The little girl was a little nervous. Seeing the solemn inquiry of Yun Qingrao's face, she thought she had done something wrong. She moved her lips and didn't say anything for a long time.

Still standing next to her, a medicine boy like man opened a mouth for her: "report back to the princess, this can make the wound grow well soon. This girl has cured many people's diseases with this method before!"

Two people's forehead is full of cold sweat, it seems that they are not light, cloud Qingrao feel that their attitude is too serious, and quickly adjusted the expression on their faces.

"It's OK. I'm just curious. I've never seen this method before."

She gently smile, instantly let a person like spring breeze, the original tense atmosphere also calmed down.

Gong Liuyu noticed the look of cloud Qingrao, and his eyes changed a little bit, adding some inexplicable meaning.

The little girl felt the pressure relaxed, and finally had the heart to open her mouth: "this is what my father taught me, but what I learned is only fur, so I can only take it out to make a fool of myself!"

Cloud inclines Rao to fall on the small girl's face, suddenly thought of a thing.

At that time, his master was elated and told her that he had created this method by himself. He became a master doctor by virtue of his ability.

Besides her and Gong Liuyu, he never taught others.

but as like as two peas in this world, she saw the girl's stitching technique, which was exactly the same as that of her master.

Although she did not learn at that time, but it is those are firmly in mind, completely did not forget a trace.

"You said, your father taught you all this. What about your father?"

Ling'er's eyes were obviously dim.

She twisted the cuffs back and forth in her sleeve, looking a little lonely.

"My father died three years ago!"

Yun Qingrao can't see any signs of lying on ling'er's face, but this answer also cut off her desire to investigate.

"Then your father must be very good at medicine!"

She bent her brows and eyes, as if to sigh casually. Hearing this kind of praise, ling'er instantly blushed: "well, my father was very famous in our place, and everyone respected him very much."

Speaking of her father, the little girl was very proud. When she saw this, she couldn't help asking, "what's your father's name? I'm not sure I've heard of it!"

She pursed the corners of her lips slightly, and her eyes crossed a deep meaning.

Although it's not good to try the little girl like this, she can't help but be curious.

"My father's surname is Cheng, his name is spruce!"

Yun Qingrao slightly a Leng, silently read the name.

This is not her master's name at all. Although her master has a well-known nickname, her real name is he mu.

Will the mind pressure, Yun Qingrao told himself, this may really be just a coincidence. I'm afraid my master is too proud to think that no one else can do this except him.

"You are good at medical skills, so you will stay in the government. What do you think?"

Cloud Qingrao directly throws out the olive branch, and looks at ling'er with some hope.

He looks back at the medicine.

Yao Tong is young and beautiful, with a little bit of agility in the market all the year round.

He nodded to Cheng ling'er and secretly gave her a look.

Cheng ling'er was obviously very obedient to the medicine boy's words, and his hesitant look changed a little.

"Thank you very much for your attention. Ling'er will do her best."

Gong Liuyu never interferes in the little things about Yun Qingrao. She likes to leave this person by her side. Naturally, he won't meddle.

Although the atmosphere in the palace is a little low, everyone is adjusting in an orderly way.

Cloud Qingrao mood some low sitting in the next Pavilion, blowing the cold wind on the water, let his mind become more sober.

After looking at the jade cloud, she looked down at the steps and took a small thing like Rao Feng.

"If you are not well, don't be capricious

Hearing the voice behind him, Yun Qingrao raised his head and looked at Gong Liuyu's eyes: "I'm not cold!"

Seeing her lips pale, Gong Liuyu slightly drooped her eyes and sat on her side and put her hand on her forehead.

"Don't you go to see Princess Hui? She should wake up soon!"

Cloud inclines Rao to smell speech, lightly nodded.

Princess huifei was temporarily placed in a clean and tidy room in the backyard of the palace. There are few people coming here on weekdays. Now she just cleans up and hides people's eyes.

Yun Qingrao walked around the vines in the yard and the peach trees planted in the backyard along the cobblestone path to the door of the room.At this time, the sky was as deep as ink.

Yun Qingrao knocked on the door, then looked at the door was not locked, gently pushed the door open, stepped in.

As soon as she entered the door, she saw that Princess huifei was sitting beside the bed, just watching her and Gong Liuyu with a bit of vigilance.

"You What else do you want to do? "

She just woke up and didn't know where it was, or even what happened afterwards, but she knew it wasn't a palace anymore.

Yun Qingrao walks to the bedside and suddenly reaches out her hand to grab her wrist.

Huifei took her hand back directly and looked at her with her eyes shrunk.

"Princess Hui, you misunderstood me. I just want to see if you are better."

Although she was a little bit of a pit to cure the sick and save people, she just wanted to see if huifei's fever had subsided.

Huifei shook her head and bit her lower lip slightly: "what kind of food did you give me? Why would I..."

"It's a fake drug!"

Now that everything has been done, Yun Qingrao no longer conceals anything, and says the result directly.

"Now, everyone thinks you're dead!"

Hui Fei's eyes showed a look of disbelief: "fake death medicine, where did you get this medicine?"

"You don't have to worry about where the medicine came from. I don't think the palace is suitable for you. You can go anywhere you want in the future."

Yun Qingrao shows a soft smile and looks at the twinkling eyes of huifei.

She opened her lips slightly, showed a surprised expression, and finally slowly lowered her head.

"Why do you want to help me like this? I never seem to have anything to do with you!"

"Princess Hui needn't take it to heart, just take it as my reward for your help."

It's a reward, but the price is too high.

Although huifei is a woman in the deep palace, she has a wide range of knowledge. Naturally, she knows what the value of the medicine is.

"Is there any risk to you in doing so?"

Huifei is not the kind of person who doesn't know how to be grateful. She knows that it is not easy for Yun Qingrao to bring her out of the palace smoothly. I can't say that she has made a lot of preparations.

Yun Qingrao shook her head: "you can rest your body at ease, and you can leave here at any time!"

She suddenly stopped and burst into a smile: "if you really have no place to go, then go to southern Xinjiang. I will give you a keepsake, and there will naturally be someone to receive you well."

On hearing the two words of Nanjiang, huifei suddenly raised her head and looked at her eyes.

Yun Qingrao just smile, without the slightest evasion and Li Rulan look at each other.

"Princess Yu Qin, since I may have died by feign, do you think that there will be someone who can come back from the same death?"

She asked such words, in fact, Yun Qingrao already understood in her heart that huifei was doubting something.

After all, the hint she gave was clear enough that the seed of doubt was taking root in her heart.

She smile shallowly: "everything in the world is wonderful, maybe!"

Only leave this sentence, Yun Qingrao looks at the stunned huifei, and simply orders her to have a good rest, and then turns around and walks out of the room.

Gong Liuyu stays at the door. When they are talking, he doesn't go in to disturb him. When he sees Yun Qingrao coming out with meditation on his face, he frowns slightly.

"What's wrong?"

That cold voice in the ears, did not feel that the other side is concerned about her, but now used to Gong Liuyu's tone, Yun Qingrao found that she was more and more indifferent to this little thing.

"It's OK. It's just that it's hard to see clearly the heart of this person."

She sighed, then leaned lazily against the table with one hand on her chin.

Seeing her that moment changed the appearance of attitude, Gong Liuyu couldn't help but also raised his lips.

Most of the things that happened today are not very happy. The death of so many people in the palace also cast a cloud on all people's hearts.

"Is that what you feel?"

Yun Qingrao raised his head and calmly swept to the direction of Gong Liuyu: "Wang Ye is a delicate mind. You can see through people's heart at a glance, but I'm just an ordinary person!"

Unexpectedly, Yun Qingrao looked at him so much that Gong Liuyu frowned helplessly: "this king is not an immortal, and I can't see through other people's thoughts, especially yours!"

Yun Qingrao did not think that the other party would also pull her into the topic. She quickly turned her head and glanced at him: "the Lord has been worried about it. All my thoughts are in front of you?"

Gong Liuyu gently raised his eyebrows: "my king and your elder martial brother, who would you choose?"

Such a sudden sentence, let cloud Qingrao almost choked to death by her own saliva. She looked at Gong Liuyu in surprise and saw the serious and solemn expression on the other side's face.

For a moment she swallowed back what she wanted to perfunctorily."Is that a joke, Lord? What are you going to compare with my elder martial brother?"

"It's not that the king wants to compare, but it has to be compared!"

Gong Liuyu's eyes calmly fall on the face of the cloud Qingrao, with a bit of erosion in the bottom of his eyes.

Yun Qingrao did not know how to answer him for a while, and was silent for a long time.

But then she slowly raised her eyebrows and said, "if I had to choose, I would No one will be chosen! "

Gong Liuyu's expression solidified for a moment. He looked at the clouds not far away from him, but felt a burst of disappointment, which swept through him in an instant. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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