Muddleheaded open eyes, a light stabbed the eyes.

She rubbed her painful neck and felt the whole body shaking.

This feeling made her already very confused head more dizzy.

She quickly supported the side of the railing to sit straight, which found that she was sitting in a carriage.

Cloud Qingrao opened the curtain and saw that the mountain was beyond the boundary.

"Hello, are you taking me to Maocheng?"

Her tone is a little bad, no one will have any good feelings for the people who have knocked themselves out.

She looked at the figure of the man who was driving in front of her, and her eyes were cold.

The man still did not relax the rein in his hand. He turned back and said in a low voice: "when Maocheng, the princess wants to deal with me. I will not complain at all, even if the princess wants to take this life!"

Yun Qingrao waved her hand, and the anger on her face didn't decrease: "I didn't mean this. You beat me dizzy like this. I'll take it directly. Isn't it a little bad?"

By cloud Qing Rao such a question, the man's face a little red.

"I am It's all my fault! "

The face of this person is simple and honest, and Yun Qingrao can't really get angry with this life for a time.

If you want to say that the other party is innocent, what you can do is obviously too much. You can directly knock her unconscious and bring her out. Even if she doesn't have a chance to leave a word, she doesn't know what Gong Liuyu will think in the end.

Do you think she ran away on her own initiative?

It's very possible. After all, she had intended to distract his attention. As a result, she really disappeared. She felt that Gong Liuyu would be angry.

However, what is her relationship with Gong Liuyu? Does the other party really care if she is there?

Thinking like this, there are some tangles in my heart.

Cloud Qingrao slightly frowned, the color of the fundus gradually deepened.

"Princess, I have to. If you go back, Prince Yu won't let you out?"

The clouds turned away from her head.

"He doesn't care where I go. You worry too much."

She narrowed her eyes slightly and looked at the back of the man's head: "you are afraid that I will report to your royal highness. You don't believe me at all, do you?"

The heart of the mind is directly exposed, that person's face across a flash of embarrassment.

"Well, that's true!"

Cloud Qing Rao gently sneers, but also does not agree.

Bai Li Mo Li can't reveal her identity. In this case, it's normal for his subordinates to doubt her, but

"Since it is your royal highness who chose to look for me in this critical situation, naturally, you have great trust in me. But you have let your Prince down like this, isn't it a little bad?"


Yun Qingrao's words made the other party speechless.

She chuckled and pursued: "your prince asked you to invite me so solemnly. Do you know the relationship between me and your prince? Even if I don't know, I kidnap my concubine. Am I tired of living? "

Her words made the other party blush, as if she wanted to find a stone seam to drill in.

Yun Qingrao didn't expect that the other party was such a thin skinned person. She could not help but shrug and said, "forget it, I will not investigate you if I do good every day!"

Hearing this, the man was obviously relieved and looked at the cloud Qingrao's eyes more and more soft.

Cloud Qingrao seems to just think of what to ask, squinting at each other: "now where, from Maocheng still need a few days?"

"Princess, in front of you is yutongcheng. After yutongcheng, you can see Maocheng by walking a city. It is estimated that it will take two days and a night to go."

"Two days, one night? I don't think you can. Are you going to sleep? "

The other side did not speak, but it was obviously tacit.

Yun Qingrao couldn't help laughing: "do you think I can carry this body bone?"

Now she felt all over her body ache, dizziness and swelling. She could not have a good rest in the bumpy environment of the carriage. If he insisted on doing so, she would not want to suffer with the other party.

"But the condition of his highness Can't wait

The cloud inclines Rao to smell speech, pupil shrinks suddenly.

Her eyes flickered slightly, and a faint color of worry crossed her eyes.

After a moment, she sipped her lips and said, "OK, just follow what you say."

Ma luodun was very hard to get on the bus all the way. When he got to yutongcheng, yunqingrao felt that he had talked big.

If it goes on like this, I'm afraid she won't be able to hold on to Maocheng.

With a slight frown, she knocked on the door panel to signal the guard in front to stop.

These two days she asked the name of the guard, named Li Yue.

He was honest and respectful to her.The carriage stopped suddenly. Li Yue opened the curtain with some doubts, "princess, but are you hungry?"

Not only was she hungry, she wanted to get out of the car.

Sitting in the car again, she felt that she would be all over her body.

She coughed, and her face was a little pale: "nothing, buy something to eat on the bus!"

She closed her eyes and leaned against the back of the car, feeling exhausted all over her body.

The carriage was very bumpy, which made her feel dizzy. Although she wanted to have a rest, Yun Qingrao didn't say a word about hardship and fatigue.

Even if she didn't have any appetite now, and even couldn't help being tossed up, she didn't say anything.

The food still needs to be eaten, otherwise she is afraid that she can't support the place, and she will fall down first.

After all, the man is a hundred miles away.

If Bai Li Mo Li is dead, she can't forgive herself in this life.

Yun Qingrao slightly closed her eyes, felt uncomfortable but did not want to sleep, all the way too quiet, let her very uncomfortable, she couldn't help looking for two more topics: "your prince is going to marry soon?"

Li Yue was silent for a moment: "the prince's highness didn't go back, he sent news to the palace, saying it was The big marriage has been cancelled

Yun Qingrao picked her eyebrows slightly, but she didn't expect to come to Tianchong. The marriage of Bai Li Mo left was inexplicably gone.


She can know that there are a lot of interest driven, if not a last resort, hundred miles away from the marriage can not be canceled.

What's more, how could the Xiao family agree.

The Xiao family in Beiyi was far more powerful than the Shen family in Tianchong, because the whole southern army of Beiyi was in the hands of the Xiao family.

Even the old emperor of Beiyi should respect the old general of the Xiao family for three points, and even dare not have the idea of weakening the military power. How can the only daughter of the Xiao family want to marry? How can they say that they can't get married without a bonus.

"What did the Xiao family say?"

Hearing that Yun Qingrao is so concerned about the private affairs of Bai Li Mo Li, Li Yue frowned slightly: "excuse me, no comment!"

Li Yue's voice is very firm, with a bit of calm and cautious.

Yun Qingrao is too much, and I don't want to ask again.

After all, this kind of thing really involves some privacy between imperial power, and Yun Qingrao also understands Li Yue's idea very well.

"Then tell me something about your prince. I want to hear how he has been these years."

Yun Qingrao relaxed her tone and asked with some gossip.

Her voice was soft and did not give people any sense of danger. Li Yue gradually relaxed: "the prince's Royal Highness has been tired for so many years. The Xiao family is aggressive and the emperor is weak and incompetent. The whole burden of Beiyi falls on his highness. However, those blind princes are still ambitious to seize the throne and constantly beat the prince's highness Meaning

Li Yue said, his face full of anger.

But for a moment he felt that he had said more.

Although he said these, basically is many everybody knows, but cloud Qingrao after all is only a woman, said she would not understand.

The cloud inclines Rao to smell speech, the vision lightly flashed.

"Is there no one to help him?"

Li Yue shook his head.

The carriage is about to go to the gate of Yutong City, and the boiling and lively voices can be heard in front of it.

"The prince's royal highness and his mother's concubine died early, and they were sent out to raise them when they were young. They were also close to the emperor carelessly. They didn't have the power and influence that outsiders imagined in their days in the palace."

Li Yue slightly droops the eye son, covered the helpless color of the eyeground.

Perhaps because of what Yun Qingrao said before, Li Yue's vigilance is different from that of Yun Qingrao, and his words have gradually become deeper.

The cloud inclines Rao to listen carefully, in the eye twinkles a little star awn.

It turns out that bailimao has not come to her for so many years because of these reasons.

I'm afraid the other party can't make time at all.

"I shouldn't have left Beiyi this time. When it was so important, the crown prince would come here to have a look!"

Li Yue seems to be a hundred miles away from this wayward decision feeling do not understand, the voice is permeated with thick doubts.

"Perhaps, because he has something important to do?"

Cloud Qingrao heart gently jump, in the eyes across a light fluorescence.

"How can it be that the prince hasn't been to Tianchong for many years, and he doesn't know anyone in Tianchong. What is he doing here? And it's a critical time to get married! "

"Did your prince not like Miss Xiao's family, so you deliberately made an excuse to escape from marriage?"

Yun Qingrao deliberately brought her conjecture to this aspect. Then she heard Li Yue say: "the prince's Highness has never been such an irrational person. He knows clearly what to do and what not to do. Once he left Beiyi this time, his efforts in the three years' arrangement were wasted...""What kind of effort?"

Yun Qingrao slightly pick eyebrows, only feel that the inside of the inside let her feel very amazing.

But no matter how she asked, Li Yue would not speak again. He gently raised his head and looked at the gate in front of him. He whispered, "since the princess is hungry, let's have a good meal in the city, and then go on the road."

The color of complicated and difficult names twinkles in the eyes of cloud Qingrao, and finally melts into a shallow wave. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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