He was so condescending to look at, cloud pour Rao's heart can't help but be touched.

She pursed her lips and did not speak.

Gong Liuyu gazed at her eyes and felt the expression of her eyes. The corners of her mouth raised slightly: "would you dislike my king's meddling?"

Yun Qingrao shook her head: "no, I want to thank you!"

As she spoke, her eyes fell again in front of the palace not far away. At this time, she already saw that the atmosphere there had reached a very urgent level.

The voice of yuntianhong is far away from the palace. Although the voice is not clear, yunqingrao still hears it.

"Do you know why I came to you so late?"

Shen Ruxue raised his head slightly, and a little puzzled was revealed in his eyes: "emperor, someone deliberately slandered the innocence of my concubine, and deliberately let you see this scene. You can never take it seriously!"

Shen Ruxue is not stupid. She can't imagine that someone is calculating herself behind her back.

She was too confident in her secret guards, but she forgot that there were people outside and mountains outside.

"Hum, I didn't expect that you should be so vicious that even Princess Hui died!"

Shen Ruxue was surprised and looked up at Xiang Yun Tianhong. "Where does the emperor say this? I don't know how the fire of the spirit hall was caused."

"I don't know? Then what is this? "

Shen Ruxue is slightly stunned and looks at the past along the movement of Yun Tianhong. She suddenly wipes her head, but finds that the Zhu Chai she often takes is gone.

She had no idea when it was lost.

"Emperor, where did you find Zhu Chai? This palace says it's missing. It must have been stolen by some lady who doesn't have long eyes."

Shen Ruxue's face suddenly, as if he didn't know anything, the innocent expression made life unable to afford the slightest suspicion of her.

What's more, Shen Ruxue really doesn't know how Zhu Chai got into Yun Tianhong's hands. He came to look for himself at such a big night, for sure, it was not this thing.

Today, a lot of things happened to collide with each other, which made Shen Ruxue feel frightened.

"Shen Ruxue, this Zhu Chai was found in the place where the snake was put!"

Shen Ruxue's face changed slightly: "emperor, I'm wronged. It's Princess Hui's design to frame up this palace!"

"Queen, you can't see the coffin without tears!"

Yun Tianhong's eyes were slightly glowing with cold light, and waved his hand, but he let the crowd withdraw.

Seeing this scene, Yun Qingrao clearly knows what Baiyun Tianhong wants to talk to Shen Ruxue alone.

Shen Ruxue has grasped the handle of Yun Tianhong. If he wants to move Shen Ruxue, he must solve his worries. Otherwise, he himself will be implicated in this matter.

The night is thick as if splashed with ink, cloud Qingrao, slightly suffused with cold in the heart, eyes blinking staring at the closed palace gate.

Because the four sides are closed, at this time, cloud Qingrao can't see the situation inside. She turns around and shifts her attention from there.

She looked back at Gong Liuyu, just wanted to speak, not far away a dark shadow flashed by, Gong Cheng with a bit of blood smell appeared in front of Gong Liuyu.

"Lord, the matter is not good!"

Gong Liuyu's eyes flashed slightly, and his eyes fell on Gong Cheng's face. Gong Cheng's forehead was stained with a little blood, which seemed to have experienced a fierce battle.

Yun Qingrao can't help worrying about it.

"What's the matter?"

Gong Liuyu's voice has been flat and light, as calm and extraordinary as his people.

Gong Cheng's voice also can't help but calm down a bit: "Lord, this evening, Mo Ya with people quietly sneaked into the palace to kill, many people in the palace are bad poison hands!"

Cloud inclines Rao to stare suddenly big eyes, lip cape can't help but gently tremble: "palace Cheng, what do you say?"

Gong Cheng's lip corner also has a little blood color, his eyes have a bit more deep feeling, looks tired again.

"Although all the people sent by the other party were killed, they also suffered heavy losses. Because the incident happened suddenly, my subordinates just had a chance to report to the Lord!"

Since the last time from the hands of Mo ya, Yun Qingrao has long forgotten this stubble. She never thought that Mo Ya's means were so vicious.

"Who are the dead?"

She ordered chun'er to go back to the mansion in the daytime. At the present time, she might have appeared in the mansion for a long time.

Palace Cheng seems to understand her idea, lowered the voice to say: "spring son that small servant girl is OK!"

Hearing this, Yun Qingrao slightly relieved. Qiu'er died because of her. Before she died, she asked her to take care of chun'er. If she could not, she would feel guilty all her life.

"That little servant girl has not returned to the mansion all the time, also don't know where to go, but she should not have an accident!"

Smell speech, cloud inclines Rao slightly frown: "do not know where to go? Where else can she go if she can't even tell the way? "

Gong Cheng did not answer, and could not answer.Yun Qingrao also did not take this matter seriously, and asked carefully, "how is the mansion now? Are other people injured?"

Gong Cheng shook his head: "I haven't gone back yet. I've come here to inform the prince and the princess."

Yun Qingrao looked at the direction of the palace with some hesitation. After such a long time of arrangement, things here are about to come to fruition. She still doesn't want to leave.

But she couldn't ignore the affairs in the palace.

After all, with the name of imperial concubine Gong Liuyu, if she doesn't do it well, I'm afraid it will affect Gong's reputation.

She just thought like this, Gong Liuyu's voice has already sounded in her ear: "go with this king!"

Cloud inclines Rao to smell speech, instantly put up all thought: "good!"

Seeing her so obedient, she promised him to leave. Gong Liuyu's eyes crossed a warm color. Her eyes, which were full of ice, recovered a little temperature.

Gong Cheng dodges and leaves first. Gong Liuyu takes a look at Yun Qingrao, who doesn't know how to use lightness skills, and holds people in his arms without hesitation.

Suddenly the sky let cloud pour Rao scared a jump, but see palace Liuyu see also did not see her, dropped three words: "hold on!"

She hung around his neck in a hurry, only felt her body was in the air for a moment, and the strong wind blew on her cheek.

She was obviously used to the speed, and soon recovered her calm mood.

Before she left, she took a look at the direction of the palace courtyard, and a faint cold color flashed through her eyebrows.

Next, let Shen Ruxue taste the bitter fruit he planted.

She doesn't believe that Yun Tianhong can tolerate Shen Ruxue who has done so many wrong things.

If he can bear it, then she can see whether the relationship between him and Princess Hui is true or not.

The past events of that year gradually passed before her eyes. Yun Qingrao only felt a sense of sadness in her heart. Princess huifei was originally the daughter of the old Fu of the former dynasty. She was innocent and knowledgeable. She was the first talented woman in the capital at that time.

It is also the only daughter of Li Taifu, the most respected of the former Emperor.

Li Taifu's position in the court was extraordinary that year. If the Li family hadn't helped their brothers and sisters in every way, I'm afraid there would have been many difficulties for her to go through.

If huifei's family hadn't helped, I'm afraid she and Yun Tianhong had died in this deep palace many times.

But now

Cloud Qingrao just want to sneer.

How did she develop such a white eyed wolf? It was all her fault and her own sin.

But fortunately, now she has come to understand, with the lessons learned, she will never be blind again.

She closed her eyes and kept thinking about it in her heart. After a while, she felt that Gong Liuyu had fallen to the ground.


A word suddenly explodes in Yun Qingrao's ear. Yun Qingrao raises her head from his arms and points out the long and thin peach blossom eyes.

This face is really blue face disaster, she this look, can not help but some of the rhythm to blush.

She quickly moved her eyes and took advantage of the night to take a look at the surrounding environment, and found that she had unconsciously left the palace, and Yun Qingrao had more admiration for Gong Liuyu's ability.

It seems that the palace has been inserted by Gong Liuyu, otherwise they can not be so smooth back and forth.

However, it is also convenient for future work.

"What's going on in the cloud palace? What's the grudge between Mo Ya and you?"

I can't help but see a few people around me.

Gong Liuyu's eyes revealed a bit of innocent color: "this king and Mo ya have nothing to do with, and the cloud palace is even more irrelevant!"

Yun Qingrao chuckled: "it's OK for you to cheat a three-year-old child with this kind of words. It's OK for me to be perfunctory!"

Gong Liuyu's eyes just slightly sank: "that you think, this king is deceiving you?"

"Of course, Moya seems to know Wang Ye very well, and I also heard him say that you left from yunshang palace. If you said that you had nothing to do with yunshang palace, do you think I would believe it?"

Gong Liuyu's long eyelashes trembled gently. Under the moon, the thick shadow cast on the eyelids was a little bit broken.

"Since you want to know, I will tell you that I came from yunshang Palace at that time, because my mother was an ordinary maid in yunshang palace!"

Cloud inclines Rao slightly a Leng, did not expect palace Liuyu really open mouth to tell her.

Gong Liuyu takes a look at the sky and grabs her hand into the carriage. The two people talk about Gong Liuyu's intercourse on the fast running carriage.

"You should know that when I was a child, I didn't live in Prince Yu's house. I was picked up when I was a teenager."

Of course she knew about it.

Yun Qingrao nodded, as an answer, staring at the eyes of Gong Liuyu in front of him.The carriage bumped, and Gong Liuyu's posture was lazy, but he leaned on the soft couch behind him with extraordinary dignity. "Before this, I lived in the palace on cloud!"

On hearing this kind of words, the cloud inclines Rao pupil to shrink slightly.

"However, I was not very comfortable living in the cloud palace, so I found a chance to escape, and then I was brought back!"

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