The sky soon darkened, and the moon was hidden in the mist. Suddenly, there was a touch of black shadow in the silent medicine hall.


The voice was very low, but it was very clear in the quiet room.

Gong Liuyu opened his eyes in the dark, looked at the cloud Qingrao lying beside him, and made a gesture to Gong Cheng kneeling on the ground.

Palace Cheng receives a signal, immediately did not make a sound.

Yun Qingrao frowned, turned over in anger, and then continued to pull the quilt to sleep.

She is really tired, so many days did not sleep a stable sleep, coupled with the hard work all the way, has completely overdrawn all the physical strength of Yun Qingrao.

In fact, even if they speak normally, Yun Qingrao can't wake up and won't hear them.

Gong Liuyu coughed heavily, but it seemed that he was afraid to disturb the sleeping of cloud Qingrao. He gently waved his hand to Gong Cheng: "go outside and say it!"

Gong Cheng follows after Gong Liuyu, with a look of worry in her eyes.

But he still said nothing.

Standing outside the door, Gong Cheng slightly lowered her eyes and reported to Gong Liuyu: "Lord, those subordinates of Moya have ordered people to deal with it!"

Gong Liuyu frowned, smelled speech and nodded: "can you check the latest trend of the first floor?"

"Yes, but nothing has happened!"

"But I heard that they were going to kill a hundred miles away!"

Gong Liuyu raised his chin slightly, and a faint chill flashed through his eyes.

Gong Cheng still hung his head, and his tone was filled with a bit of guilt: "my subordinates are incompetent. I can't find out anything else. This time, I'm late, and I'm seriously injured."

Gong Liuyu gently smile, slightly droops the eye son, looked at oneself is bandaged good hand.

He suddenly opened his mouth and said, "this little injury is nothing. I don't feel any pain."

As soon as hearing Gong Liuyu open his mouth to say "no pain", Gong Cheng's eyebrows and eyes lightly jumped, and then dropped the canthus of his eyes.

"Lord, this may be a good thing."

Good things, where there are good things!

Gong Cheng's drooping eyes flashed through a dark color, only felt that the heart slightly trembled for a moment.

He knew about it. Five years ago, Gong Liuyu disappeared for a period of time, and after he came back, he became like this.

No pain.

But what happened, Gong Cheng secretly inquired, but nothing.

No one knows what happened to Gong Liuyu in those months when he left, and what treatment he received.

Anyway, as long as you touch a little bit, you will make Gong Liuyu angry, so Gong Cheng doesn't dare to think deeply.

"Well, it's a good thing indeed!"

Gong Liuyu did not say anything more in this matter, but closed his eyes and put his hands behind him.

Because I can't feel the pain, now it doesn't affect Gong Liuyu's action.

He gently lifted up the luster in his eyes, and his lips overflowed with a faint evil smile. He slowly opened his mouth and said, "I asked you to arrange people to protect ah Yao's safety, but how did you do it?"

At the mention of this, a faint fear flashed in Gong Cheng's eyes: "please punish the prince. It's because of the bad teaching from his subordinates that the princess is in danger, but..."

Gong Cheng raised his head and looked at Gong Liuyu's direction: "the king was possessed by the devil because of poisoning. Now he should be still recuperating. How could he suddenly appear in Maocheng?"

Hearing Gong Cheng's question, Gong Liuyu turned his head and looked at him deeply: "if this king doesn't come, isn't it the princess's body that you see?"

In the face of Gong Liuyu's question, Gong Cheng was speechless: "what the LORD said is!"

Gong Liuyu faint cold hum a: "go back to oneself to receive punishment!"

What's the punishment? Gong Cheng understood in his heart of course. He didn't say anything and answered directly.

Gong Liuyu raised his hand slightly and blocked his lips.

Bursts of coughing sound came, in the dark, Gong Cheng raised his head to see the snow-white cloth towel wrapped in Gong Liuyu's left hand had been dyed with bright red.

Seeing this situation, Gong Cheng quickly stood up and took out a medicine bottle from his arms: "Lord, this is the medicine to suppress internal injury!"

Gong Liuyu took the medicine bottle in her hand and wiped her lips gracefully. There was no expression on her face.

Gong Cheng droops her eyes and looks worried.

"Lord, your internal injury is serious again!"

"No harm!"

Gong Liuyu looks light, as if he doesn't care about his body.

Seeing his appearance, Gong Cheng didn't know what to say. He lowered his eyes slightly and sent the envelope in his sleeve to Gong Liuyu.

"The other thing the Lord asked his subordinates to investigate was written in the envelope. His subordinates would take people nearby to protect the king's safety. You can rest assured!"Gong Liuyu said, let Gong Cheng retreat.

He stood alone with the envelope, not even noticing the bleeding from the wound on his back.

Gong Cheng has no choice but to sigh, but can only quietly hide in the dark, secretly observing the movement of this side.

Gong Liuyu unfolded the envelope and looked at the neat words on it. The color of his eyes was a little bit deep.

It's all about Lin Qingyao's mother, Aunt Liu.

After all, Gong Liuyu is very concerned about the identity of Aunt Liu. She is now Lin Qingyao's mother-in-law. Anyway, Yun Qingrao also occupied Lin Qingyao's shell to survive.

Therefore, Lin Qingyao's share of the responsibility, she has to bear down together.

Gong Liuyu narrowed her eyes. She didn't expect that Aunt Liu, who looked very good at talking and looked like an old man, was still living in the palace on cloud.

That place is still fresh in his memory. It is not a good place to go.

Gong Liuyu pinched the envelope in his hand, and the blood dyed the white letter paper red. There was a bit of cold color in his eyes.

The cold moonlight fell on his side face, Gong Liuyu slightly drooped his eyes, directly smashed the envelope.

The sky was bright, and Yun Qingrao barely opened her eyes and rubbed her painful forehead. As soon as she opened her eyes, she saw herself lying on the bed.

She looked around with wide eyes and felt the arms across her waist. Her mind was in a state of confusion.

When she went to bed, she couldn't remember clearly, but she didn't dare to take his hand down. Seeing the wound on the hand, Yun Qingrao could not bear to see it.

She thought for a moment and put her hand very gently on his wrist.

She this move, a moment to feel lying on the bed of Gong Liuyu also wake up.

She turned her head and went directly to the eyes that had been opened by Gong Liuyu.

The cloud inclines Rao heart to jump, hastily side opens the body, tidies up the skirt.

"You're awake!" she said

Gong Liuyu didn't speak, but he just hooked his lips.

That slightly pale face a touch of pity on the color, cloud tilt Rao the first time to see such a fragile palace Liuyu.

But this kind of him, but let people have a kind of close feeling.

She slightly coagulates the eye son, looks at that pair of dark and deep eyes, that eye son is like hiding to receive the vast ocean.

Cloud Qingrao only feel a little dry throat.

"Cough..." She can't help but want to use the voice to attract Gong Liuyu's attention, to cover up the embarrassment that she just lost her mind, while the other side is lying beside the bed, one hand supporting his chin, looking at her leisurely.

That look in the eyes, dark pupil, as if at the moment only cloud Qingrao a person's shadow.

"When did you wake up, I..." She wanted to ask when she ran to bed, and Gong Liuyu was very understanding of the opening explanation: "maybe you were too cold in the middle of the night, so you went directly into my arms!"

Yun Qingrao opened her lips slightly and looked at Gong Liuyu. She was not joking at all. If her face was not logical, I would have believed what he said.

This bed is so high, how could she sleep on her own and climb up. And when she opens her eyes, the other party can hold her tightly.

Cloud Qing Rao deliberately sink face, "how to take advantage of is not enough?"

Gong Liuyu's eyes finally began to surge up some smile, that indifferent look, but he just came to take a leisurely holiday, not seriously injured or even bedridden.

"Of course not enough!"

Gong Liuyu took her words, and then slightly Ning Mei said a word, and then wanted to sit up.

Seeing his action, Yun Qingrao quickly pressed his shoulder: "no, you're not hurt yet. You can't get out of bed casually. Lie down from here and tell me what you want!"

The cloud is inclined to enchant, the atmosphere of a face is cool, the eye ground takes a bit of resolute meaning.

Seeing the performance of Yun Qingrao, Gong Liuyu was very satisfied, but

"Well, what should I do if I want to go to the cottage?"

“……” Yun Qingrao was speechless and silent.

Two people stare with big eyes and small eyes for a long time. Gong Liuyu sighs gently and puts his legs down from the bed.

Cloud Qing Rao to is this just to react to come over, hastily open a mouth: "I look for someone to help!"

"No, I can do it by myself."

Yun Qingrao slightly frowned, and saw that Gong Liuyu insisted on going by himself, so he sighed.

"Forget it, I'll help you go!"

Gong Liuyu's eyes flashed a successful smile, along the way was cloud Qingrao from the room to help out, but also no more difficult for her.

Yun Qingrao is standing at the gate of the backyard. After all, Gong Liuyu is seriously injured, and it is all because of her. Her guilt lingers in her heart.Mixed with this guilt, there are some different emotions.

She stood at the door and circled the ground with her feet.

Then there was a loud noise coming from the door.

Her face turned pale for a moment, and then stopped the action under her feet. She held the door with one hand, opened the door quickly, and looked at the place where there was movement.

Then, she saw not far away the courtyard wall, do not know when the collapse, splashed a piece of dust.

The backyard is somewhat old and looks like some years old. Yunqingrao doesn't care what it is and breaks into it directly. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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