She stood up on the pillar and glanced at the bow and arrow dropped on the ground beside her, and her eyes flashed slightly.

Even if she couldn't go up and fight, she couldn't stand here and watch.

She hesitated for a moment, pinched her thin arms and legs, and directly picked up the bow and arrow on the ground.

No one has noticed a frail and frail woman who is exhausted. Everyone's eyes have been attracted by Gong Liuyu for a long time. Therefore, he adopts a kind of ignoring attitude towards Yun Qingrao, who doesn't matter whether he is dead or not.

She raised her eyebrows slightly. She saw a man's hand hidden behind her, as if she were groping for something. Then she hid herself among many fighting people and slowly approached Gong Liuyu.

Yun Qingrao used all her strength to pull out the bow string and directly aimed at the man in black. Although she had not touched the bow and arrow for a long time, she still had some habits before, so the bow and arrow flew very accurately.

When the man in black standing in front of Gong Liuyu heard the wind, it was obviously too late.

The strength of the bow and arrow is not big, but it still hurts when it is shot into the flesh. Yun Qingrao makes Gong Liuyu find the difference here in an instant.

The neck of the man in black was suddenly broken by a silver light.

The bright red liquid falls on Gong Liuyu's snow-white long-distance running, which makes people's amazing face even more monstrous.

Cloud Qingrao can't help but look at a daze, at this time, those people have obviously noticed her such a person.

At once someone took out a sword and tried to solve her problem.

Yunqingrao of course will not be silly enough to stand here motionless, turn to hide behind the pillar.

The battle over there is still going on, four people block Gong Liuyu's steps, do not let him come to rescue the plight of Yun Qingrao.

However, due to the lack of people, Gong Liuyu's situation is obviously much easier, but yunqingrao is not optimistic.

She gasped slightly, avoiding the sword that stabbed directly at her vital point, and then kept retreating.

However, the room was very small, and she could not find any place to hide. She was forced to a desperate situation just a few steps away.

The heart can't help mentioning her voice. Now, the mood of Yun Qingrao is very different from that just now. It was because there was no hope. But now Gong Liuyu has come to save her. Hope is in front of her. If she gives up now, it would be a pity.

There was a cold light in her eyes, and she kept thinking about ways to save her life.

Yun Qingrao clenches her teeth and feels a smell of blood spreading in her mouth. She widens her eyes and looks fearlessly to meet the opposite sword.

She was going to take the sword with her shoulder and give her a chance to poison it.

At this time, the pupil of cloud inclines enchanting suddenly contract.

She saw a figure suddenly in front of her eyes. The man stretched out his hand and directly grasped the long sword shining with cold light.

The scene was silent for a moment. The cloud Qingrao held her breath and looked at the sword tip which was bleeding continuously.

Gong Liuyu directly grasped the sharp blade with his flesh and blood. Even if Yun Qingrao didn't see his wound, he knew that it was absolutely painful.

"Gong Liuyu..."

Yun Qingrao's face was pale, and she didn't know what to say at this time. Her lips trembled slightly, watching him lift another hand, and directly broke the neck of the man in black with five fingers.

Blood dyed the white dress red, leaving mottled marks on it.

See for a long time, as if is blooming in the snow cherry blossom.

Hang the injured hand on the side of the body, Gong Liuyu strides to the front of yunqingrao, and lifts up her hair with another intact hand.

"Ah Yao, I'm sorry, I'm late!"

Yun Qingrao stood still. The bodies of the five people and those of the servants before were all displayed in the room, but she was not afraid.

In the heart has a kind of inexplicable feeling in breeding, she suddenly felt that she had a trace of dependence on the man in front of her.

Seeing Yun Qingrao for a long time, Gong Liuyu knew that she was still angry about what had happened that night. He was at a loss. He lowered his eyelashes for a while, and a surprising flurry flashed through the long and thin evil peach blossom eyes.

Yun Qingrao captured all the looks on his face, and the mood in his heart was a little deeper.

She suddenly felt a little aggrieved in her heart, not only what happened that night, but also his sudden disappearance these two days, all of which made Yun Qingrao's heart seem to be pressed on a heavy stone.

The corners of her mouth were sipping, and the luster of her eyes was getting darker and darker.

"Gong Liuyu, what's the use of saying these now? I haven't settled accounts with you for what you did to me two days ago."

Her words are obviously intended to vent her emotions. In fact, she was not angry at the moment when Gong Liuyu appeared earlier.

Before she could react, a pair of arms suddenly held her in his arms.

"Ah Yao, it's me. Don't be angry!"

The clear and comfortable voice was around the ears of Yun Qingrao. Yun Qingrao pressed his chin on his shoulder, and the whole person was held in his arms.This feeling, inexplicably let cloud Qingrao feel at ease, the heart is like a little rabbit, in the uneasy collision.

She closed her eyes and felt the warmth of the past, only to feel that the scars of her heart had been healed.

She did not expect that this high man could suddenly bow his head in front of her and admit his mistake.

Don't want to think about others, yunqingrao just want to stay in the arms that make her feel warm.

But all of a sudden, she felt Gong Liuyu's body could not help spasmodic.

She suddenly widened her eyes and saw a man in black who was lying on the ground. She didn't know when to get up and half kneel on the ground. Her sword directly stabbed Gong Liuyu's back.

Only because of the lack of strength of that person, they did not directly run through the person, but even so, her eyes seemed to be bright red rendering.

Without hesitation, she threw the bow and arrow in her sleeve at the man and stabbed him directly in the neck. The man's eyes widened and he fell to the ground on his back without any sound.

Yun Qingrao feels a sticky skirt. She holds Gong Liuyu's shoulder and raises her head. She sees a blood color spilling from the corners of her lips, but her eyes are still looking at her with divine color.

"Gong Liuyu Gong Liuyu, are you ok

Cloud Qingrao suddenly in the heart of a kind of as if something collapsed feeling, she bit the corner of her lips, holding his shoulder, feel that he gradually weak to fall down.

It was the first time for her to see the man who was planning everything so fragile that she seemed to die at any time. Her hands and feet were cold and her whole body was shaking gently. She tried to plug the wound on his body with her hand.

For the first time, she despised herself for not learning medicine well, and she was not in such a hurry as she is now.

"Gong Liuyu, hold on, don't sleep!"

Gong Liuyu is half sitting on the ground, supported by cloud Qingrao, leaning against the pillar beside her. She quickly picks up the sword beside her and cuts the clothes behind him. Then she takes out a medicine bottle from his clothes pocket.

After smelling the smell, Yun Qingrao is sure to be a golden sore medicine, so she can rest assured that the powder is sprinkled on the deep visible bone wound.

The white clothes on the back seem to be soaked with blood, and the original bright color gradually becomes deep in the air.

Yun Qingrao trembled her fingers, and constantly spread the powder evenly. She pulled off a piece of cloth from her skirt and simply bandaged the wound on his body.

"I'll take you to the doctor. You must hold on!"

Gong Liuyu did not speak, he moved the corner of his lips, as if to say something, but spit out a mouthful of blood.

Yun Qingrao saw the blood and was more anxious. She stood up quickly and put her back on Gong Liuyu, with one hand on his shoulder. Yun Qingrao staggered and pulled people up from the ground.

"I I'll take you to the doctor

She bit her teeth as if her mouth was full of the strong smell of blood.

The heart beat like thunder, the cloud inclines Rao, the forehead is all fine sweat bead, a hand falls in front of her, put on her shoulder.

Yun Qingrao swept the hand, and her pupils shrank in an instant. The hand dyed red by blood was hidden in the sleeve by Gong Liuyu, but she forgot it completely.

A sharp contraction of the heart, cloud tilt Rao for a time red eyes.

The scene when he held the sword just now seemed to be a mark on her heart.

Or the mark that will never be forgotten.

"My king is OK!"

The slightly soft voice in the ear rotation, cloud tilt Rao listen to in the ear, only feel the heart and a little more strength.

But now that she can't even walk, she has to carry a man who is covered with blood and is seriously injured. Obviously, it is a very strong challenge.

She was so tired that she almost fell to the ground with Gong Liuyu.

But Yun Qingrao didn't even dare to fall down. She was afraid that the wound that had just stopped a little blood would burst open.

"Don't talk!"

She said with a kind of command tone, but in her eyes there was unimaginable firmness. She half carried Gong Liuyu, step by step, very slowly toward the direction of the door.

Just out of the distance of more than 20 meters, cloud Qingrao's legs have begun to tremble, in front of the eyes began to bloom.

The body that has already been unable to bear, at such a critical time, seems to have reached the limit.

Every breath seemed to make her feel the pain in her throat. She wanted to lie on the ground now and never get up again.

But she can't, now the only action is only her one, Gong Liuyu lost so much blood, how can he take care of himself.

"Gong Liuyu, you What about the people around you? Why are you alone? "

Intermittently, she wanted to find a little hope in Gong Liuyu's mouth.

But although Gong Liuyu didn't speak, his look had told Yun Qingrao that he was alone.This answer makes people feel more or less hopeless. Yun Qingrao knows that she can only rely on herself now. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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