Gong Liuyu has never told people about his past, and yunqingrao is the first time to listen to him seriously.

It turned out that Gong Liuyu had gone through so many hardships when he was a child.

"You escaped, so the cloud palace has been chasing you?"

Gong Liuyu slightly hooked his lips and slowly sneered: "there are a lot of things that cloud palace has to do. How can you spend so much time with this king? If it wasn't for this king, I'm afraid the cloud palace can't remember that there was a person who came from them in those days!"

For Gong Liuyu's answer, Yun Qingrao only feels a little pity in her heart.

It turns out that the people in front of him were not rich and well-off since childhood.

How did she forget that Gong Liuyu was a child prodigy who could go to the battlefield when she was young. She could be regarded as the pride in Prince Yu's eyes.

However, no one has ever thought about how much suffering and pressure a 14-5-year-old child, who has not yet reached adulthood, is going to war.

Moreover, Gong Liuyu stood on the battlefield full of blood and succeeded.

This is an incredible thing, and the miracle he created has also been handed down in Tianchong for many years.

Compared with her, it is obvious that Gong Liuyu is more popular.

In the heart thinks like this, but the cloud inclines Rao actually not to be unconvinced, before is her mind is narrow-minded, can make that kind of childish matter, later she will not.

"The prince's mother and concubine are maids, so they must have had a bad time."

Yun Qingrao don't know why, out of control asked such a sentence.

After she asked, she saw that Gong Liuyu's lips raised a casual smile: "it's OK, there's nothing bad. Those who bullied the king in those years, now the grass on the grave is five feet high!"

He said it as if he were joking.

Yun Qingrao doesn't know how to follow the topic. She just feels that the breath in the carriage is somewhat depressed.

Gong Liuyu is a very strong aggressive person, so there is a lot of pressure around him.

Now she looked at the very deep color on his face, only felt that it must be the memory that Gong Liuyu didn't want to recall.

"Gong Liuyu, I'm sorry, I shouldn't have mentioned your unhappy things!"

Yun Qingrao hesitated for a moment, or chose to apologize. The reason why she asked, in fact, is still a little suspicious of Gong Liuyu, but now look at Gong Liuyu's look, the other party must not be lying.

I'm afraid that he has nothing to do with yunshang palace, and he has a great hatred.

"Not happy? Why is this king unhappy? "

Gong Liuyu raised his eyebrows and eyes, and his eyes fell on the face of Yun Qingrao. Then, the corner of his lips raised, revealing a smile with a little evil.

"But ah Yao cares about this king, and I am very happy in my heart!"

He said such words, let the cloud pour Rao's heart can't help moving.

She bowed her head and chuckled, and the jolt of the carriage made her lips tremble: "if you think I care about you, think so!"

Gong Liuyu looks at the cloud to pour Rao's eyes to deepen a few minutes more, he suddenly turns the body shape, sits directly beside her position.

Originally loose seat instantly became crowded a few, cloud inclines Rao side head anger way: "you this and is do what!"


Gong Liuyu raised the corner of his lips, a rogue look, cloud Qingrao staring at each other's face, but found that he is now facing that face, really how can't get angry.

She turned her head and wanted to start and sit on the other side.

But the shoulder was pressed down, Gong Liuyu lowered her voice and said in her ear, "you don't have to worry about the affairs in the palace. Shen Ruxue is doomed."

"I just asked you to call Yun Tianhong here. Did you let people release Zhu Chai?"

Gong Liuyu nods, "is this king, how?"

The cloud inclines Rao to pause, the facial expression is not above, "do well!"

After being praised for some time, Gong Liuyu's smile became more and more strong, and even the eyebrows and eyes were printed with some colors.

Because the haze caused by the incident of the Royal Palace in their hearts also lightened in a moment.

Yun Qingrao felt that the carriage had stopped, lifted the curtain directly and jumped down from the car. Outside the gate of the palace stood many guards with swords and swords, as well as many snow-white sheets spread on the ground.

Cloud Qingrao saw that under the dark night, those white bed cloth that slightly highlighted the pedestrian line, could not help but step back.

In front of the gate of the palace, there were at least 20 corpses, which were carried out by people. They were all men, women, old and young. They were all servants of the palace before.

Among these people, there are old people who have been staying in the palace, and some new people who have just entered the palace.

Cloud Qingrao heart can not help but tight, a burst of anger in the heart constantly rolling.

She suddenly felt that her hatred for Moya and others had gradually risen to the height of Shen Ruxue."These are all innocent people in the mansion. How can Moya do this?"

Gong Liuyu at this time has come to her side, to the side of the hand waved: "these people will be buried well!"

"Yes, Lord!"

The men under him were busy at once and carried away the corpses placed in front of the door.

Yun Qingrao steps into the palace and looks at the destroyed courtyard in front of her. She only feels a little cold in her heart.

Gong Liuyu walked with her towards the inside, and saw that the king came back. The people in the mansion had the backbone again, and the atmosphere was obviously relaxed.

Yun Qingrao, with a cold face, comes to the outside of the courtyard of Liuyu. It is obviously the object that Moya takes care of. There are traces of fighting everywhere in the yard.

As soon as she entered the door, she saw the bloodstain on the ground not far away. It can be seen that the experts sent by Moya are all first-class.

She cold face side head: "cloud palace training killer, but is the same as the first floor, can be called a unique!"

Gong Liuyu stood in front of his courtyard gate and nodded gently to the cloud: "the killer of the palace on the cloud is a little higher than that on the first floor!"

"Those dark guards trained by the Lord can not be underestimated!"

Gong Liuyu heard her with some tentative words, and gently laughed: "not as vivid as you think, but to deal with these people brought by Moya, should be enough!"

Yun Qingrao knows that Gong Liuyu's words are easy, but he must have paid a great price to keep the palace.

Those people are butchers, even ordinary people in the palace. If there were not some hidden guards left by Gong Liuyu, I'm afraid she would not see a figure in the mansion when she came back.

"Ah Yao, Moya is the hand that only makes sure that I am not in the house. As long as you follow me, you will be OK!"

"But before, who let me leave first, still almost fell in the hands of Mo ya!"

Gong Liuyu's eyebrows and eyes darkened for a moment: "my king's judgment is wrong, let you be frightened!"

Yun Qingrao isn't really blaming him for such a trifle. It's just a little reluctant to hear him say that. Now hearing Gong Liuyu say so, a little anger originally accumulated in his heart dissipates at this time.

"There are many injured people in the mansion."


"Did the doctor come?"

Yun Qingrao didn't go in from the yard. There are so many people outside the yard. I'm afraid it needs repairing for a few days.

Gong Liuyu nodded, "well, the doctors nearby have found several!"

Yun Qingrao's question, Gong Liuyu all patiently answered once, not tired of it at all.

Some things in the mansion are arranged properly. Yun Qingrao wants to have a look at the wounded, but she doesn't know at all. At this time, she has completely regarded the servants in the palace as her own.

Gong Liuyu silently looks at the change of cloud Qingrao, quietly following her.

Yun Qingrao just went outside the yard and suddenly saw a young woman among the busy doctors.

The woman looked familiar to her, and suddenly remembered that it was the one she saw outside the medicine hall during the last plague.


Yun Qingrao's eyes flashed slightly, and walked to the girl. The woman was young, but the movements in her hands were very skillful. She heard someone calling her and wiped the cold sweat on her forehead. She looked up curiously.

"Wang Princess

Her eyes in a little more surprised color, and then flustered some confused standing in the same place.

Nearby immediately someone knelt on the ground: "have seen the prince and princess!"

The man pulled the little girl's sleeve by the way, and the little girl would kneel down in a hurry.

Yun Qingrao waved her hand: "don't be too polite, you are busy!"

Her eyes are filled with a touch of easygoing, which makes people feel a little kind.

In addition, she is now a shell of water spirit girl, if the face of the word, anyone will involuntarily give birth to the meaning of intimacy.

"Princess, I My name is ling'er! " The little girl saw that Yun Qingrao was so good at talking, she couldn't help being bold and introduced herself there.

The person next to her ruthlessly with eyes white She: "hurry up to save people, delay to see the prince, Princess will not punish you!"

"I know, I know!"

Yun Qingrao looks at ling'er. She is only 14 or 15 years old, but when saving people, she is serious.

Even the last time I saw her outside Yeyao hall, Yun Qingrao seldom met such a kind person.

Regardless of her own safety, just to save others, she was too few to see such a person, so she didn't resist trying to help her at that time.

"Thank you so much for the princess last time. That man is already well."Ling'er, while helping the wounded to bandage the wound, whispered in a deep gratitude tone.

Cloud inclines Rao to smile gently: "nothing, lift a hand!"

Then, the cloud inclines Rao actually to fall on Ling er's hand.

Ling'er is threading the needle and thread, sewing up the knife edge of the man. This scene makes Yun Qingrao feel a little surprised: "what are you doing?"

It is not that she has never seen someone treat a patient like this. Her master also taught her how to deal with Bai Li Mo Li at that time, but only Bai Li Mo Li was better than Bai Li.

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