More than ten times Not much!

Yun Qingrao suddenly has an impulse to dig out his eyes.

"Besides, you've seen it all over your body!"

If the words were said in the ordinary people, it would definitely have a lewd taste, but from Gong Liuyu's mouth, mixed with the cold and thorough voice, it was with indescribable self-control and seriousness.

Yun Qingrao only feels angry as if it is full of chest, but there is no place to vent for a time.

She had not forgotten that the man in front of her was actually a wounded man, though there seemed to be no problem.

"Gong Liuyu, if you say that again, I will..."

Gong Liuyu picks eyebrows and looks at her with a bit of curiosity.

Yun Qingrao was impatient and made a vicious threat: "I'll sew your mouth with thread!"

Gong Liuyu seems to be angry with her, but she is helpless to please.

"It depends on whether you can do it or not."

Yun Qingrao directly stretched out his hand, covered in the mouth of Gong Liuyu, and then looked at him triumphantly.

Gong Liuyu said:

"You can't talk, anyway!"

Cloud Qing Rao just said, but feel their palms suddenly itch, also with a little greasy feeling.

She was scared and quickly took back her hand and saw a little water stain in the palm of her hand.

I can't believe her eyes.

But see the other side leaning on the chair, a face with a smile looking at her, lips also with a bit suspicious ruddy.

Don't look, yunqingrao all know what is the thing that just secretly licked her palm.

Looking at that kind of warm, ambiguous smile, cloud Qingrao, the corner of his mouth was stiff, and he quickly stepped back.

She coughed and tried to turn the topic back: "go on, what's going on? Why don't I have any impression of the jade pendant?"

Gong Liuyu seemed to be thinking about something and hesitated slightly: "although I don't know why you don't remember, I can be sure that person is you!"

Yun Qingrao thought of this, there is also an impulse to bite teeth, she forced to endure doubt to look at Gong Liuyu: "you mean to say, you have seen that woman's body?"

Gong Liuyu slightly pause, choose to avoid and do not answer.

Yun Qingrao instantly laughed: "it seems that I'm right, but forget it, after all, it's all happened before, but five years ago, I haven't been to Fengcheng, and I haven't seen you!"

She said very firmly, there was no trance in her eyes, but there was a little loss.

She still wants that person to be her.

Yun Qingrao turned over his head and bit his teeth: "Gong Liuyu, let's make it clear that I really like you. I admit that, but I don't understand what you feel about me. If you are just looking for the shadow of that person five years ago, if it's not me, how would you choose?"

Gong Liuyu smelled the speech and hesitated a little.

See this a little hesitation, cloud inclines Rao to drop the eye son, feel a disappointment mood in the heart surging.

"I see. If I'm not that person, you're going to find her, right?"

Gong Liuyu seems to be this just to react to come over, that pair of slender peach blossom eyes fell on her face.

He pauses slightly: "this king's feeling can't be wrong, this kind of thing can't happen!"

Cloud tilt Rao raised his head, eyes full of burning, as if can burn up the glory: "but I want you to give me a definite answer, if I am not that person, you will choose me?"

This time, Gong Liuyu gently nodded: "will!"

The word, like her heart piled up inside the stubborn wall impact of the collapse.

Yun Qingrao instantly bent his lips and laughed: "OK, I believe you, I believe Prince Yu will not let me down!"

With Gong Liuyu's reply, Yun Qingrao gently pinches the jade pendant, and the emotion that has been tangled in the bottom of the eye has quietly dissipated.

"Well, tell me this time. I'll listen to the story."

She sat on the opposite side of Gong Liuyu, making a look of listening. Her eyes fell on the corner of Gong's lips.

Thinking of the contact just now, Yun Qingrao only feels a burst of hot palm.

"Ah Yao, don't you think it's weird?"

"Weird, weird what?"

Yun Qingrao doesn't understand his meaning, but when he sees some serious faces, he still raises his mind.

"Five years ago, the king and the woman stayed in the city for a whole month!"

Yun Qingrao frowned, and suddenly there was a sour feeling in his heart.

It's like she's jealous.

Well, now that she has identified Gong Liuyu's ownership, she will certainly feel this way when he mentions other women.

She is now the imperial concubine of Gong Liuyu, but it has long been recognized by the government.Yun Qingrao did not speak, or listen to him seriously: "at that time, my king was seriously injured. If it wasn't for her, I'm afraid he would have died!"

Cloud inclines Rao to frown, "suffer what injury?"

It seems that Gong Liuyu doesn't want to talk more about this topic. Instead, he turns to the topic: "it's just some small things. You should know that when my king led the army to pacify the bandit's nest in Fengcheng five years ago!"

Yun Qingrao couldn't help nodding. She really knew about it.

"It was the emperor's decision, it has nothing to do with me!"

Gong Liuyu sneered, but nodded slightly: "ah Yao, do you know how the emperor treated this king?"

Yun Qingrao drooped her eyes and bit her teeth: "the emperor valued your ability very much!"

It is very important, but the cloud Qingrao heart is the same as the mirror.

Five years ago, the emperor was not dead, but at that time, she had some power in her hands and knew a lot of things.

It was not easy for her to get the favor of the late emperor, but also to understand the attitude of the former Emperor to Yu Qin palace.

In fact, Prince Yu died in the hands of the emperor after all, rather than simply died.

She was against Gong Liuyu, for one thing, she was afraid of Gong Liuyu's reputation, but also because of this.

You know, even if she and the emperor are not very close, but after all, it is also the blood of that person. The hatred of killing her father is inseparable. Yun Qingrao never thought that she could make peace with Gong Liuyu.

There is really only one way to go for their relationship.

"It's because I value my king's ability, so I'm going to do all the dangerous things, isn't it?"

Gong Liuyu's voice in more of a low gas, that heavy depression, let the cloud Qingrao feel a little bit slow to breathe.

She gently raised her eyebrows and eyes: "the emperor really wanted to kill you. In those days Prince Yu died in the hands of the former Emperor

She gritted her teeth and said these words, and then went to see Gong Liuyu's face.

However, she saw that Gong Liuyu was very calm and did not have the slightest look of anger, as if she did not care about the truth of the matter.

"Well, I have known this for a long time."

Sure enough, he already knew!

Yun Qingrao opened her eyes slightly, and her eyes were filled with surprise. She felt a little uneasy in her heart: "since you have known this for a long time, you should also know that I am your enemy's daughter, you should not..."

"Avenge your father?"

Suddenly, a cold smile came from the palace, and then a cold burst of cold.

After all, he is still seriously injured. Yun Qingrao only feels his heart beating with his cough.

After all, she is not used to such a weak Gong Liuyu.

That powerful figure has formed a bright shadow in her heart. For a time, such a difference made her feel that her heart was in pain for this person.

"No, I won't take revenge on him. I'd like to thank the late emperor for this."

He gently raised the corners of his lips. Even if he was weak, he could not hide the strong self-confidence of the man in front of him.

"Gong Liuyu, this That's what it is

Although a lot of things, but he did not care about her.

After all, when she was in power, Prince Yu had already died.

Gong Liuyu was stunned, and there was a faint coldness in his eyes. But when he looked up to see the cloud, the cool color was deeply hidden by him.

"It's nothing. It's just a little thing. Don't you want to know why I'm sure it's you?"

Yun Qingrao saw him suddenly change the topic and turned his head: "don't want to!"

She already knew how he recognized her, so she didn't want to hear him say it again.

"If there is a second person in the birthmark, then why do you think that person is me? And I have a clear mark. It is true that I have never been to Fengcheng City!"

She stressed again and again, just want to clear the distance between herself and the shadow.

"Ah Yao, this is what I am curious about!"

Gong Liuyu suddenly supported the chair, stood up from the seat, and then step by step went to Yun Qingrao, and put the injured hand on her shoulder.

That pair of peach blossom eyes, condescending, with a very deep look at her.

"Are you sure you have the memory of that month? Can you still remember what you did?"

As he spoke, he turned his head and wrote a date on the table with his fingertips stained with clear tea.

Seeing that day, Yun Qingrao fell into memory, and he thought about it carefully.

"During that time At that time, I It seems that I was sick because I was tired for a long time, and I was rescued after lying in bed for a long time. However, after I woke up, my memory before coma was clear. I never left the imperial city one step away! "Seeing the day that Gong Liuyu gave her, Yun Qingrao finally recalled a change that happened during that time.

At that time, she had a high fever. She lay in bed and was cared for for for a long time before she came back to life. Where did she have time to go to Fengcheng and take care of the injured Gong Liuyu.

Gong Liuyu's eyes were deep, "then you didn't doubt it. Your memory of this period of time is actually a problem?"

Yun Qingrao immediately laughed: "where there are so many coincidences, and still intermittent amnesia, I feel this is unlikely!"

She bit the corner of her lip, and then looked at him with a bit of inquiry: "you said these, can't be lying to me!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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