The steps are as heavy as lead, but Yun Qingrao doesn't know where his strength comes from. He directly carries Gong Liuyu from the small yard.

See not far away has not been affected by the carriage, cloud tilt Rao look a song, quickly will Gong Liuyu to the above.

She pulled the reins and drove the carriage in front of her.

Fortunately, this little thing can't help Yun Qingrao. Although she hasn't driven a car before, she's still a little rusty at the beginning, but soon she has mastered the rhythm and starts to run to the street in front of her.

Yun Qingrao was driving a carriage and looking back at the carriage, Gong Liuyu leaned against the carriage with her eyes closed, and she did not make a sound from the beginning to the end.

There was a slight frown on his face, and he looked very sad.

Seeing this appearance of Gong Liuyu, Yun Qingrao choked for a moment. She hastened the speed of the carriage and came to the biggest medicine hall in front of her all the way.

When she came down from the carriage with Gong Liuyu covered with blood on her back, she was shocked by the innkeeper. Those guys looked at Yun Qingrao and Gong Liuyu one by one, but none of them dared to step forward.

"Doctor, save people quickly, no matter how much money you can do!"

Yun Qingrao didn't talk nonsense. She said something about her future purpose and then pulled out a Zhu Chai from the top of her head.

Zhu Chai was worn by her from Prince Yu's residence, and its value is absolutely incalculable. There is no defective product in the house.

As soon as the discerning man saw Zhu Chai, he immediately knew that the two men were extraordinary, and they did not dare to stay. They asked the assistant to help Gong Liuyu into the next room. The doctor in the room immediately prepared the medicine box and followed him in.

Cloud Qing Rao eyes red, see Gong Liuyu was taken in, slightly show a smile, and then relieved.

"Girl, I think you are the one who should be treated first."

Cloud inclines Rao smell speech, turn a head to see that speak of shopkeeper, and then light answer: "is it?"

Her eyes have blurred, but can not fall, she is afraid that this time someone will come to her and Gong Liuyu's trouble.

And this is Maocheng. She doesn't even know anyone. If she is in a coma, she doesn't know that there are some kind people around.

So she can't fall.

With her eyes closed slightly, Yun Qingrao leaned on the side, found a chair to sit down, and then her eyes fell on the void, as if she was looking at something, as if she had not seen anything.

The shopkeeper saw that Yun Qingrao was totally indifferent to his image, and no longer advised him to go straight into the room.

Cloud Qingrao through the gap, see a touch of light and shadow, those doctors in Gong Liuyu re examination of the wound, bandage the wound.

Seeing a doctor come out from inside, Yun Qingrao quickly asks, "how is he doing?"

"Who is the young man in there?"

Cloud Qing Rao see this person net like to ask some unnecessary, in the heart some impatient, but she still said: "I am his wife!"

On hearing Yun Qingrao say this, she brought the man herself. The man politely said in a soft voice: "this man's internal breathing is disordered. He has suffered serious internal injury for a long time, but it seems that the trauma is not so important. Moreover, his hand is caused by a sharp blade. If he is not lucky, he will be almost useless."

Hearing this, Yun Qingrao legs a soft, directly sat in the position.

She opened her lips slightly, but she didn't know what to say.

However, before she asked, the man continued: "the trauma is nothing, but we can't do anything about the internal injury. Please ask the girl to ask for another expert. The situation is stable for the time being. When you go back, you must let your husband take good care of yourself. Don't use military force casually!"

Yun Qingrao came to the largest pharmacy in Maocheng. She also knew that there were so many martial arts practitioners in Maocheng. Even these doctors were practitioners.

She nodded slightly, and her face was a little dignified: "we just ran into a robber by accident, so we are in such a mess. But the doctor can rest assured that the money that should be given will not be less, as long as you can cure his injury!"

In fact, she didn't take much money with her, but she couldn't hold the palace.

She had touched him just now, but she had found a lot of silver notes.

Moreover, the jade pendant that had been lost by him did not know when it would return to him again.

Her eyes flashed, deliberately took out the jade pendant and hid it in her sleeve.

"Girl, this silver is secondary. I know that my wife's family background is extraordinary, but I really can't do anything about it. His heart is empty and it's caused by being possessed by demons. It has nothing to do with trauma."


Cloud Qingrao slightly frowns, can not help but drop the eyes.

She sat in her seat and meditated for a while, thinking carefully about the state of her obsession.

Although her predecessor practiced martial arts, she was not so profound. She only had some basic concepts about being possessed by devils.The reversion of internal breathing of martial arts practitioners will cause great changes in temperament and blockage of meridians. Some people will die suddenly if they can't handle it properly.

If Gong Liuyu's situation is really because he was possessed by demons while practicing martial arts, his luck is really good.

"How long has it been?"

Cloud Qing Rao murmured to ask a, also don't understand at this time what in the heart, she just suddenly thought of a thing, suddenly want to ask just.

"It should be these two days!"

The cloud inclines Rao heart to tremble, open big eye son.

If it's these two days, then that night Is Gong Liuyu crazy?

The more you think about it, the more you think about it, the more you think about it, the more likely it is.

It turns out that she is not indifferent after all, if it is, then it is excusable. Because Gong Liuyu is not the kind of person who will not restrain himself, he can not destroy any of his plans.

What's more, she had never heard of Gong Liuyu's infatuation with women and lust before.

"Can I go in and see him?"

Her life today is completely picked up, those people on the first floor are obviously murderous demons, meeting them is a nightmare.

Although I don't know what's going on with bailimao, she has already given me a way to detoxify it. In addition, Li Yue's protection around him should not be a big deal.

What she worries most is Gong Liuyu.

The old man said that, in fact, she had a little spectrum in her heart, after all, she had already given Gong Liuyu pulse.

She opened the curtain and walked into the room. There were still a lot of medicinal herbs in the room. She sat by the bedside without any resentment. She looked at her clothes and clothes. She lay quietly on the bed with her eyes closed. She seemed to have no pain at all.

His face was pale because of the blood loss, and the cloud Qingrao stretched out his fingers, constantly depicting the outline of his cheek.

This person is really very good-looking, is that kind of let a person see, feel very amazing kind.

The slender eyebrows and eyes are not small. When they open, they flash deep and bright light, as if they want to absorb people's souls.

Don't know when, this face has left a deeper trace in the heart of the cloud, as if everything else is not important.

She now knows that there is a person who can control all her joys and sorrows. When she sees this person laughing, she wants to laugh. When she sees this person suffering, she is in a bad mood.

"Gong Liuyu, sometimes I really don't know what to do with you. Besides, are you sincere to me, or is it just a shadow of someone you have known before?"

Cloud Qingrao can't guess, sometimes want to let themselves muddle down, sometimes also understand the terrible.

She hated herself for being too clear and remembering.

Because she remembers many things clearly, but she doesn't remember when she saw the jade pendant or when she saw him as a child.

But those are not important, she can be sure that today this person has let her thoroughly moved heart.

She's not the kind of person who knows what she wants, but still can't hide it. If she has something she wants, she will try her best.

No matter how many tribulations ahead, she does not bump into the south wall and does not turn back.

Now, she wanted the person in front of her, and wanted to be with him while she was still alive.

She's got her life back today, so he'll be responsible for her later life.

"All right."

She drooped her eyes, the light in her eyes was dim: "Gong Liuyu, you win, even if you drive me away, I'm afraid I won't go!"

She reluctantly hooked the corner of her lips, but when she raised her eyes, her long eyelashes trembled slightly.

Cloud tilt Rao low head, gently, with their own some cold lips, fell on his lips.

This kiss is very shallow, shallow people are not easy to detect, but lying in bed Gong Liuyu seems to have some feelings, eyelids can not help jumping.

This jump, however, is the cloud Qingrao scared.

She quickly restrained her look and thought Gong Liuyu was about to wake up.

Thinking that he was caught, Yun Qingrao is relieved to see Gong Liuyu still sleeping.

Eyelids a burst of heavy, cloud Qingrao will put the hand in the heart of Gong Liuyu's intact hand, unconsciously lying on his bedside and asleep.

Soon after she closed her eyes, there was a sudden movement under the calm eyelids of the people in the bed. The slender peach blossom eyes opened slowly, and her sight fell on the body of the cloud Qingrao, and then seemed to gaze at something.

The black eyes are clearly visible, cloud Qingrao completely do not know, but holding her hand that big hand, but also forced a few minutes.

Gong Liuyu wakes up, but doesn't want to wake up.

His eyes some greedy looking at the woman in front of him, gradually, more than a little smile.

Sleeping cloud Qingrao completely convergence of the edges and corners of the body, Gong Liuyu strong support body half sat up, and then gently helped her to the bed, pulled over the side of the quilt.His eyes are full of satisfaction. He takes a look at his injured hand and puts it on Yun Qingrao's shoulder. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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