Gong Liuyu still sits on the position, the head also did not lift of of of of of of a: "do good!"

Hearing Gong Liuyu's approval, Gong Cheng's expression is more firm.

"Then my subordinates will quit!"

Gong Cheng holding the box turned to go, to hear Gong Liuyu's voice, coldly light from behind him: "hang this head at the door of the inn where Moya lives!"

Yun Qingrao raised her eyebrows slightly. As expected, she couldn't offend Gong Liuyu. Gong Liuyu's practice was too irritating.

Kill each other's person, still hang the head of each other's hand in front of one's eyes, no one can bear.

Gong Liuyu's movements are very elegant and noble, wipe the corners of his lips, and then stand up from his seat and have a look at the dishes and chopsticks in front of Yun Qingrao.

See she did not eat how much, eyebrow light frown: "how, not appetite?"

Cloud Qing Rao lip corner took a smoke, anyone who saw the blood sparkling head appeared in front of the eyes, still have the mind to eat, "no, don't want to eat!"

Her face was relaxed, but she didn't have much reaction because of her previous fright.

Gong Liuyu saw that she was really unable to eat, and her eyes crossed a guilty color.

"I'm fine today. I'll take you out for a walk?"

Gong Liuyu's tone is permeated with the meaning of inquiry, so that Yun Qingrao can't help but look at him one more time.

How can he be idle? I'm afraid he has many problems waiting for him to solve.

"By the way, what's going on in the palace? How does yuntianhong deal with Shen Ruxue?"

"Shen Ruxue has been knocked into the cold palace!"

Gong Liuyu's opening, can be regarded as a big surprise to Yun Qingrao. Her eyes showed a little surprise.

"Come on, talk about the process, I want to hear it!" Her eyes lit up in an instant, and her voice was more urgent than ever.

Gong Liuyu bent his lips and simply said the things that Gong Cheng reported to him in the morning: "Shen Ruxue put such a big green cap on Yun Tianhong, and found evidence to prove that Shen Ruxue was the one who released those poisonous snakes. Princess Hui was wronged by her, so yuntianhong threw Shen Ruxue into the cold palace in a fit of anger!"

Yun Qingrao slightly pauses: "it's impossible. Don't lie to me. Shen Ruxue has done many wrong things. As long as she controls the handle of Yun Tianhong, Yun Tianhong can't do anything to her one day."

Gong Liuyu gave a slight smile, and the smile was full of evil spirits that could not be concealed: "if Yun Tianhong knew that Shen Ruxue had already disclosed this secret?"

Yun Qingrao was shocked for a moment. Although she had already known Gong Liuyu's plan, she could not help but sigh at the result.

"I knew that you already knew who the man in black was!"

Gong Liuyu chuckled and did not deny the words of Yun Qingrao.

"So, do you know that I was poisoned?"

Yun Qingrao gently raised her eyebrows and looked at Gong Liuyu with some incomprehension in her eyes. Her eyes were full of insight and disappointment.

This look, let the smile of Gong Liuyu's mouth disappear gradually.

"I don't know about it!"

Yun Qingrao didn't speak, just a smile.

"Don't worry, it's nothing even if you know it!" It's just that she felt a little uncomfortable at this time.

Gong Liuyu frowned: "if this king knows, I will never let him have any chance to approach you."

Yun Qingrao didn't say that she believed, nor did she say she didn't believe it. She just showed a smile and then changed the topic: "didn't you mean to take me out for a walk?"

Gong Liuyu pauses, "Hmm!"

With Gong Liuyu's permission, Yun Qingrao immediately made people prepare the carriage. The carriage of the palace stopped on the side of the street. Yun Qingrao opened the curtain and took a look at the lively scene outside. The light of his eyes was flashing.

She lifted the curtain and jumped straight out of the carriage. She saw the street vendors standing in rows and Hawking. There was something new in her eyes.

She used to live in the palace all the year round, thinking of countless calculations, but now she is able to integrate with these ordinary people.

After all, Gong Liuyu's face is not unknown in Tianchong.

Yun Qingrao felt the attention around her, and looked back at Gong Liuyu: "isn't there a mask that makes people look easy, why don't you bring it out?"

"This is the king's territory. Of course, you don't need to wear any masks!"

Gong Liuyu showed a casual expression. Many people looked at their eyes. Although they were curious, no one really came to disturb them.

"Forget it!"

Cloud Qingrao, a corner of the mouth, eyes flash a light, and then pointed to a direction of the jewelry store said: "Lord, you see, I quite like that one!"

The things sold on the street are the cheapest gadgets. Gong Liuyu, who is used to seeing all kinds of treasures, can't help but look at the past when he hears Yun Qingrao.Just for a moment, Yun Qingrao secretly stepped back two steps, and then turned around and hid in the lane next to her.

Gong Liuyu didn't know where Yun Qingrao wanted to get rid of him. In the moment when she turned back, she grabbed the past in the direction she wanted to leave, but only caught a stranger.

He slightly a Leng, the moment will be the fear of the people released.

Standing in the same place for a circle, he did not think that he was so careful, and even let Yun Qingrao run away.

However, even Yun Qingrao didn't expect that someone would stop her and bring her to another alley not far away.

She widened her eyes, looked at the face of the person in front of her, suddenly slightly Leng Leng.

That person cloud inclines Rao to also see two sides, is a bodyguard leader of Bai Li Mo from under.

She relaxed her vigilance and frowned. There must be a reason for the other party to come to her like this, and this person is likely to know her identity.

"Princess, if you offend me, I have to do it because I have no choice but to do it. The prince's Highness has something important to do. Please help the princess!"

Cloud Qingrao see each other a princess, the heart is slightly loose, she knew, hundred miles away is absolutely will not tell her identity.

"Slowly, what happened, and who asked you to come to me?"

"It was the crown prince who let him down!"

As soon as I heard that it was a hundred Li Mo Li's command, Yun Qingrao's face became solemn. She frowned, and her worried color gradually became a little strong.

Hundred miles away, if not to the most difficult situation, is absolutely impossible to ask for help from others, let alone her.

He always did not like to disturb her life. He used to hide from her. How could he take the initiative to ask her to do something.

Now there must be something big that he had to do.

"Princess, you are the only one who can save your royal highness!"

Hear such words, cloud inclines enchanting moment stunned: "what can I do?"

The guard smelled the speech and saw that there was no taste of rejection in Yun Qingrao's words. His face was gentle, and then he knelt down directly to Yun Qingrao.

In the face of the other party's sudden kneeling, cloud Qingrao can't help but step back.

"If you have anything to say, you can't be so pushy under the hundred mile Moli!"

When the guard heard the speech, he immediately opened his mouth: "Your Highness wants to return to Beiyi, but on the way, he meets danger and is chased to Maocheng."


The eye color of Yun Qingrao flickered slightly. This city was the source of the plague last time. Now, Bai Li Mo Li is missing in Maocheng again, which makes her suspect that there is any secret in Maocheng.

"Who is after you?"

The guard shook his head: "I don't know, but those people are very good at martial arts. They are like masters on the first floor."

"That's buying murderers to kill people?"

Yun Qingrao knows something about the first floor. There are so many people who want money but don't want to die. The first floor is the ancestor of these people.

The killers in the first floor are all outlaws with high martial arts skills. There is nothing they dare not do. Just see if you can pay the price.

What they want is not only money. It is not easy to ask for it once, but as long as they do, they must achieve the goal by whatever means.

For so many years, their goal has never been heard of failing. It is a very terrible existence.

But it also limits some things. If the first floor can agree to kill bailimao, the prince, I'm afraid the benefits have far exceeded the price they have to pay.

This benefit is thought-provoking.

"Since you say it's dangerous, where is bailimao now?"

"It's just in the middle of Maocheng, but the prince's Highness has been poisoned and seriously injured. Now he is in a coma. Before he fell asleep, he said that only the princess could save him, so he let his subordinates come down to find the princess!"

The cloud inclines Rao tightly purses the lip angle.

It seems that what the guards said is true. Bailimao is really in danger.

When she was on the mountain, she didn't learn master's medical skills, but she learned a lot of strange poison skills.

For such things as detoxification, yunqingrao is still very good at it.

But Gong Liuyu's poison, she is powerless, because what he needs is not the method of detoxification, but the herbs used for detoxification.

There is no use without a guide, so she did not volunteer to do such a boring thing.

"It's very presumptuous of me just now. But if Prince Yu knew this news, I'm afraid he would not save people, but also..."

And they're going to hit the bottom of the well.

Yun Qingrao added one more sentence after his words and nodded to him gently.

"Well, I see, but it's not good for me to go with you. At least let me prepare something."

The guard's eyes flashed a hesitant color, and then he raised his head and whispered to Yun Qingrao: "princess, offended!"Cloud Qingrao slightly frowned, then saw the other side quickly up, stretched out his hand, directly hit her neck.

In front of her eyes, suddenly fell into a dark, cloud Qingrao only felt a little helpless, she was hijacked.

At the last moment of coma, she was still thinking, if Gong Liuyu found her missing, would she be worried.

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