After listening to what Yun Qingrao said in his ear, Gong Liuyu's eyes became more and more colorful. Looking at Yun Qingrao's eyes, he added a little smile: "I didn't expect that you should be like this!"

Cloud inclines Rao pick eyebrow to stare at him: "how?"

Seeing her face angry, Gong Liuyu hurriedly pressed down the words to her mouth: "nothing, let's go!"

He turned around and walked in front of him. The sharp of his eyes suddenly disappeared.

She slightly lowered her eyes and followed Gong Liuyu. They turned a few turns and followed him out of the imperial garden.

In front of the breeze, the cloud Qingrao felt a little more heat on his cheek.

It's the late autumn weather, but it's boring and disturbing.

Because of the death of Princess huifei, many palace people are preparing for the future.

After all, Princess huifei was a imperial concubine before her death. Naturally, after her death, she had to have a big funeral. Seeing the busy scene in front of her, Yun Qingrao suddenly thought of the scene after her death.

I'm afraid she's dead. Many people are happy.

At the thought of this, Yun Qingrao's heart is slightly stuffy. She leans her head slightly and walks to the front of huifei's funeral hall.

The sky was getting dark, and the maids who were guarding the door saw that the clouds were moving in, and they were a little surprised.

But they obviously know the identity of Yun Qingrao, and they don't dare to stop them.

Although Yun Qingrao was once slandered about the poisonous snake in the garden during the day, there was no evidence at all. In addition, the so-called mastermind of Princess huifei has died. Now, she has not thought of Yun Qingrao.

Even if Yun Qingrao is a princess, her status before her is just a little commoner girl. If she doesn't have her identity and background, those ladies will not take a look at her.

It also saved her a lot of trouble.

"Does the princess come to see Princess huifei?"

The two maids drooped their eyes and looked respectfully.

Cloud Qing Rao gently nodded: "you go out first, I want to stay for a while!"

They looked at each other, and there was no doubt that there was him in their hearts. After all, huifei is dead now. Even if Yun Qingrao is no more powerful, how can she talk to the dead.

At the thought of this, the two maids were very relieved to leave, but also very kind to her to close the door.

The room was very narrow and dark. It was temporarily used as a funeral hall. There was a dark coffin in the middle of the room.

There are dead people in that coffin.

Anyone would be afraid of such a scene. Yunqingrao didn't know that the two maids were not well intentioned.

But Yun Qingrao didn't care about it. She calculated the time, went straight to the coffin, and then took a look at the direction of the roof.

The candle fire in the room jumps quietly, and a shadow falls in front of the cloud.

Gong Cheng, dressed in black, stood beside the coffin with a cold face. Without saying a word, he put his hand on the lid of the coffin and exerted a little force.

The whole heavy coffin was directly lifted up by him, because the coffin had not been sealed, he only used a short time to let the figure inside show.

Princess Hui lay pale in the coffin, as if she were dead.

Yun Qingrao took out another thing from her arms and put it in front of huifei's nose and smoked it.

A burst of fragrance of the smell immediately sent out, palace Cheng slightly surprised, but also did not have a mouth to ask what it was.

"Take her out!"

"Then you..."

Palace Cheng looks at cloud to pour Rao slightly doubtfully, cloud inclines Rao but smile to him light.

That smile a bit more strange and evil, but let that face more than a little unspeakable beauty.

"I have something else to do. Go away!"

Gong Cheng nodded and directly carried the princess Hui lying in the coffin on her back. Then she opened the door quietly and took a look at the two servant girls who fainted on the ground at the door.

He did not hesitate to leave, the use of lightness skills on the side of the roof.

Silent night, cloud Qingrao standing at the door, looking at the figure of palace Cheng has disappeared, in the eyes of eyebrows, this just revealed a little deep meaning.

She turned and glanced at the coffin, which had been covered again. Her eyes were a little more dim.

If she didn't come to see Princess Hui today, I'm afraid she's really lying in the coffin.

Now she has given huifei an antidote. Although she has a little damage to her body, as long as she takes a good rest, she can recover as usual after a period of time.

She raised her head with a sharp flash in her eyes.

She turned her head and looked at the oil lamp beside her. She threw her sleeve and overturned it to the ground. The fire dyed the silk curtain next to her and spread the bright red color. The burning flame reflected on the face of the cloud.

The temperature of the whole room became hot in an instant. The cloud turned and pushed the door open.She walked past the comatose place of two maidens and frowned slightly.

These two people are in a coma here. After a while, the flame will come out, which will inevitably hurt them. But if they live, they will have some influence on what she will do next.

She was a little silent for a moment, and finally slightly lowered her eyes: "I don't want to kill you, but you are dead or alive

Leave this sentence, the cloud Qingrao figure disappeared in the corner, the sky of fire instantly startled the people around, many people saw the spirit hall lit up, all ran from a distance, the palace for a time bright up, the lantern in everyone's hands, the night was a little red.

Taking advantage of the chaos, Yun Qingrao turned and went straight to Shen Ruxue's palace. She avoided the crowd and hid behind the wall not far from Shen Ruxue's palace.

Far away, she saw that Shen Ruxue got the news and walked out of the hall with people. The leader of the Shen family went with her.

Yun Qingrao frowns. Now Yun Tianhong is injured, and Shen Ruxue is in the palace. Normally, foreign ministers are not allowed to stay in the palace, but the Shen family leader is still there.

Whatever the reason, what they discussed was not a good thing.

"Empress, how on earth is the spirit hall on fire? Isn't there a guard there?"

Shen's face looks like snow.

Shen Ruxue shook his head: "how can this palace know? Maybe it's because that Princess Hui has done something wrong. Even if she is dead, she can't leave the whole body!"

Her voice with a bit of a smile, listening to people's hearts suffused with nausea, cloud Qingrao stood not far away from a few people, will listen to her words really.

Yun Qingrao can't help but raise her head. In her eyes, there is a murderous opportunity in her eyes. She would like to rush up and strangle Shen Ruxue to death.

This woman is so hateful at any time. Even though she has died once, she has not remembered the lesson.

She really wants to know how miserable Shen Ruxue was in her previous life, so that she can get rid of her hatred.

Yun Qingrao took a look around several positions, those who are also hidden in the dark, are protecting the safety of Shen Ruxue.

These people were all trained by her. Naturally, Yun Qingrao knows where these people are hiding.

The only one who had no secret guards was Shen Ruxue's palace, which was the main reason why she was able to hold Shen Ruxue smoothly last time.

"Empress, shall we go to see it?"

The mammy asked in a low voice, but saw Shen Ruxue turn around and walk toward the direction of the room: "first put out the fire, and have the results and the palace report on it!"

He yunqingrao had expected well earlier, and she didn't intend to take care of it at all.

Yun Qingrao can't help but hook the lip corner, the expression of the fundus of his eyes is more cold.

Suddenly, Yun Qingrao felt a cold wind behind her, which made her spine stiff.

She suddenly turned around, saw a hand running straight to her and grabbed it.

Yunqingrao subconsciously want to avoid, and so on to see the opposite pair of eyes, cloud Qingrao finally reflected.

It's Gong Liuyu.

At this time, Gong Liuyu, all over the body has been changed into a black suit, but there is no human skin mask on his face.

Cloud Qingrao slightly hook hook the lip corner, looking at his whole body dark appearance, can't help but think of the days when he deliberately hid his identity and stayed by her side.

"I'm scared to death by you!" She soothed her frightened heart, lowered her voice, and said a little more.

Gong Liuyu's mouth slightly raised and put his hand on her head: "touch is not afraid!"

Cloud Qingrao secretly gnaws her teeth, but in order not to send out too much noise, but can not swing the other side.

"Well, it's time for the king to play!"

Gong Liuyu nodded and gently righted her cheek and looked in a direction.

"It's ready!"

Yun Qingrao curiously looked at the past, but saw a few shadows on the roof not far away.

"You brought them all?"

Yun Qingrao opened her eyes slightly, and her face overflowed with a bit of surprise. She thought that Gong Liuyu would do it himself, but she didn't expect that he would take his men directly into the palace.

How on earth did these people get in?

The more you think about it, the more frightened you feel.

Unknowingly, the strength of Gong Liuyu is so strong that it is so strong.

If Gong Liuyu used these to deal with her, was she doomed?

I can't help but feel a little lucky. Fortunately, now she has figured it out, though it is a little late.

Those dark guards on the roof, facing the sneak attack of Gong Liuyu's men, soon lost their voice. Gong Liuyu stood in his place, calm, as if not worried about the failure of his men.

He raised the corners of his lips, and there was a little more proud color in his eyes: "look, you lost!"She frowned a little, her eyes a little more unwilling, but also did not forget that there is still business to do.

"Where are the people?"

"It has been sent in. Don't worry!"

Gong Liuyu gives Yun Qingrao a guarantee. Shen Ruxue, who has been out of the courtyard, has already returned to the palace gate at this time. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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