Yun Qingrao heart trembled, she thought she could not care about hundred miles away, but after seeing people, she found that, still not.

After all, on the mountain, the other side has been with her for ten years.

In principle, she is even closer than her relationship with Yun Tianhong. Even if she can't be her wife, Bai Li Mo Li is also the last relative of Yun Qingrao in this life.

Without hesitation, she grabbed his wrist, which was hanging down beside her. "How long has he been like this?"

Li Yue stood by her side. Seeing her movements so skillful and steady, she could not help but feel a little trust in her eyes.

"It's been five days since I went to find the princess!"

These five days, Li Yue only had a good sleep last night, the rest of the time is in the middle of the road.

Yun Qingrao glanced at his black eyes and frowned slightly: "find me a basin!"

Although Li Yue doesn't know what Yun Qingrao is for, seeing her gently unfolding eyebrows and eyes, he knows that she must have a way.

Immediately, two people prepared all the things yunqingrao wanted, as well as hot water and towel. They saw that Yun Qingrao didn't know where to get a dagger, scalded it in the hot water and baked it back in the fire.

Li more open to see, cloud Qingrao holding a dagger, directly cut a hundred miles away from the wrist.

See this scene, Li Yue instantly nervous, if not for a hundred miles away from the previous order to cloud Qing Rao respectful, let him have a kind of her this is to kill the feeling.

But a hundred miles away from the can't really wake up.

The blood flowing out of the wound is dark black. It can be seen that the poison has penetrated into the blood.

Yun Qingrao frowned and bloodletting meticulously. On the other hand, she wrote some medicine names on the white paper: "go to buy it immediately!"

At this time, Li Yue has been obedient to Yun Qingrao's words, because the doctors who came to see the situation of Bai Li Mo Li, all made them prepare for the future.

Yun Qingrao at least said nothing, at least she has a way.

It's like seeing a ray of light in despair, and they dare not neglect it.

Put black blood almost, cloud Qingrao took a look at the medicine that had been cooked, let a person give a hundred miles away from forced perfusion.

See a hundred miles away from the forehead slightly out of the sweat, cloud Qingrao again to help him put the pulse, the heart of this just a little stable.

However, the sky has gradually dark, cloud Qingrao sitting on the chair, but some feel whirling.

Li Yue saw all these in his eyes, and was deeply moved when he saw that Yun Qingrao wanted to cure their prince.

"Princess, please go and have a rest. We can watch here!"

Yun Qingrao saw almost, also did not say much, slowly nodded.

Next to the rest room, Yun Qingrao stood up and walked slowly to one side.

But at this time, a chilly wind blowing from the side of the body, cloud Qingrao subconsciously fell back with all her strength, and a bow and arrow flew past her nose.

She fell directly to the ground, and there was a flash of amazement and coldness in her eyes.

With the first bow and arrow flying, followed by more dense rain of arrows, Li Yue flashed and put the hundred mile road lying on the bed on his back and turned his head to look at her.

"Princess, keep up!"

His tone is a little hasty, but after all, it is difficult for one person to take care of two people.

The men who were guarding the door had temporarily blocked the window with the only things in the room, but even so, two people were pierced by bows and arrows.

That huge force, directly block in the window board piercing, with the cold light.

Yun Qingrao forced herself to get up from the ground, but the road was bumpy, and Gong Liuyu consumed all night's physical strength. She was now exhausted.

If it had not been for willpower, she would have fallen before she had reached the place.

Yun Qingrao is not willing to see Shen Ruxue's final fate. It is clear that her revenge road has just begun, but it will be forced to end.

The more dangerous it is, the more calm it is in the eyes of Yun Qingrao.

"Li Yue, the previous prescriptions have told you that he will release a bowl of poisonous blood from his body every day, then take some blood tonic things, and then cooperate with the prescription I gave you. If you have a chance to meet Gong Liuyu in the future, please take a message for me, and say that if he doesn't revenge me, I will not let him off as a ghost!"

She spoke so fast that she could not hear the despair on the verge of extinction.

Li Yue carries a hundred miles away from the body, it is impossible to take her one more.

Even if you can leave with a hundred miles away, you have to say something else.

She turned her head and a piece of warm liquid fell on her cheek.

The man who died was a man who had served her with hot water and was dressed in civilian clothes. The man was shot in the chest and his heart was directly penetrated by the bow and arrow.That blood sprinkles on cloud to pour Rao's body on the face, dye red her sight line.

Her eyes were calm, as if she had been used to such a bloody scene. She turned her head slightly and saw Li Yue standing in the same place with a hundred miles away, and said coldly, "go

Anyway, she doesn't live long. She can't escape a word of death even if she dies early or late. However, bailimao is different. He is the prince of a country and has a good life in the future. She has already avenged half of her revenge. She believes Gong Liuyu will help her with the rest.

Li Yue hesitated for a moment in his eyes, but finally he chose to turn his head and fly to the rear window.

Yun Qingrao saw that the hundred miles away from the safety, her eyes slowly flashed a reassuring color, she stood up, and then picked up the side of the table on the dagger hidden in the sleeve, the figure hidden behind the pillar.

She closed her eyes, used up the last bit of strength, and leaned here to die.

There was also a sound of bows and arrows shooting on the plank, and even more, it was shot directly at the post behind her through the barrier of doors and windows.

Every time that voice seems to hit the tip of a person's heart.

The sound of screams is endless, and her closed eyes tremble. She hugs her legs, even if she has figured out everything, but in this desperate situation, Yun Qingrao still feels a little helpless.

It felt terrible, like the way she had been alone in prison in her previous life.

The same despair, the same pain.

Suddenly, the door was kicked open. The room where the archers had stopped, dressed in black and armed with a long sword, burst into the room, killing the remaining people in the room without saying a word.

For a moment, a cut hand fell on the edge of the cloud.

She opened her eyes and took a look at the blood splashing on the ground. Her pupils shrank slightly.

It seems that she is really going to die this time.

The corner of the mouth slightly Yang Yang, palace Liuyu pour is really clever, in her dying before still took her good big advantage.

I just don't know what kind of mood he will feel after the woman who was gentle with him died suddenly two days ago.

Looking at those people's cruel killing techniques, Yun Qingrao guesses the identity of these people. After sweeping to the pattern marks on their wrists, she has already thought about them.

It was from the first floor.

The mind sank to the bottom of the valley, these people in pursuit of the target, but no matter how many innocent people around, they kill people like hemp, no distinction between good and evil.

Moreover, they were ferocious people. She did not think that these people would not kill the old, the weak and the disabled.

Now she is not only an old word, but also a weak and disabled person.

These people quickly disposed of the remaining living people in the room. The bodies of those people were thrown aside at random. Then a man in black soon found the cloud Qingrao hiding behind the pillar.

He came over warily with his sword.

Cloud Qingrao slightly squints his eyes, holding a handful of things in his hand, quietly waiting for the person to approach.

In an instant, the cold light stabbed at the back neck of the cloud Qingrao, but he didn't hide. He directly raised the things in his hands towards the back.

The man screamed, but originally waiting for the death of the cloud Qingrao, but did not feel the pain should come.

There was a huge knock on her wrist, which was going to kill her.

Yun Qingrao looked sideways and saw that the sword that was supposed to stab her fell on her side.

Then she saw a figure that was familiar to her.

Gong Liuyu stood at the door facing the sun, alone, holding a touch of silver light in his hand.

The white robe seems to cross a layer of light under the sun.

Originally exquisite peerless face at this time is full of thick cold color, that pair of slender peach blossom eyes are slightly squinting, death is intended to be one of the surging.

Yun Qingrao seems to be still in those eyes to see belongs to worry about the color, she does not know when the other party came, but obviously from his body some messy sleeves can see, Gong Liuyu to very urgent.

Almost, almost she died.

Yun Qingrao touched his neck, only felt that his life was picked up.

The man in black saw a meddlesome at the door. Five or six people in the room immediately picked up the weapons in their hands and directly fought with Gong Liuyu.

Cloud Qingrao, in front of a silver flash, ears are weapons across the air whine.

In her eyes, Gong Liuyu stood under the siege of six people. Her fingertips seemed to be dancing. The silver silk thread wrapped him layer by layer, with an indescribable beauty.

Cloud Qingrao for a time to see stupefied.

However, after watching for a while, she felt that something was wrong. During the usual fighting, Gong Liuyu was very skillful. He had excellent martial arts and deep internal power. Even if these people were first-class masters, they didn't have to be afraid.

Now, however, there was a noticeable stagnation between his movements.This little bit can't be found at ordinary times, but Nai He Yun's eyes have never left Gong Liuyu, and the winner or loser of the master's moves is between the two.

After all, Yun Qingrao has learned martial arts. Even if she can't use it, she knows it. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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