"So this is your answer. It seems that what I have done is not enough!"

Cloud Qing Rao see palace Liuyu at this time has turned around, completely can not see the expression, the hand under the sleeve is mercilessly clenched.

She bit the corner of her lip, a little flustered in her heart.

Because the moment she heard the question, an answer flashed through her mind.

If you can really choose at will, maybe, she will choose to be with Gong Liuyu.

But that's just thinking about it. Gong Liuyu has left at this time. Yunqingrao is standing in the middle of the yard alone. The bright moonlight reflects her shadow on the ground.

Lonely feeling, a moment let cloud Qingrao feel inexplicably familiar, she just feel a little chilly.

But as soon as she looked up, Gong Liuyu's shadow suddenly appeared again.

She clearly thought that the other party was angry with what she said and left regardless of her, but she did not expect that the other party would choose to come back.

"What are you doing? The king will go back!"

The cloud inclines Rao to raise the head, the light in the eye son in the moonlight lightly flickers.

Then, an imperceptible ease and pleasure rose slowly in my heart.

This kind of taste is really complex, let the cloud pour Rao for a time can't distinguish.

Yun Qingrao just walked to him, and saw Gong Liuyu suddenly stretched out his hand, and then took out a thing.

When Yun Qingrao hasn't seen clearly what it is, Gong Liuyu has already started to hang the thing around her neck.

For a time, a burst of warm current passed from that thing, instantly dispelling all the cold air around the cloud Qingrao.

She slightly lowered her head and saw the red, blood colored stone made of exquisite chains. She was stunned for a moment.

"Is this Obsidian?"

Yun Qingrao has some insight. This Obsidian has no price and is a rare treasure. It is even more valuable than the night pearl with big fist.

Just because it can warm up people's body and carry it all the year round, you will get rid of all kinds of diseases.

Yun Qingrao has been a princess for so many years. She has only heard of this stone, but has never seen it.

In addition, the stone is not particularly useful, and yunqingrao doesn't pay much attention to it.

But now, this is the treasure that people are flocking to, was gong Liuyu directly on her neck.

She was flattered.

"This is what the king asked for these two days. Now it's cold on the sky horse. It's estimated that your body will be afraid of cold. It's better to have it!"

Yun Qingrao raised her head and looked at Gong Liuyu's expression. She didn't say anything for half a day. The heat on the burning Obsidian still remained in her palm, which made her feel that she was wrapped up by heat.

"Are you better?" Gong Liuyu lowered her eyebrows and eyes, and the gentle look of her eyes made her indulge.

Cloud Qing Rao can't help but look in a daze, the mind is actually difficult to control the chaos.


In the end, she didn't open her mouth. She just lowered her head, which was regarded as an answer.

Gong Liuyu also did not care, gently took her hand, two people walk on the path, feel like has experienced the wind and frost for many years old husband and wife.

Yun Qingrao for a time, was scared by this idea, it seems that she has experienced so much, let her heart change a lot.

She is not so easy to be led by the nose, but now, she clearly knows that there is an unpredictable pit ahead, or she can not help but want to jump down.

It's just that tonight's obviously not over.

When the two talents returned to Liuyu courtyard, Gong Cheng had been waiting for a long time. When he saw Gong Liuyu appear, he said quickly, "Lord, Moya and others have taken people to the palace!"

Gong Liuyu frowned slightly: "what do you want to do in the palace?"

Mo Ya and others are sensitive to their identities. Even if Shen's family is behind them, I'm afraid they can avoid the imperial palace. How can they suddenly take the initiative to go to the palace?

"Lord, it's said that it's about the Shen family!"

The death of the eldest son of the Shen family in Gong Liuyu's hands has gradually passed away with the participation of King Chunxi. In addition, there is so much confusion in the palace recently. Who dares to mention such a difficult matter.

Therefore, Gong Liuyu had a relaxed life.

But now Mo Ya is so bold that he first takes advantage of Gong Liuyu's absence to wash the palace, and then runs to the palace to participate in the political affairs of the central government. What is the purpose of going to the palace?

, moreover, she is more curious about why the list of people on the cloud Palace's Eyeliner appears in the old imperial tombs, and those treasures are hidden by them.

A mystery, gradually exposed the tip of the iceberg, exposed in front of the cloud Qingrao, let her heart curious, but there is a feeling of no way to start.

Gong Liuyu's voice was a little cold. He sneered a little, "isn't the Shen family's problem solved?"

Cloud inclines Rao pupil to shrink slightly, raised a head to have a look palace Yu's eye son.There is a profound meaning hidden in those dark eyes.

"How did you solve it? I saw you kill people with my own eyes!"

She couldn't help but put in a word and reminded Gong Liuyu of the fact of this matter.

Gong Liuyu gently smile, and then pinch pinch slightly raised lips, eyebrows and eyes are all confident and arrogant color: "even if I kill him, how can someone kill him?"

Cloud Qingrao rolled his eyes, "who can't say big words, but this is the imperial city. Your army is far away from the horizon. Even if something goes wrong, far water can't solve the near fire!"

Gong Liuyu laughed, and the voice implied a little unclear meaning: "who said it?"

He gently raised a little chin, showing a perfect side face, so that cloud Qingrao for a time into a bit of meditation.

She is not stupid, Gong Liuyu said the meaning of this sentence, she instantly understood the hidden meaning.

She opened her eyes and looked at Gong Liuyu in disbelief, then lowered a little voice: "what are you going to do, rebel?"

Gong Liuyu turned his head and looked at her slightly puzzled: "how, can't you rebel?"

Yun Qingrao was blocked for a moment and couldn't speak. After thinking about it carefully, she found that Gong Liuyu was reasonable.

If you have the ability and strength to rebel, as long as you find an excuse to rebel, you can do it.

In addition to the identity of Gong Liuyu, Prince Yu's reputation in the whole kingdom of Tianchong was not ordinary.

It was the existence of the king side by side, and he almost became an emperor in his early years.

If the Gong family becomes the king of Tianchong, what is the matter with the cloud family these years.

So when he was pushed back to this sentence, Yun Qingrao was silent for a moment and kept silent.

"But don't worry, even if I really want to rebel, I will say hello to you in advance."

What's the greeting? The army has been hidden by Gong Liuyu to the door. I'm afraid he has made up his mind to rebel.

"Moreover, now that Yunluo city knows the secret of yuntianhong, I'm afraid it will never give up!"

Yun Qingrao pupil suddenly trembled, the look inside with a bit of unspeakable surprise: "Gong Liuyu, how do you know?"

Gong Liuyu's face showed an embarrassed expression, and then put a soft voice: "can't this king really let you go to see Yunluo City alone?"

"Then you can't..." Yun Qingrao's heart is a little angry. What she thought was hidden was monitored all the way.

Gong Liuyu turned around and his eyes were softer: "I'm wrong about this. I'll tell you next time, OK?"

Gong Cheng's eyes almost fall off. Seeing his prince talking to the princess like this, he only feels that Gong Liuyu's image of Gao Leng in his heart is gradually collapsing.

However, Gong Liuyu doesn't care about it at all. He puts his eyes on the cloud and shows a sincere smile.

The cloud inclines Rao suddenly only feels the heart some hair block, may face this kind of expression palace Liuyu, for a time the gas has already dissipated.

She found that she was more and more unable to take Gong Liuyu.

"Forget it, I don't want to have another time!"

"Well, I promise, there will never be another time!"

It's just that he said this with a bit of a sense of cajoling, so that Yun Qingrao doesn't know how to believe him.

But these are later things, she now only feel, Gong Liuyu this person's mind, really more profound than she imagined.

"Well, I see. The Lord is going to reap the benefits of his fortune."

Yun Qingrao's eyes deliberately show contempt at Gong Liuyu, secretly indicating that this is a villain's style.

However, Gong Liuyu's face was calm, and her delicate and gorgeous face was still filled with a smile.

"If you want to be a fisherman, you have to have the ability to be a fisherman, right?"

Yes, it's really right. Gong Liuyu's answer makes Yun Qingrao feel speechless.

Gong Cheng sees these two people begin to talk about cause and effect there, and can't help interrupting their conversation.

"Prince and princess, the urgent task now is to solve the disaster of Moya!"

Gong Liuyu this just again falls on the palace Cheng body, and then nodded: "this son thing should not be my king to tell you, see Mo Ya and his men, don't be merciful!"

Gong Cheng received the order, only feel the war in his eyes more intense.

He turned and left directly and neatly, with an attitude of desperate.

Cloud pour Rao can't help but frown, Mo Ya can't help but let her see the tip of the iceberg in the cloud palace.

"If Mo Ya is dead, will yunshang palace investigate to the end? After all, Moya is their little palace master!"

Yun Qingrao is worried about this kind of thing. After all, it's a small one. I don't know when an old one will come out.This kind of difficult thing, cloud Qingrao has met many times before, quite a headache.

Hearing this, Gong Liuyu suddenly reached out and rubbed Yun Qingrao's head. In an instant, she made her hair ornaments disordered a lot: "therefore, the palace on cloud must be eradicated!"

This is quite imposing words, without violating and daring to reveal from Gong Liuyu's mouth. For a moment, the cloud Qingrao looks at the man in front of him, and feels that he has already come to the world.

She suddenly inexplicably produced an idea, really want to catch Shen Ruxue and ask, what kind of ending is Gong Liuyu in the previous life.

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