Two in a row, right? Yun Qingrao asked, full of confusion, she finally exhausted her last strength, lifted her heavy eyelids, but saw a dark.

There was no light in the room, and the curtain was not sure when it was pulled up. The cloud Qingrao could only see the outline of Gong Liuyu's cheek in the dim darkness, taking advantage of the moonlight from the gap.

The corners of her lips moved, and her voice seemed dry.

"Gong Liuyu, why are you here?"

She felt hot all over her body, obviously a fever.

Now this body is really can't toss, a little bit of wind and grass on the love of illness.

The voice is light, coupled with very hoarse, cloud Qingrao even do not hear clearly.

But Gong Liuyu understood her meaning and chuckled: "if I don't chase after you, are you running away with people?"

"Then how do you know I went to Maocheng?"

Gong Liuyu's mouth was slightly tense, and the look on his face was blurred in the dark: "because A hundred miles away from Maocheng

Yun Qingrao is speechless. Seeing each other is misunderstood. She went to Maocheng to find Bai Li Mo Li.

"Shen Ruxue has been beaten into the cold palace. I'm afraid there will be no place for him to turn over. Your revenge can be regarded as revenge, right?"

"So, you're going to get rid of me and find someone else?" he sneered

Yun Qingrao wants to open her eyes. Listening to this, how can she feel that she has some intention of killing the donkey, but there is no such thing at all. She just wants to turn around casually, so she deliberately gets rid of Gong Liuyu. She has no idea to leave. Even if she really wants to leave, she will say hello to Gong Liuyu in advance.

But the incident suddenly, who knows that Li Yue will suddenly stun her and take her away by force.

Yun Qingrao shook her head and wanted to explain, but her throat hurt badly.

Gong Liuyu's hand fell on her forehead, and her eyes narrowed slightly: "look, you leave this king, you will toss yourself into this shape!"

Hearing this sound, Yun Qingrao only felt a bad premonition in her heart. Now Gong Liuyu seems to have something wrong.

But what was wrong, she said not clearly, a chill that made her spine cold climbed up from her neck and gradually spread to her whole body.

Cool, with a bit of greasy feeling from her forehead upstream walking, Gong Liuyu suddenly fingers slightly grasp her arm.

The force made her feel a little painful, and she felt that her arm must have been blue and blue.

"Ah Yao, don't blame me. I don't want you to go!"

Cloud Qingrao slightly stare big eyes, that pair of eyes in the dark in a little light.

A burst of inexplicable hot feeling made her feel uncomfortable all over, so that she only felt the skin was more sensitive and sensitive.

"Gong Liuyu, you..."

The front of the body's Lapel was untied, the cloud tilt Rao stare big eyes, only feel the cold invasion, the whole body of dry heat is more intense.

No, she didn't have a fever.

It's poisoning.

With this idea, Yun Qingrao gently trembles and grabs Gong Liuyu's arm.

"Gong Liuyu, don't do this!"

She is now like a fish on the chopping board that has been arbitrarily slaughtered, without the slightest resistance.

"Ah Yao, don't blame this king. You don't know anything. I don't want to wait for you to come again. I can't watch you being abducted!"

Yun Qingrao's lips trembled, but he gradually felt that his mind was still more unclear. It turned out that this man had known that she had entered here, and followed her all the way up and gave her medicine.

What he wanted to do, yunqingrao wanted to know with her toes. She didn't expect that she was reborn all her life and fell into the hands of Gong Liuyu.

Yun Qingrao doesn't know what to say, and she can't say it now.

Gradually, the heat had made her head not clear at all. She only felt that the person in front of her was very cool, which could reduce the heat on her body.

Unconsciously, she put her hands on Gong Liuyu's neck.

Gong Liuyu's eyebrows and eyes are slightly deep, the pair of dark pupil is like hiding the vast boundless sea of stars.

The darkness could not affect his sight. He saw clearly every expression on the woman's face in front of him.

The look made him a little bit fascinated. He lowered his head slightly and gave her a kiss on the brow.

Knowing clearly that the other party could not hear him at this time, he was completely lost in his mind by the drug, but he still kept repeating in her ear in a low voice.

"Ah Yao, I don't want to be patient any more. Maybe you won't leave me until you get you!"

His voice is low, in this dark night spread a long flavor, that pair of dark, containing countless complex emotions of the eyes, in the night feel a bit more strange.

Yun Qingrao completely indulged in that unspeakable feeling, muddled through the night.The sky is gradually bright, cloud Qingrao is awakened by a knock on the door.

She raised her eyelids slowly, and the expression of the fundus of her eyes gradually became focused. She widened her eyes and suddenly remembered what happened yesterday. She tried to do it, but found that her whole body was sore.

The room is very quiet, there is no shadow of anyone around. Yun Qingrao just sits up straight and looks around.

The door of the house was still tapped gently, and Li Yue's voice came from outside: "princess, we're going to hurry!"

There is still some sticky feeling on her body, and yunqingrao slightly gnaws her teeth. If she goes out like this, anyone can see what happened last night.

Is it difficult for Gong Liuyu to leave because she is afraid that she will wake up and see her angry eyes with hatred?

Yun Qingrao can't help but feel a little funny. She turns her head and sees the bed sheet full of folds under her body. The man didn't even help her clean it up. It's really hateful.

The bright red on the bed sheet is bright and conspicuous, and the cloud inclines Rao to frown slightly, the hand that falls in the side of the body mercilessly clenches a few minutes.

She closed her eyes and suppressed her anger with the greatest endurance.

Although she was angry, there was no hatred in her eyes.

Yun Qingrao light open mouth to answer Li Yue's words: "you wait a moment, I'll clean up, let people prepare bath water, I want to take a bath!"

"Last night it wasn't already..."

Li Yue said half of the words, was immediately stopped by his own, the other side did not ask anything, opened his mouth: "good!"

Yun Qingrao simply tidied up her clothes, and then the whole person got into the quilt. When someone outside brought the bath tub in, she closed the door.

Take off clothes, see the whole body up and down the blue and purple traces, cloud Qingrao not angry but smile.

Gong Liuyu seemed to mark her on purpose, for fear that people in the world would not know what she had done last night.

Well will be the traces of the body washed again, cloud Qingrao out of the bed sheet to destroy the traces, and then put on neat clothes, went to the door, Li Yue slightly open mouth: "go!"

She looked so indifferent that no one could see what had happened to her last night.

Li Yue looked at her suspiciously, but he didn't ask anything. He just wondered why he would sleep so heavily last night.

Yun Qingrao looked at Li Yue's back and sighed slightly. The other party didn't know that he had picked up a small life.

Otherwise, when Gong Liuyu wants to kill him, he just needs to move his fingers.

Although I do not know where Gong Liuyu went, but yesterday's scenes, but let cloud Qingrao do not want to recall.

She has not thought well, if now sees Gong Liuyu, with what face to face him.

He did such a thing yesterday, if so easy to forgive her, it seems that she is too cheap, she must be hard on him for a period of time, and then the heart of that evil gas out of enough.

Although she can not blame Gong Liuyu, but really let her forgive him, as if nothing happened, then she can not do.

With things hidden in her heart, Yun Qingrao's face was cold all the way. In addition, she was not comfortable. Li Yue felt that the strangers were not close to her all over her body.

Fortunately, before dark the next day, the two men finally arrived outside the gate of Maocheng.

At this time, the city gate has been closed. Li Yue stops the carriage at the gate and talks with the soldiers at the gate. The other side opens the small gate.

After the last plague, the medicinal materials were also sent to Maocheng by the people in the imperial city. After such a long time, the situation here has completely improved.

In addition, the plague was originally controlled by someone behind the scenes, and the scope of infection was not very large.

Today's Maocheng is still as prosperous as ever. Even at night, it is full of lights and noise.

Since all have arrived at the place, naturally can't delay the time, the cloud inclines Rao to lean on the carriage, the weak wrinkling eyebrow: "hundred mile Mo leaves the person?"

"The princess is coming down!"

Li Yue drove the carriage to the door of a very humble folk house. After passing through the alleys with eighteen bends, yunqingrao finally arrived at the place.

She stepped out of the carriage in vain, her face pale and frightening.

Li Yue's eyes were full of guilt, looking at her a little bit embarrassed: "this road tired princess, the prince's highness is inside!"

Yun Qingrao knocked on the door. After a while, someone carefully opened the door. The man looked up and saw Li Yue standing not far away. He opened the door quickly.

"Come in

The man welcomed them into the courtyard, then swept around and closed the door again.

With cloud Qingrao came to the room, not close, cloud Qingrao smelled a strong smell of medicine.

Her nose is very smart, a smell of this smell has already guessed a hundred miles away from the situation, her foot's pace instantly accelerated a few minutes.Gently open the door, cloud Qingrao see lying on the bed pale face, closed eyes of the man, eyes instantly sour up.

Hundred miles away from really in a daze, the color of the lips are dark, the original beautiful extraordinary face, also in a short time become haggard abnormal. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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