightly raised the side of the corner of her lips, which made the smile look a little more evil. It was strange to make such an expression on that simple and cute face.

Some of them are chilly.

Gong Liuyu's eye socket sank, and finally dropped his fingertip on her cheek. Feeling the delicate soft white skin in the palm, his heart suddenly felt a little more palpitation.

It's good to get along like this. He doesn't need to pursue anything. Anyway, she can't leave him.

"What can I do for you?"

Yun Qingrao's eyes brightened, but this time he did not refuse: "of course, you listen to me, Lord!"She lowered her voice, but this time she took the initiative to approach Gong Liuyu. Even if there was no one around, Yun Qingrao stood on tiptoe and put her lips to his ears.

Also don't know cloud inclines Rao is intentional, that warm breath falls in palace Yu's ear, let him feel the body cannot help getting hot. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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