Not far away was the cottage, very close to the wall.

A few men do not know when to walk out from the back, a see cloud Qingrao appeared also stunned, and then quickly lowered his head to cover his face from the side ran past.

Yun Qingrao's move is obviously regarded as neuropathy.

But she didn't have the heart to think about these people. Her eyes fell around and searched for Gong Liuyu's figure. For a time, she regretted that she had not followed Gong Liuyu together.

She is too careless. Gong Liuyu is a patient now. How can she still care about so many things? If there is no one around to take care of him, the consequences can't be imagined.

Suddenly, a figure appeared in her eyes, the snow-white shadow let her heart fall to the ground.

"Gong Liuyu!"

She called in a low voice, and then carried the skirt to run quickly in the past, see Gong Liuyu is closed eyes, not far from the wall.

"Why do you come here? Is the wound hurt again? Come back with me!"

Gong Liuyu opened his eyes and saw the cloud Qingrao appeared. His eyes narrowed slightly. Under the sunshine, the slender peach blossom eyes cast a shallow shadow on the eyelids.

"Ah Yao, go

Cloud Qing Rao slightly a Leng, a look back of Kung Fu, feel a burst of strong wind to fly to her.

She did not react to come over, was gong Liuyu caught the wrist, directly pulled into the arms.

Gong Liuyu's arms are very warm, so that the cloud Qingrao, heart slightly loose, ear heard a bang crisp sound, like something nailed in the wall.

She wanted to turn back, but was held down by Gong Liuyu: "Gong Cheng has brought people, don't be afraid!"

That cold voice with a little comforting taste, let the cloud pour Rao originally raised the heart to fall instantly.

She looked through the gap and saw several figures not far away interweaved together, and the sound of fighting kept coming.

Yun Qingrao pursed her lips and tightened her face: "who are they? Do they want to hurt you?"

Gong Liuyu's face was very cold, which made people feel terrible: "ah Yao, the people in the palace on the cloud have already guessed some, I'm afraid they won't let everyone in Yuqin's palace pass away!"

Yun Qingrao was surprised, in this moment also understand the identity of these people who are chasing them.

Her eyes were a little chilly, she bit her lip and said, "is it my fault? If I don't write the list, I won't be found out! "

Her tone is full of chagrin, not finished, but Gong Liuyu covered his lips: "it's none of your business, this matter will be found sooner or later!"

Yun Qingrao smell speech, but did not get a little comfort: "but at least at that time you can do some preparation, not as passive as now!"

When Gong Liuyu saw her full of worry, she immediately raised her lips and laughed: "that's wrong. When should I wait for others to come and make preparations?"

She looked up and saw again in those eyes a thick, reassuring confidence.

He took her hand and made a slight effort: "come with the king!"

Yun Qingrao was pulled by a slight force and went to the front yard. She glanced at the injured hand falling on the side of Gong Liuyu's body. She was not very happy.

I'm afraid even if the hand is good, it will leave a scar on it.

Such a perfect jade hand appeared such a big flaw, really let people feel regret in the heart.

She stupidly stares on that hand for a long time, Gong Liuyu's footstep just stops.

Yun Qingrao suddenly raised his head, looked at the other side slightly pale face, and sweat on the forehead, finally did not forget that the man was injured.

But yesterday's wound just bandaged up, ordinary people now lie in bed can't get up, isn't Gong Liuyu not painful?

No way. The sweat on his forehead must be because of the pain.

Yun Qingrao thought of here, suddenly holding his wrist with his backhand, "you still have injuries, how can you walk around like this!"

Gong Liuyu took her and sent her to a room: "hide here, if I don't come to you, you don't go anywhere!"

"And you?" Yun Qingrao looked up at his eyes. There was too deep emotion in those eyes, which made her a little confused.

Gong Liuyu was standing in the shadow. It was only yesterday that he suffered such a serious injury. But now he is standing outside with a straight posture and his new robe is like nothing.

He saw Yun Qingrao standing at the door saying nothing and refused to go in. He opened his mouth softly: "listen to my husband's words and hide them!"

He will be the husband of the two words said very naturally, so that Yun Qingrao moved the corners of his lips, but even retort words can not be said.

Her ear root is slightly a little red, but the color in the eyes is resolute: "you don't want to die?"

Gong Liuyu was stunned: "of course, it's not easy to let a Yao have a little thought about this king. How can I be willing to let you be widowed?"She picked eyebrows and saw the faint joy in Gong Liuyu's eyes.

She instantly understood that the other party had heard what she said in his ear yesterday.

A blank mind, cloud Qingrao's mind instantly upset up, as if someone had found the heart of the deepest secret.

"You You heard it

Gong Liuyu deliberately approached Yun Qingrao for a few minutes, then lowered her voice and whispered in her ear: "of course, I know what the princess loves about this king!"

At the moment of leaving, the thin lip touched the ear root of cloud Qingrao. However, she did not wait for her reaction. She felt numb all over.

She widened her eyes, and a color of amazement flashed through her eyes.

She can't move standing in place, looking at Gong Liuyu directly pick her up, put on the bed.

"When Ben Wang comes back!"

She tried to stop, but found that she had no way to speak.

Gong Liuyu wants to do what, no one can stop, his decision, even if it is nine cattle also can not pull back.

Yun Qingrao flashed an angry color in the bottom of her eyes, staring at Gong Liuyu's eyes fiercely. Her eyes were full of anger.

She did like him and began to worry that he cared about his life and death, but he just kept her out.

Even such an important and dangerous thing, she is not involved.

She is not so weak at all. She just wants to stand side by side with him. She doesn't want to be his accessory. She can only see the vase at home.

With such a thought, Yun Qingrao can't help spilling out a touch of grievance, she Na Na's lying on the bed, looking at the Gong Liuyu's more and more distant shadow.

"I will be back soon. Ah Yao will stay here and wait for him!"

Palace Liuyu account finished, drooping eyes will shut the door, and then this stood outside the door of a few hands nodded.

Several dark guards in black immediately understood the meaning of Gong Liuyu, and then hid in the dark, so that no one could see them. They kept guarding the people in the room.

As soon as he went out, he ran directly to the restaurant not far from the opposite side of the street. He stopped slightly and felt that someone was following him.

The man's method of tracking was not very good, as if he was deliberately divulging breath.

Back feel some read you, Gong Liuyu eyes deepen, at this time, the wound even opened.

He ignored the stalker and went straight to the second floor box of the restaurant.

He leaned back on the chair and fiddled with the celadon cup on the table.

Without a moment's effort, a light sound came from the door. The people outside did not even knock on the door, but pushed it open.

The man was dressed in black, with a smile on his face. The black folding fan swung back and forth in the man's hand, looking at ease.

Mo Ya saw sitting in the room, alone Gong Liuyu, instantly revealed a calm smile, and then directly sat on the chair opposite Gong Liuyu.

The chair, like Gong Liuyu, had already prepared for him.

After the two guards to protect his safety were sent away, Mo Ya looked at the corner of his lips slightly pale Gong Liuyu, gently hook the lip corner: "this little Lord sent you this news is worth?"

Gong Liuyu slightly narrowed his eyes, the pair of deep eyes immersed in like how can not melt the ice.

"Thank you for your kindness

"It's just that I didn't expect that you should make yourself so embarrassed. Is it worth it for a woman? It's not like that omnipotent Gong Liuyu!"

He grinned with evil spirit, and then covered his smiling lips with a fan: "I'm really sorry. I didn't expect to disturb Prince Yu's martial arts practice, which made Prince Yu crazy. It's really my fault!"

Hearing this, Gong Liuyu's eyes were calm, looking at his eyes, or as if looking at a dead man.

He didn't answer Mo Ya's meaningless words, even when the man appeared at the key point of cultivating his martial arts and told him the news of Yun Qingrao.

Otherwise, he really did not expect that cloud Qingrao would come all the way to find a hundred miles away.

He is not angry at all, but also thanks to Moya for giving him this opportunity to break through the shackles.

Thinking of this, Gong Liuyu's eyebrows and eyes relaxed a little, drooping her eyes and drinking tea calmly.

Mo Ya grasps fan's hand slightly tightens, looks at Palace Liuyu's eyes also many a minute dark.

"Why, they are all dying now, and have nothing to say to this young master?"

In his tone of voice, there was an air of satisfaction, as if he had defeated the one he valued most.

No one knows that Mo Ya and Gong Liuyu are enemies from small to big.

"Who said the king was going to die?"

He raised the corners of his lips, and the expression in his peach blossom eyes was extremely bright. A bad premonition was surging in the heart of Mo ya.

He suddenly stood up, his eyes fell on Gong Liuyu's body, slightly coagulated his eyes, and swept his black palms."You..."

Gong Liuyu lowered his eyebrows and eyes, and still sat motionless in his original position. He did not intend to open his mouth: "those who hurt this king will leave without paying a little price. Is it possible?"

He raised his head, the corners of his eyes and eyebrows are shallow smile, that smile is like a spring breeze, but cold and piercing.

"Good, good, Gong Liuyu. I didn't expect you to be so mean and dare to poison the young master!"

"You don't need a gentleman to treat a mean person!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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