But she could also think about it. She didn't want to see Shen Ruxue again, let alone hear her mention about her previous life.

It may be that Shen Ruxue knew that he couldn't mention the previous things with the second person in his life, so after knowing that she was going to die in the prison, he said something to her without reservation.

The ferocious expression that revealed her mind was still reflected in her mind, which made her feel as deep as snow, and her heart was more like snake and scorpion.

She would not let her die so happily, she would like to taste all the things she had done.

She was still thinking, but Gong Liuyu turned around and said, "it's very late. Go to have a rest."

Cloud Qingrao instantly feel tired, like a blanket of coverage over, she did not show off, "well, I went to sleep!"

Yun Qingrao habitually walked towards his room, and Gong Liuyu suddenly opened his mouth: "it's not safe for you to live here alone. Do you want this king to accompany you?"

She stopped and her mouth stiffened. "No, I can handle it."

Yun Qingrao left this sentence, the pace of the moment to speed up a few minutes.

Gong Liuyu's eyes are fixed on the back of Yun Qingrao. His eyes are dim, but he follows her directly.

Hearing the movement behind him, Yun Qingrao looked at Gong Liuyu who came to the front door of the room with him, and the expression of his eyes flashed uneasily.

"I'm going to have a rest. Let's go to bed early, too."

"Well!" Gong Liuyu's eyebrows and eyes are light and her expression is calm.

However, there is no intention of leaving.

Yun Qingrao grabs the door handle next to her and tries to close the room, but she is resisted by the other party's hand.

"I still don't trust you. Sleep. I will guard here."

In the eyes of cloud Qingrao, a slightly flustered color flashed across her. She quickly stopped: "no, it's very safe here. Don't bother the Lord!"

She hurriedly closed the door, with her back against the door, slightly lowered her eyes, and gently relaxed.

Gong Liuyu stood outside and knocked on the door: "does the princess want me to stand outside all night?"

Yun Qingrao hesitated for a moment, and said with his back to the figure reflected on the door: "the Lord has a room to rest. Go to sleep quickly!"

While she was talking, she had locked the door and lay in bed.

Originally, I was sleepy, but when my head was lying on the pillow, Yun Qingrao felt sober for a while.

There are so many things happening today that she can't recover for a while.

She lay for a while, but when she looked up to the door, the shadow on the door remained motionless.

Is it hard for Liu Yu to stand outside?

Cloud Qingrao heart slightly jump, and then get up from the bed, re come to the door position, she hesitated for a moment, or opened the door of the room.

Sure enough, Gong Liuyu has been holding a posture standing in front of her door, in the moment she walked out of the door, staring at her, and then gently bent the corner of his lips, "you really still care about this king!"

Cloud Qingrao eyes more angry: "you have nothing to do, standing here for what!" Although it has not yet reached a particularly cold time, but now it has entered the late autumn, such a late night is still very easy to make people sick.

She will open the door, some speechless sign Gong Liuyu into the room, Gong Liuyu also did not refuse, directly with a body of cold air into.

Two people stand in the empty room, the atmosphere for a moment become a bit baffled.

Yun Qingrao didn't know what to say, but turned back to the bed. "There's only one bed here. The Lord won't rob me!"


Yun Qingrao set her heart free, took off her shoes and went straight into the quilt, and then turned her back to Gong Liuyu.

But for a moment, I felt the bed behind me sank down.

Don't think she also knows who, she suddenly turned over from inside, but directly with Gong Liuyu's sleeping face with closed eyes.

For a moment, Yun Qingrao felt the anger in her heart dissipated a lot.

Looking at Gong Liuyu's frown, I know that the other party is more busy and tired than she is during this period of time. The other party has not done anything to her. She should not drive people out like that.

After all, this is still the courtyard of Liuyu. It was originally Gong's room. If he went out, he didn't know where to sleep.

For a time, cloud Qingrao felt his inexplicable soft heart.

She slowly turned over, with her back to Gong Liuyu and fell asleep, closing her eyes gradually.

Gong Liuyu took a look at the back of the head of yunqingrao, and a smile appeared in the corner of his mouth.

To see the cloud Qingrao as if asleep, the honest move did not move, that pair of slender peach eyes streamed with color, flashing a hidden smile.

Wake up, the sky has been bright, cloud Qingrao rubbed his eyes, just to get up, but inexplicably feel heavy.She quickly turned to look at the past, the brain this just sober up, a moment wide eyes.

Gong Liuyu was startled by the cloud Qingrao opened his eyes, saw the cloud Qingrao eyes in a flash of confusion, slightly frowned.

"Awake?" His voice was a little hoarse and soft, and it sounded very pleasant.

Cloud inclines Rao tightly frown double eyebrow, then stretch out a hand to hold him to put on her body's hand to throw beside: "touch enough not enough!"

Being taken advantage of, Yun Qingrao's face is not good. She wants to kick Gong Liuyu down.

Gong Liuyu's face was calm, and he stood up directly from the bed. The quilt slipped from his body, revealing the skin inside in an instant.

Yun Qingrao's face suddenly turned a little ruddy, staring at the smooth line of the back, just feel like a needle eye.

The main thing is, this is not the point at all.

When did he get into her quilt and take off his clothes?

Yun Qingrao can't say a word for a long time. When she reacts, Gong Liuyu has already put on her clothes.

However, she was stunned for a long time here, but Gong Liuyu did not have the slightest sense of embarrassment and blushing. On her beautiful face, which was still white and clean, she could not see that she cared about this kind of thing.

"Are you hungry? Go and eat something!"

Gong Liuyu stood at the door, turned his head and looked at the white clouds in a daze on the bed, as if he was used to saying a sentence.

Yun Qingrao just wants to praise Gong Liuyu more Thick skinned.

But the other party did not open his mouth to explain what happened last night, so that Yun Qingrao felt that she was haggling here.

But it was clearly her who suffered the loss. Couldn't she care about it?

"What are you doing

The door of the house has been pushed open by Gong Liuyu. He sees that Yun Qingrao doesn't follow her. He turns around and looks at her with a slight doubt.

By this look back, cloud Qingrao only felt that she had to go to the mouth of the words suddenly she was swallowing back.

Then she only heard herself say a good word.

Finish this sentence moment, cloud Qing Rao wish to bury her head in the quilt, she tightly frown, a face tangled put on clothes, followed Gong Liuyu to go out.

One night, the outside has been cleaned up clean and tidy, cloud Qingrao swept a circle, it is difficult to see the traces of most of yesterday.

All the collapsed walls have been repaired, and they all look similar to the original ones.

Yun Qingrao secretly feels admiration for the efficiency of these people in the mansion.

Was taken to the living room, the room has already prepared the color and flavor of the meal.

"I'll make do with it today. There's no one in the house. I can only do this!"

Yun Qingrao didn't mind at all. She raised her eyebrows. "I didn't forget what happened last night. How could I care about these?"

Gong Liuyu showed a slight smile, the smile in that piece of bright and beautiful as a demon on the face appears to be nostalgic back and forth.

Cloud Qingrao will look away, silently bite the meal.

Two people sit together, the air is full of quiet and comfortable taste, cloud Qingrao only feel rare comfortable.

But just after a few mouthfuls, a figure appeared at the door. It seems that Gong Cheng has been waiting for a long time again.


Gong Cheng slightly drooped her eyes, and then walked in and put a box in her hands not far from the dining table.

Gong Liuyu glanced at the box, then looked at the cloud Qingrao, and said to Gong Cheng, "take it out first!"

Gong Cheng hesitated for a moment, nodded, and turned to take the box to leave, but this turning effort, just hit the maid who came into the door.

A burst of shrieking came, and Yun Qingrao suddenly turned around, but saw the maid hit the box on the ground, and the contents of the box rolled out.

It's a head.

The head was cleaned up, but there was no bloody air, but suddenly appeared in front of him, which was particularly frightening.

The little servant girl turned her eyes and fainted in the past. The cloud was enchanting, and she felt a little disgusted to stand up.

Gong Chengzi knew what he had done wrong, so he knelt down to plead guilty: "disturbed the prince and princess, his subordinates know the crime!"

Cloud inclines Rao eyebrow slightly Cu Cu Cu, eyes fall on that head, one eye will recognize each other's identity.

This person is exactly that day follow in Mo Ya side of a dignified old man.

"You killed it?"

"The Lord ordered yesterday to bring the head of Xu elder by Mo ya to show him!"

Yun Qingrao's mouth smoked, which is really a special hobby.

Her mood for eating was slightly affected, but that was not very important.

"It doesn't matter. It doesn't affect anything. It's just that you can clean it up first and then talk to me?"

Gong Cheng seems to be this just to react to come over, quickly put the head back into the box.Yun Qingrao is not a vase that hasn't seen the world. She soon regains her look and lets her servant girl drag down.

"You went to kill Moya and others last night, didn't you say that they entered the palace?"

"It's the princess. Mo Ya and others entered the palace, but his men couldn't leave, so..."

The rest of the words, needless to say, cloud Qingrao can also guess.

Gong Liuyu has suffered such a big loss. I'm afraid he has to find the court. Otherwise, these innocent people in the mansion will die in vain.

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