"Li Yue, don't change the subject. I know you don't want to tell my concubine, but I also want to know one thing!"

Yun Qingrao deliberately puts her self claim in front of her, raising her status one by one. She knows that she still occupies the position of concubine Gong Liuyu after all, and the other party can't trust her completely.

Li Yue hesitated for a moment, but answered truthfully: "if I can say anything, I will say it!"

The meaning of this is very clear. If he can't say it, he certainly won't say it.

Yun Qingrao didn't care. After all, her question didn't involve any secret: "has your royal highness ever loved someone for so many years?"

Her eyes brightened slightly, as if she were deliberately gossiping.

Looking at the corner of her lips with a bit of warm, ambiguous smile, the more can not help feeling a burst of gloomy breath.

"No I haven't seen it before! "

Yun Qingrao gently showed a puzzled expression: "it should not be. Your royal highness is now twenty to five. People of this age are afraid to have several children."

Bai Li Mo Li was three years older than her at that time. Her predecessor was 22 years old this year. It was hard for her to imagine how Bai Li Mo Li could not even have a woman.

So she was not surprised to hear that he was going to get married.

Li Yue hesitated for a moment: "the prince's highness needs to deal with too many things every day. His subordinates feel that the prince loves him but has no time. Moreover, Miss Xiao has to go to the palace to see his highness every day. The two people's feelings are well known, so the prince's highness doesn't need to find anyone else."

A hundred miles away from the Mo and Xiao Yuying things, cloud pour Rao heart or some hair block.

Sure enough, everything is her illusion for so many years, and the warmth of that year is just the illusion that she thinks out.

Hundred miles away has always been like the sun in the sky, constantly attracted her eyes, let her feel warm, but also some far away can not be touched.

The atmosphere on the carriage for a moment deep, cloud Qingrao do not speak, Li Yue also no longer say anything, two people simply in the street vendors to eat something, and then again on the carriage.

But not far away, we saw many officers and soldiers searching for people with portraits in their hands.

Yun Qingrao first thought she was coming to catch her, and she was busy returning to the carriage. Even Li Yue's eyes were dignified a lot.

The person on the portrait is her.

But she doesn't remember what big mistake she made recently. She should not have come to catch her.

Li Yue's eyes sank slightly: "princess, I know Prince Yu's people are looking for you everywhere, but you can't ignore the death of your royal highness!"

Cloud Qingrao slightly pick eyebrows, suddenly some anger in her heart, she will not ignore the hundred miles away, she and he have lived in the mountains for a full ten years, that decade has occupied half of her life.

How could she have left him alone.

But this person's words let her stubborn temper rush up again, can't help but say: "what do you say? What's the relationship between me and your prince? Why do I suffer so much and keep on going to save people?"

As soon as he said this, Li Yue was speechless.

He bowed his head, a little embarrassed: "what the princess said is very true!"

His eyes suddenly flashed a little hesitation, as if he had made some determination, but his eyes were full of despair and sadness.

"If the princess wants to go back, go back now. The crown prince has also told me not to force the princess if you don't want to. All this is my idea. So please don't blame the prince!"

While talking, he really lifted the curtain of the car and stood by to signal the cloud to pour out.

Yun Qingrao was angry and laughed. She couldn't help but say, "my concubine, I've followed you for a long time. I've come all the way here to play. How come bailimao has such a pimple subordinate to you, so hurry up and catch the bus!"

Hear cloud to pour Rao to say so, Li Yue's eyebrow actually loosened a few minutes: "yes, I'll drive here!"

He hastened to take advantage of those people did not return to God, drove the carriage to quickly toward the direction of the city gate.

Just as they left, several soldiers had taken her portrait to the place where the peddler was: "have you seen this man?"

"Ah, there is But just after eating something from me, I left and went to the gate of the city. "

The face of the person with the portrait was slightly coagulated, and then drank in a cold voice: "chase!"

A group of people quickly toward the direction of the city gate, all over with a thick evil spirit.

Yun Qingrao was bumped by the carriage, which made her feel very hard.

There was a tumult in my stomach, and the food I had just eaten was stirring.

She quickly supported the railing beside her and called to Li Yue in front of her: "OK, slow down, it's OK!"

Hearing her speak, Li Yue pulled the reins and slowly pulled the carriage aside.Now he is far away from yutongcheng. As long as he goes a little further, he will arrive at Maocheng. There are still days and nights left. He can't wait in his heart.

Yun Qingrao quickly walked down from the carriage, and then leaned on the side with a sigh of relief.

Her back to the tree to nourish her spirits, she felt that even her fingers were sour.

This body just two days ago, a serious illness, now even ordinary people are not as good, coupled with the day and night of turbulence, she is not fainting, has shown that she has a strong will.

Li Yue saw that Yun Qingrao was pale, and did not dare to urge him. He just stood beside the carriage and waited, as if to stand until yunqingrao couldn't see it.

Cloud Qing Rao slightly frowned: "forget it, I have a good rest!"

In fact, sitting there did not recover a little physical strength, but Yun Qingrao also knew that the situation was urgent, and she was not allowed to rest.

If she delays a little more, she will speed up the danger of a hundred miles away. Now is not the time to be willful.

She owes a hundred Li Mo to leave too much, even if use climb, she also want to climb past.

Li Yue's eyes clearly flashed a joy, but saw the cloud Qingrao pale face, or said: "princess or more rest for a while!"

Yun Qingrao glanced at him with his eyes: "you are not worried?"

Li Yue did not speak, just moved the corner of his lips.

Yun Qingrao instantly smile: "you are afraid I faint, even if arrived also can't help, finally said not to be able to become a drag!"

Li Yue widened his eyes and quickly shook his head: "I don't think so. I just worry about the princess's body!"

"I know my body. I don't need you to care about it. You have the courage to knock me out. What else do you want to do?"

Mentioning this matter again, Li Yue's neck is more red, embarrassed can't help it.

Yun Qingrao slowly climbed into the carriage, not because she wanted to slow down, but because she felt that there were flowers in front of her.

I'm afraid as she said, not only can't help, but also become a drag.

All the way forward, the cloud Qingrao was leaning on the carriage, and a burst of sleepiness hit her. She reluctantly refused to let herself go to sleep.

It was like entering the city, and the carriage stopped suddenly.

"Let's rest here tonight."

Li Yue got out of the carriage and saw that Yun Qingrao was leaning beside him. He opened the door and let Yun Qingrao come down.

Cloud Qingrao legs some soft, some feet floating.

The other party stretched out his hand to help her, but was still pushed away cleanly by the cloud Qingrao.


She opened her eyes and took a look at the inn next to her. Li Yue hurriedly went inside to prepare the room, and then watched Yun Qingrao walk in step by step.

The door was closed, but Li Yue stayed outside, as if he didn't need to sleep.

Yun Qingrao can know that this man has been on the road for two days, but he has never closed his eyes. Even if he is beaten by iron, his body will not endure.

She hesitated for a moment, or the pillow quilt in another room was thrown out: "if you are afraid that I will run away, I will make up for one night at the door today."

The other side didn't refuse, so he really laid the floor at the door of yunqingrao.

Cloud Qing Rao tired casually washed, lying on the bed on the eyes closed, heavy tired, let her whole body do not want to move.

Just, do not know how long sleep, she felt as if there is something heavy pressure on her body, let her some breathing, breathless.

She wanted to open her eyes, but the tiredness of the day made her head heavy and dizzy, and her eyelids were heavy as lead.

No matter how hard she tried, she couldn't open her eyes, but she felt that her consciousness was clear.

Something pulled the quilt from her body, and a cold wind blew, which made her shiver involuntarily.

Then, some hot hands fell on her waist.

Even if separated by a thin layer of clothes, cloud Qingrao can also feel the temperature of that palm. Although she can't hold her eyelids open and can't move, she can clearly realize that it's a man's hand.

The fingertip that falls next to her trembles gently, and cloud Qingrao tries her best to make her eyelids lift a little gap, and see who is pressing her on her body. At this time, her lips are slightly cool.

A slippery thing directly slipped into her lips, and a little familiar taste swept her taste buds in an instant. The cloud and the chaotic mind seemed to be stripped of a layer of mist.

It's him It's Gong Liuyu.

With this understanding, the original struggle of the cloud Qingrao suddenly relaxed some, the finger of force resistance also gradually relaxed a lot.

The lip flap tossed and turned in the corner of her lips, with a little cool breath.

The light fresh fragrance penetrated into the tip of her nose, which did not make her feel uncomfortable at all.

She couldn't open her eyes or speak. She could only move her eyelids to show that she was awake.She heard a very low voice, which made her a little confused between fantasy and reality.

"Yun Qingrao, are you hiding from the king on purpose to see your elder martial brother?"

Yun Qingrao can't say, even if she can speak, she doesn't know what to explain at this time.

There's nothing to explain.

"You have never paid attention to my kindness to you, have you? You really have no heart. At first, you told Bai Li Mo Li about your identity, but you didn't tell me because you like him Is that right? "

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