"Dad, it's up to you to arrange this matter!"

Shen family leader and Shen Ruxue seem to have finished discussing something. They say goodbye at the door. When Shen Ruxue turns around, he can't help but say with a smile: "as long as this is done, this palace will no longer need to be restrained. What is Yun Tianhong

The eyes of cloud Qing Rao shrunk in an instant. She always thought that Shen Ruxue really liked Yun Tianhong, and the relationship between them once made her wonder. But now when she heard Shen Ruxue say this, it seems that she has always thought too much.

Shen Ruxue only uses the cloud rainbow, and has no sincerity at all.

In this way, there is likely to be only a relationship of interest between the two of them, if she directly destroys this relationship

Her eyes flashed a cold light, the corner of her lips instantly raised a good-looking radian, eyes like a layer of ice.

"Lord, I was a little worried. Now I can wait to see a good play!"

The moment she finished this sentence, Shen Ruxue had already put aside the maid and mother beside her, and went to her bedroom with peace of mind. Several servant girls outside closed the door behind her hand, but she did not leave. It seemed that she was afraid that someone would go in and hurt Shen Ruxue.

Yun Qingrao's eyes are slightly deep, and the smile on the bottom of the eyes is gradually strong.

What is self sin and not living? This is it.

Shen Ruxue invited her to the palace today, but he didn't mean to take her to the palace.

As time went by, there was no movement in the room, but before long, there was a burst of exclamation from the room.

Yun Qingrao raised eyebrows and eyes, only felt the originally depressed mood gradually relaxed.

Several palace maids at the door heard the news and knocked on the door instantly: "empress, what's the matter with you?"

Shen Ruxue's voice trembled, but he still tried to keep calm: "all get out of the palace. No one dares to come in without the command of this palace."

Those little servant girls did not dare not to follow, and they stepped back obediently. But at this time, a high drink came from the door: "the emperor has arrived!"

On weekdays, although yuntianhong will come to the yard as heavy as snow, but never so late, people at the door are surprised, but they also habitually put Yun Tianhong in directly.

Yun Tianhong's face was cold, and his pale, bloodless skin was now a little blue.

He had a cold look on his face, and there was no smile at all.

Go directly to the door of Shen Ruxue's room. Without saying a word, Yun Tianhong kicks the door open directly. The sound makes the whole room tremble.

Yun Qingrao saw a good play on, but at this time she couldn't see what happened inside. The curiosity made her heart itch.

But now she and Gong Liuyu can't go out. Once they are found out, Shen Ruxue will seize this little excuse and not let go.

Yun Qingrao is waiting outside in some hurry. After a while, the voice of cloud Tianhong's anger has been poured into her ears.

"Shen Ruxue, you dare to do such a thing. I really despise you!"

The sound is so loud that you can hear it all over the distance. Gong Liuyu looked at her curiosity and took her to another place directly.

She was lying behind the rockery in the small yard, looking at the position of the door along the gap above. The angle was just enough to make the conversation clear.

The hidden guards in the yard have been completely removed. They don't need to hide too much. She can even see some shadows in the window around the corner.

"Emperor, I really don't know!"

Shen Ruxue's voice sounds very aggrieved, the cloud is inclined Rao, the light of the eye is slightly flashing, the corner of the mouth's sneer is deeper.

Today, she's going to count the old and the new.

"I don't know? You lie here with a strange man, and you say to me that you don't know anything? "


Shen Ruxue couldn't speak for a while, his face was pale as paper, and he was tottering.

When she turned her head, she saw that she knelt on the ground in a flustered way. She didn't wear any clothes on her body. Some familiar men looked as if they were going to bleed.

This person is not the other person at all, but the one she came to during the day to calculate yunqingrao.

What Yun Qingrao had done to her, she had already hated her to the bone, and those nice words were just used to cheat people.

But now, the man suddenly ran to her room, and even her side has been protecting her safety of the dark guards are all gone.

This makes Shen Ruxue feel uneasy.

But now the scene is so chaotic that she can't react for a while.

"The emperor, my concubine is wronged. This man secretly hid in the room of this palace, intending to be unfaithful to this palace. If you come here, what are you doing? Take it!"

Although the man was naked, Shen Ruxue didn't have any trace on his body. People with a clear eye could see that Shen Ruxue didn't do anything with the man.And it's impossible to do anything in such a short time.

As soon as the man heard that Shen Ruxue was so merciless, he wanted to be caught. He was in a hurry: "empress, you asked me to come to your room to wait for you. You asked me to take off my clothes and lie on the bed to wait for you. I did what you said. How could you kill a donkey like this? The emperor spared his life. The servant was ordered to enter the palace by the Empress Dowager. If you don't, you don't If you do, you can go and find out the matter carefully! "

Ants are still living secretly. Now things have come to light, and the Queen looks like killing people. The man has been out of breath for a long time, and he wants to pull Shen Ruxue into the water.

Cloud Tianhong gloomy face, eyes cold looking at the direction of Shen Ruxue, slightly drooping eyes: "what he said is true?"

Anyone who saw his queen in front of so many people, and a naked man in a room, the face will not look good.

Shen Ruxue pressed her lips, and she didn't understand how the man slipped in.

But now it's useless to explain anything. This is her bedroom, and there are so many people outside. Even if she said that this person was not called in by herself, no one would believe it.

But if such sewage is spilled on her head, I'm afraid she will not be able to raise her head in the palace.

"Emperor, this man is slandering my body. I have never been asked to come!"

She turned her head and looked at the man with dignity and coldness: "you even want to eat the toad swan meat, hit the idea on the head of this palace, but do not want to die?"

The man's legs a soft, directly kneeling on the ground, the body is also covered with just pulled down, belongs to Shen Ruxue sheet, see this, Shen Ruxue almost angry eyes.

"The emperor, please be aware that if one of the words that the servant said is false, he will be struck by heaven and will not die easily."

The man knelt on the ground and said it seriously.

The whole hall is quiet, and the servants around don't even dare to breathe much.

Cloud Qingrao see here, the corner of her mouth unconsciously hook, her eyes with a thick smile.

This man was originally called to the palace by Shen Ruxue. She just pushed the boat along the river for a while, and changed Shen Ruxue's orders.

The man thought that Shen Ruxue wanted to do with him.

Shen Ruxue is beautiful, and as a queen, his status is noble. Where can this man be unmoved.

What's more, Shen Ruxue is still looking for her.

At that time, if she didn't know that the incense burner in that room had been drugged, she would have been delirious and lost her innocence. Now is the time for Shen Ruxue to eat her own evil fruit.

She gazed slightly, but felt her shoulder pressed.

Yun Qingrao raised his head and looked at Gong Liuyu. The peach blossom eyes of the slender evil spirits seemed to be full of bright moonlight.

He didn't speak. They looked at each other for a long time. Yun Qingrao couldn't help but ask, "what are you doing looking at me like this?"

Gong Liuyu stopped, but he said, "ah Yao, you are smart. The man thinks that Shen Ruxue has deliberately deceived him. He doesn't know why!"

Cloud inclines Rao pick eyebrow: "how, you but think I am cruel?"

Gong Liuyu chuckled: "I just think you are still soft hearted!"

Yun Qingrao was silent for a moment, and suddenly thought that she saw two little maids after she left the mourning hall. She slightly widened her eyes and looked at Gong Liuyu: "those two people..."

"This king has dealt with it!"

In Gong Liuyu's mouth, there are only two simple words to deal with.

This kind of Gong Liuyu's face is ruthless and resolute, and she has a lot of anger that she has never seen before.

Her heart leaped slightly, but she didn't say anything more. It was a risky thing for her to do. Once the two maids told her that she had been to the spirit hall, the matter of Princess huifei's leaving left a little bit of a story.

"No one will find out that Princess Hui has left!"

Cloud inclines Rao pupil to shrink slightly, "you are the corpse of a servant girl put in coffin?"

Gong Liuyu did not open his mouth, but Yun Qingrao knew that he was acquiescent.

She began to feel that the two little maids were innocent and could not bear to be stained with the blood of these innocent people. But now it seems that they are still doomed to die.

Gong Liuyu suddenly opened his mouth: "Yun Qingrao, I want to see how clean and decisive you used to be. Can you be reborn and forget all those dangers before?"

Yun Qingrao raised his head and his pupils shrunk violently: "but even so, my hands are seldom stained with the blood of innocent people!"


Gong Liuyu instantly sneered: "where do you know if they are innocent?"

Cloud inclines Rao slightly a meal, don't understand raise a head to look at him: "what does the LORD say?"

"The two little maids, when you went into the spirit hall, had already secretly passed on the news that you had been there, but the one who wanted to send the message has been solved by the king!"Yun Qingrao heart a meal, raised the neck, the light in the eyes of the light flash flash.

Gong Liuyu pursed her lips and pinched her chin with one hand: "if you don't want to pollute your hands, there will be a king who will help you deal with the aftermath."

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