Gong Liuyu stood up. On the contrary of his pale face, there was a deeper color in his dark eyes.

For a moment, Mo Ya feels very dangerous.

He retreated abruptly, stood at the door and drank in a low voice, "come on

But there was no response to the order.

Gong Liuyu slightly lowered her eyes, and a faint sneer crossed her eyes: "no one can save you!"

This kind of Gong Liuyu makes Mo ya feel very dangerous. His eyes flashed and he suddenly laughed: "don't think this young master doesn't know where your princess Yu is hiding. Now she has fallen into my hands. Don't take out the antidote quickly!"

"When did I fall into your hands? How can I not know?"

A woman's smile came from the door, Mo Ya stare big eyes, looking at the opposite smile Yin into the cloud Qingrao.

He showed a little surprised color, and then looked at her a little puzzled.

"You Why are you suddenly here? "

Yun Qingrao saw Mo Ya's calm face. At this time, there was a flustered look, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help but tick off.

She walked to Gong Liuyu and frowned fiercely, pressing his arm to let him sit on the position to rest.

"You sit here and don't move

Yun Qingrao lowered her voice and said in Gong Liuyu's ear. Then she raised her lips and showed a strange smile: "this matter, I'll settle with you later!"

While talking, she turned to look at the direction of Mo ya. The palm of Mo Ya was dark. That's exactly because she sent a poison to Gong Liuyu.

This kind of poison can be poisoned as long as there is a small wound on the hand, and the situation is obvious, but it is not easy to be detected.

It's colorless and tasteless. It's absolutely necessary for people to attack.

She raised her head and looked at the icy face of Mo ya, which seemed to turn into ice. She stood in front of Gong Liuyu and gently picked her eyebrows: "Mo ya, now you are a turtle in a jar. You'd better cooperate with me!"

She slightly raised the corners of her lips, the speed is not urgent, anyway, the poisoned person is not her, she also need not worry.

As for not killing Moya, it is because Mo Ya has two other medicinal materials that can detoxify Gong Liuyu.

Zihancao, Yanyang Longshen, yunzhonghua These three kinds of drug guides complement each other. If you can get them all, they can not only remove all the internal injuries in Gong Liuyu's body, but also improve his martial arts.

Now zihancao already has, the other two fastest way to get is to use Moya to exchange with yunshanggong.

I believe that the master of yunshang palace will not ignore his son's life because of the two herbs.

Mo Ya was cloud Qing Rao that seems to see the goods in the eyes startled.

He knew that he had no way to escape now, and changed his face in an instant: "Gong Liuyu, do you know that if you catch me, you will be hunted by the palace on cloud?"

Gong Liuyu did not speak, as if tired, but also as unwilling to answer Mo Ya this kind of no brain question.

Yun Qingrao saw him to now or a look that can't see the facts, and instantly laughed: "even if we don't kill you, we still want to be hunted by the palace on cloud?"


Yun Qingrao said, let Mo Ya speechless, because she said right, Gong Liuyu and her, have been in the death list of the palace on the cloud.

For a moment, Mo Ya didn't know how to open his mouth. He took a look at his dark palm and covered half of his face with the fan.

Mo Ya is mo ya, just flustered for a while and then returned to his usual look. Seeing this scene, he was very aware of the current situation and sat on the chair behind him.

"What are you going to do with me, then?"

Yun Qingrao touched his chin, as if thinking about it.

Gong Liuyu's closed eyes suddenly opened slowly, and then he said faintly, "it's all picked up and hung on the street!"

Yun Qingrao stopped and nodded with satisfaction: "this is good!"

Mo ya: "it's just

This sounds like a joke, but only Mo Ya knows that Gong Liuyu can do anything.

If he is really treated like this, according to his father's temperament, he, the young master who has lost his face in the palace, will have to die to apologize.

A layer of cold sweat suddenly appeared on the forehead of Mo ya, and the hand holding the fan tightened.

These two people are just like demons: "Shi can be killed but not humiliated. Gong Liuyu, I know what you want. Since it's a deal, let's have a good discussion. You can let me go safely and give me the antidote, and I will give you what you want naturally."

Yun Qingrao sat opposite him with a smile. The smile was elegant and dignified: "is this a joke, sir?"

She slightly raised the corners of her lips, but her eyes were permeated with a strong cold color: "Mo ya, I'm threatening you, Gong Cheng, take him down and clean up well, don't kill me!"

She took a glance at Gong Liuyu and saw that Gong Liuyu didn't stop her. The smile in her eyes was deeper.Gong Cheng pushes open the door of the room and walks in with people from outside. Mo Ya's eyes are slightly cold, looking around at the direction of escape.

He slightly frowned, secretly under the feet of force, directly in the right foot will come to the position close to the cloud Qingrao, as long as you take her down, he can still walk out here safely today.

Cloud inclines Rao to even dodge the action to have not, slightly hangs the eye son to look at own hand back.

That posture, arrogant and confident to a kind of people feel terrible degree.

Mo ya body suddenly stiff in place, he suddenly, as if lost all strength.

"Moya, do you think I will be cheated again?"

Palace Cheng brings two men, directly one person grasps Mo Ya an arm, the person just gave to lift up.

Mo Ya couldn't say a word. His robe was stained with soil stains and looked in a mess.

Cloud inclines Rao to look at when Mo Ya leaves that cold eyes, the corner of the mouth involuntarily hook up.

She believes that Gong Cheng and others will broadband him well. She doesn't have to worry about this at all. Moreover, she and Gong Liuyu can have a good rest these two days. The people in the palace in cloud dare not come to their trouble at this critical moment.

After all, Moya is the young master of the cloud palace, and they have to think about his life.

Slightly relieved, Yun Qingrao sat on the chair beside her, and felt dizzy in front of her.

She turned her head, and her eyes fell on the pale face of Gong Liuyu, and her eyes became more and more angry.

"How can people like Moya have any kindness? You can believe what he says!"

She was angry and angry in her heart, but a warm feeling spread slowly in her heart.

She knew, also heard, because before Gong Liuyu left, let his men move her quietly to here.

However, Gong Liuyu, who was questioned by her, didn't even lift her eyelids. She said calmly: "I don't feel at ease about your business!"

Yun Qingrao's heart seems to be hit hard by something.

The position of her chest was stuffy, and she could not breathe.

"You What a fool you are

In the end, she only said these words, and her drooping eyelashes trembled slightly.

Gong Liuyu opened her long and thin peach blossom eyes and fell on her: "but the result is good, isn't it?"

The result?

She didn't see it anywhere.

"No, you almost died. Do you know?"

Although Yun Qingrao has some anger on her face, she still sits beside Gong Liuyu. She gently grabs his injured hand, and her eyes are slightly red.

However, Gong Liuyu was still smiling: "but it's worth it. At least you can understand the king's intention."

Cloud inclines Rao to hang down the head, cover up some hot face.

"What's the matter with you? The wound is bleeding again. You really don't take yourself seriously!"

Cloud Qing Rao chants, but still will be his hands on the cloth strip, re medication.

Gong Liuyu looked at her movement quietly. Neither of them spoke, but now the air around him became quiet and ambiguous.

A hand fell on Yun Qingrao's wrist and caught her buttoned hand.

"Ah Yao, that jade pendant..."

Gong Liuyu was stunned, and the color in his eyes had a flickering brilliance.

Yun Qingrao has never seen the appearance of Gong Liuyu. She vaguely feels that he really has something to say.

"Five years ago, in Fengcheng, I met a man with a human skin mask!"

"Human skin mask?"

Cloud Qing Rao slightly pick eyebrows, looking at Palace Yu serious eyes.

She trembled slightly in her heart and knew that Gong Liuyu was the source of the jade pendant.

"Gong Liuyu, since that man is wearing a human skin mask, he certainly does not want you to recognize it. Have you misunderstood that person is me? But I really haven't been to Fengcheng. Don't tell me that you have always recognized the wrong person. Don't forget that I told you clearly already! "

See cloud incline Rao face serious, tone some moving, Gong Liuyu gently droops eyes to smile.

"Yun Qingrao, is there a birthmark on the back of your original body?"

Yun Qingrao's face turned white, looking at his eyes more strange.

Gong Liuyu coughed, covered up the embarrassment on the face, and then calmly described a time: "is the shape of peach blossom!"

He suddenly stretched out a good hand and ordered a position behind the cloud.

"Right here!"

Cloud Qingrao's eyes instantly deepened a few minutes, almost some gnashing teeth at Gong Liuyu, and then slapped his head in the past.

"You color, wolf!"

Gong Liuyu seemed to have seen through her next move. The hand was taken down from her back and caught her flying hand. Then she looked at her with a serious look: "that's right!"From Yun Qingrao's reaction, Gong Liuyu has confirmed this matter.

Yun Qingrao's face was blue and white. She bit her lip slightly and took back her hand for his sake.

"Come on, how many times have you sneaked into the palace and peeped at me?"

Gong Liuyu drooped her eyes and thought for a moment: "it's not much, it's only a dozen times!"

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